Do any legitimate scientists believe this bullshit?

do any legitimate scientists believe this bullshit?

legitimate scientist here

i believe it


The only real ones seem to be the chaos goods.

And Nurgle is the nicest, comfiest most based of them all

>posting incomplete version

The only ones I believe in are Male, Female and Trans-nigger.

>posting on internet while
>thinks transistors aren't real

Scientist here

All of them can be scientifically proven. Except agender version 2. That one is bullshit.

>All of them can be scientifically proven

>I try to prove the existence of the conclusion with science

That's not how the scientific method works.

How can you shills be this pathetic

>hell boy

>Bipolar junction transistor


Professor oak has a paper on unown

>Bipolar Junction Transistor



Intergender looks so cool and sci-fiction. I want to be intergender now!

missing flux capacitor


If a transistor is bipolar how can it have a junction without short circuiting?

I just see these guys every time I see that pic.

There is scientific evidence that 'gender' is used as a synonym for 'personality'. There is also a lot of evidence that people identify as these genders and there will likely be more in time.

I can't even tell if tjos os rea; pr mpt

No idea why this wasn't on there.

>Norwegian scientists

Does legitimate scientists still exists? The western governments have fucked up science into oblivion so there is hardly any (((modern science))) that I trust.


Any scientists willing to denounce transgenders would lose all of their funding and probably shoot themselves in the back of the head.

Exactly. And the same would happen if you question climate change or evolution.