How can we go back?
How can we go back?
Other urls found in this thread:
Time machine
by being white again
So never
we can't
total nuclear war + 8000 years
>w-we wuz romans and sheeitt
No, you weren't.
How can we go back?
sounds like a blast
alright then, instead of worrying about us not being white, worry that you'll never be roman
Alright then, instead of worrying about never seeing an empire in your lifetime, worry that you'll never have a decent military
You don't, you go forward.
>yfw living in an age of total corruption
>yfw inequality between richest and poorest people actually higher than in rome
>yfw the american empire of debt is collapsing in front of your eyes
Why go back? We're already there again!
I think you'll have to survive the Greek and Tunisian invasions. Then you'll have to ally with Marseille, raze Tunis and subjugate Spain. For starters. Also make sure you don't lose Sicily.
Literally the first 10 emperors of rome had blonde hair and light eyes.
>not white
You're not white.
vana locuti verbum barbarum lingua, in primo , in in quisquilias vadit
who cares about being "white" you're either roman or not roman. white is a barbarian invention
Potes meos suaviari clune
oh look at you, speaking in your native language, aren't you special. English is the main language spoken on 4chin. We created a site-wide board culture of speaking the English language. Speak English or get out
ego paenitet, sed non concurrere in propria Bavariae traditiones
I care. It's a very good indicator of a lot of other qualities. Especially population-wise. Of course there is a lot of variation within the "white", but brown and black are certainly not white. And Romans were not black nor brown. In fact most of the Mediterranean kingdoms were white. For instance Carthage, Greek states and colonies etc.
Take us back p-papa Rome.
We miss you. Uncles Russia and Turkshit where mean with us.
Who /Singidunum/ here
you fell for the white meme, the term 'white' originally only designated Anglos.
English is a primitive language
I don't care for what memes I've fallen. I respect my culture, education and traditions. I love my family. All of that extends to those around me. And the further I go, the less it matters. Therefore it only makes sense for me to stand up for other whites. They are my extended family.
Approximated number of English speaking countries: 50
Approximated number of Italian speaking countries: 29
You would think such a primitive language would have very few people speaking it
Your ancestors were the greatest destroyers of civilization. it's cute that you're following in their footsteps.
>I respect my culture, education and traditions.
And Yet you rebelled Against Russia
First, it's latin you retarded barbarian. second you're proving my point that it is a primitive language even more by stating that it's very widely spoken, ie: easy to learn
You're a god damn retard. He is speaking Latin, not Italian.
Although he's a retard for calling English primitive when it is in fact far newer than Latin.
>anglo doesn't get why a simplistic language is spoken by many people
t. serbia
>He thinks that Finland is slavic or culturally related to russia
Nope, Roma destroyed herself. The "S" no longer sticked to the "PQ" of "R". As always with empires.
Genocide the Germans and let Europe heal
No shit retard
A pan European movement, the league of imperial loyalists. Just win EU elections, abolish democracy and create a federated fascist empire with its capital in Rome
and yet you rebelled against britian
Shouldn't have let the muzzies take Constantinople. Gotta take it back
Can we be roman again?
Allow me to rephrase
>calls English simplistic
>is one of three Serbian speaking countries
Belarusian Worker migrant comrade.
>American Education
Constantinople in 1452 was not something worth saving, blame 4th crusade for that
Are you retarded? you don't even know what you're arguing for anymore...
Under the roman empire, the empire was divided in two areas the non-pacificata and the pacificata, the non-pacificata part was the one under direct control of the emperor,the pacificata was under the control of the senate, why the emperor is so important then? Because the non-pacificata part was the one nearby the limes or in troublesome areas, basically the non-pacificata one was the only part that requires Legions
You ruined that in Teutoburg when you killed Varus.
>My language is so great you can write down anything someone says just by hearing it
>Perfectly phonetic
>some pleb comes boasting about how many people speak his language
It is still simplistic and inferior
destroy islam
Please do tell me what I'm arguing for.
You're quite thick aren't you
oh ok, disregard my last post completely
It is natural that if something is good, many people will adopt it. If, for instance, a superior language, like English is created, many people will begin speaking it.
That was the fault of our sea-jews.
It's up to you to tell me. I'm just saying that Europe is made of a multitude of ethnic groups, and being just white is just being anglo, you're not white, I am not white.
The roman model of imperialism required it to constantly conquer and plunder new territory and peoples in order to pay for it's overexpanded military apparatus. Remember, those were full-time soldiers, no more part-time warriors living on their farm.
They simply reached the point, where they overexpanded - just like the US today:
>if something is good, many people will adopt it
So some Islander in the middle of the ocean in the 18th century thought to himself he should learn english because it's "pretty good"?
Romans looking to get BTFO again?
No no my good man, english is widely adopted because you spread it by force
People in the balkan adopted ours because it is good
FYI the guy who restores the Roman empire won't be Italian. He'll be French with some Celtic in him.
Bongs should bow down and show respect to us Italians. We didn't get invaded by Pakis and no mayor of Rome is a Paki.
Sadiq Khan is the new British. You white British are weaklings and betas and should simply die out.
Yeah, and this explains why the western Roman Empire fall because there wasn't nothing valuable to plunder in Germania?
What could go wrong?
>implying one guy thought to himself he would create English on his own
I can understand a pizza nigger baka like you having trouble with learning our superior language, but you really need to try and rephrase
Arminius liberator haud dubie Germaniae et qui non primordia populi romani, sicut alii reges ducesque, sed florentissimum imperium lacessierit: proeliis ambiguus, bello non victus.
Do you remember that after Teutoburg the romans destroyed those tribes that attacked the legions of Varo?
Romanians are the new Romans
Germania was a symptom, it was not a cause for the downfall.
The empire reached a point, where the average civis romanus said "fuck rome, all taxes but nothing in return."
Hence the roman imperial crisis of the third century a.d., where several parts of the empire secceeded.
>deserving of respect
We kill the Anglo.
I actually don't remember such a thing. I believe Romans let them be after that. They never tried to subjugate Germany again.
Boy we're your moral and behavioral overlords.
We send sandniggers straight to Sweden and Germany and France (this is why France closed the Ita/Fra border). You make them mayors of the City.
You are betas. You are little children who have to show respect and reverence towards the pure Italians.
Or basically they didn't reform the empire like the Byzantines does? They needed a good emperor like the one in the East, that centralized the power on himself
We wait for the anglos and the germans to finally die out.
The byzantines didn't need to reform, they had greek fire
you have impecunious reading capabilities
You talk like a nigger. Throwing a tantrum and demanding respect is literally being a nigger. Non sei l'italiano vero.
Probably a terrone, don't pay too much attention
>implying 'le eternul anglo xDDD' made Khan mayor
>implying literally anyone other than sand niggers and snarky liberal businessmen live in London
1. Remove the eternal Jew
2. Without the eternal Jew to fuck with us, remove kebab
3. Train the niggers to be soldiers
4. Form a loose confederacy of European states
5. Send trained niggers to the front lines and attack the enemy.
Boom! Christian lands reacquired!
Hey Gengis, mine was not a tantrum, it's just reminding the bong who's the true Alpha in Europe. We are.
They are beta cucks who made a paki the mayor of a Roman city, London. If I were English I would have killed myself.
Honestly is right
>gets called out on nigger speak
>continues with nigger speak
>t. 30-year-old luigi in mom's basement
>"Whites are the master race"
>Italians and Greeks kickstart and create western culture
Oh small, small cuck. London is 48% Christian and 12.4% Muslim according to a 2011 census.
The Anglo Beta made Sadiq the mayor. kys
glup si ko kurac
HAHAHAH Porrest argument a person has ever presented.
You classify as English speakers Singapore,Kenya, and the Bermudas too HAHAHAHAHAH
Not only but there are way more latin-speakers than english speakers...
And I wonder who those snarky liberal businessmen I spoke of earlier voted for
While they were great, they mixed with the shitskins too much, but they're bros, so they're honorary whites.
English is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world
English speaking people dominate the world and now you are all expected to learn the language, just like what happened with Latin.
>ywn witness a primordial rebirth of the Aryo-Roman spirit and strength in the European peoples
Sorry way, way younger and perfect social life. I'm honest.
I just love to come to Sup Forums and remind the bong he's inferior and cuck.
I agree that he is retarded, but you too are also retarded as well kid
Just a reminder, that Lithuania and Poland are the original WE WUZ countries of Europe. Franks are forgotten, romans don't exist at all (because todays italians are a bunch of mixed gipsy bastards) and anglos are jewish scum. What happened? Can we reunite again?
Thanks, ottoman