The Mist cancelled after one season

>why aren't they watching our propaganda reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I haven't watched this or even knew it existed, why is it propaganda?

watch the first twenty minutes of the first episode

>take out the monsters
>turn the mist into scarecrow's fear toxin
>wonder why people don't watch it

I added this to my netflix queue. I didn't watch it and it's not because of SJW shit, because I had no idea it was SJW shit, I just never got around to it, because it seems like a boring idea for a TV show.

Spike is very smart when it comes to catering to there audience. Let's see what do fans of Cops Reruns and MMA like hmm

Give me a quick rundown


So, mist itself got fucked, but what's the other reason. You know, THE reason it's not liked here.
What's the SJW stuff?

I just scrubbed through it but I don't know what I'm missing. Looks too shitty to spend 20 minutes on.

Just so you know, the daughter's gay friend turns out to be her rapist and the chad dies saving her life.

It's no longer Spike. They are changing it to "Paramount Television".

Can a horror show even work on television? I mean it after 4 episodes it loses its scariness you would think.

I actually don't know. I've seen people mention it, but I never worked up the energy to try the show out.

And stop watching there too I suppose

Is some network shill trying to get us to watch it by appealing to our political and social sensitivities?

How does the speech about white male priviledge and internalized racism turn out?

But why when your new show bombed? There still showing Bellator and Kickboxing and I'm sure cops is staying. Like do they think it will pull a CW for them?

Daily reminder that at the end of the season the SJW lad turns out to be a psycho who murders his dad and acts like a cunt for attention

That said, shit really sucked. Not sure why they tried this if they didn't have the budget to do anything interesting

This shit was unwatchable, the mother and daughter are so incredibly unlikable (the suspense of disbelief needed to imagine the school chad would want to be with the retarded looking daughter is at insane levels), and the father is not much better, and the gay friend who is a whiny sociopath (he was the one who raped her, right ?).

I dropped it after an episode where they spent 80% in a church babbling about god versus nature and having to make a sacrifice or some shit. The worst tv show I've seen in years.

After the father who rejects "toxic masculinity" and the "I love people not genders" line I went out to get a beer. Why the fuck would I waste my time on that garbage? I turned off as did most of the viewership.

Is The Mist the most bluepilled show there is?

Here's a list of the main characters:
>Actual cuck stepdad
>Roastie mom
>a bi-sexual SJW outcast who quotes "white privilidge"
>Daughter who got drunk and cried rape
>bluepill chad
>An actual fucking vegan spreading more propaganda
>Bad cop who represents all cops
>A black man in a position of authority who steals and kills whitey (no fucking surprise)
>A Muslim in a position of authority who wants to kill whitey (no fucking surprises there)
>White lefties who side with the fucking muzzo like they all do

Glad it got cancelled. Where did they go so wrong?

Pic related, 2 cucks.

yeah idk man haha fucking sjws lol

Almost every Stephen King adaptation fails. He’s a fucking hack.

LOL, Paramount is basically the 'badge of shit'.

Wasn't it they who decided to spend $130 million on making Monster Trucks after the president of the company based solely upon what his 3 year old kid would like, and it bombed like a motherfucker ?

>keep watching propaganda until you agree with it bro xd xd

They were morons trying to top Frank Darabont's movie.

>choke down the entire season waiting for big cool looking inter-dimensional monsters

They need to bring back MXC, or something like it. I think the guy who did Vic Romano's voice died though, so that might complicate things a bit.


I stopped reading this post halfway through because I'm pretty sure I disagree with it (making it propaganda) and so I'm not interested in finding out what it had to say

>dat deakins cinematography

It could, quite easilly, but horror requires budget.

So everybody does 'psychological horror', which 9 times out of ten just turns into scooby doo bullshit about love and feelings and sexy people being handsome and smouldering.

That's what happens when you vomit out the amount of writing that he has over the last 40+ years. Most of it will be shit, but something decent will occasionally sneak through.

That's what I don't get about this. If you don't have the budget for the monsters, then don't adapt the material.

Good for you. I did the same to your shit show and now it's gone the way of the dodo.

I actually haven't seen it, nor do I intend to watch it. It looks terrible.

How is it propaganda? I've only heard the name of the show and that's all i know about it

See It's a full house checklist of proggie faggotry.

this, you will beg the mist to start killing the characters

They're rebranding also.

This had nothing to do with King's story.

This sucks because I actually enjoyed the show, but I knew it was coming.

>Krager enjoyed the Mist
Of course you did.

The girl says it's stupid and the gay guy says it's actually fine because he can objectify the players.

I heavily identify with Adrian and his motives.

stop interacting with it and it'll go away

Way to show your a bigot by dehumanizing black people. Kill yourself, you fat neckbeard.

>it gets better when we add raging homolust to it
there's a reason this show is dead

the scene when the mum goes to get the radio with the guy and ends up killing him for no reason is hilarious how do the writers for this shit have jobs

Its a garbage show but I watched it anyways.
Can't believe that little emo gay boy got away with what he did. I was hoping for someone to torture and murder him in a brutal fashion.

That boy looks so weak, my primal instincts take over and I want to eat him. Like, just bite his face off. Remove him from existence.

>I was hoping for someone to torture and murder him in a brutal fashion.
this and not only that the dad didn't even reveal to the group that he was the rapist very frustrating to watch

It's called realism, we live in a patriarchal society where evil white men get away with much worse. If anything they made him redeemable in the end.

How do they find out it was him? I watched the first episode and couldn't bother watch the rest

nu-Krager baits too hard at times.

The sad thing is, they'll just move onto the next television IP to fill with the same SJW horseshit until it flops and gets canceled, without ever learning their lessons.

>how do the writers for this shit have jobs
They dont anymore, apparently

And I keep remembering the guy from the pscyhiatric ward who kept saying the kid was evil and wanted to torture him.
Shoulda let him do his thing.

Not him, but he's right. Calling it "bait" doesn't change that.

A rapist gay SJW and he's portrayed as a villain? How is this not /our show/?

>i turned off my trip for (You)'s
If you're that desperate just ask my man. Here you go.

>actually believing the feminist religion's dogma
It's like watching people convert to Scientology.

It got cancelled because the SJWs hated it.

It had a gay character. The gay character turned out to be murderer and a rapist. As soon as that revelation happened, all good press for it disappeared.

Don't advance the "narrative" and your show gets blackballed.

He begs the cuck dad to love him no matter what
He confesses
Cuck dad loses his shit but cant close the deal because not finale yet

overall ridiculousness
i watched the whole thing to confirm your suspicions

I did not watch the tv series because I'm still butthurt angry that they killed the boy in the movie.

Why on earth would you save this as a copy/pasta?

He stowed away on a trip heading for a top secret military base. He was fucked eventually.

He kills his own father. Then he cuts himself to reinforce his lie that his father attacked him so he killed him in self defense. The other father then tells him its okay, and that he is part of their family. He asks if he'll be part of their family no matter what, and the other father agrees. The other father then finds the same date rape drug in the gay kids cabinet. Once hes found out he admits to it. The other day tries to beat the shit out of him. The gay kid tries to kill him too. He knocks him out, runs out to the car with other survivors and tells them his father killed the other father, and they drive away.

The other father actually makes it to the mall where his wife and daughter are. He beats the shit out of the gay kid, but the kid starts a fire and escapes before he can finish him.

Because Sup Forums can't sit past the first episode to see how things conclude so almost every single thread about it is people complaining about SJW shit, then people who actually watched the show pointing out that all the SJWs turn out to be crazy psychopaths.

I watched the first season and was done afterwards. Literally giant horrors or monsters, it was almost some stupid mystical thing that just made me done.

Two kinds of SJWs. The rich ones will always push shit like this because it's designed to change minds, not make money. The poor ones will always fail from one flop to another because they don't understand the previous sentence.

the mist is like the walking dead: it's all people drama and the mist and zombies are just background. the focus of the stories in each episode are the secrets people are keeping and the major antagonists are twisted people like the doctor experimenting with people exposing them to the mist and the crazy guy killing people he thinks are evil.

Since I'm retarded I meant it had no giant horrors or monsters.

pozzed as fuck

This is the truth. Why are horror themed shows so afraid of being seen as horror? Why do they have to hide behind "It's about the people!" all the time? Just be horror.

>When the crazy woman tries to explain her new religion to the people at the mall and the sheriff suddenly realizes how stupid it sounds

i was planning to watch second season mainly because i have very few tv shows in my list of shows to watch. but i'm ok with their cancelling it mainly because adrien turns out to be a psychotic manipulative villain. the dad-adrien scenes was the main reason i watched the show. i was not planning to watch it then saw a pic of them hugging so i was eager to see that scene and more like it. i also liked the adrien-tyler scenes.

second reason i'm ok they cancelled it: they killed the sheriff's handsome son.

Horror is seen as a lesser genre along with fantasy and sci-fi. They're essentially chasing the shallow audiences that don't like those things and trying to goad them into watching their shit. Chasing the super duper prestigious drama bux.

It's essentially the same shit as people trying to elevate comic books to "graphic novel," status or SJW video game press trying to make their hobby "high art." They're status hounds with inferiority complexes who want to chase the wrong audience with the wrong medium.

This guy is the biggest cuck i've ever seen on TV. I would've liked to see a Season 2 just to see how far he would get cucked.

>Literally "My Wife's Daughter"
Top kek. He was cucked by the Police Chief as well, who was the actual Father and who escaped the mall with them at the end.

He became pretty based by the end though

>solving problems with violence instead of words


>wife is known whore
>tell daughter to stay away from sheriffs son
>whore wife tells daughter to stay away from sheriffs son, but tells her its okay to go to party where he will be
>gets raped at the party
>accuses sheriffs son
>still fucks around with sheriffs son in the middle of mass casualty event
>turns out wife fucked the sheriff and daughter is his
>not only cucked by sheriff, cucked by wife and cucked by sheriffs son who is her brother
>daughters gay friend also cucks you by fucking the daughter as well

There is a point where it should have stopped.

it's the creeping in of soapie-style writing (focusing on relationship drama and family drama) into genres like horror, sci-fi and procedural cop shows. these genres did have relationship and family drama but what separated them from soap operas is that the majority of the episode focuses on the horror or sci-fi or procedural investigation aspects while the relationship and family drama might have two or three scenes and maybe two or three lines/mentions in other scenes. but now we have horror (like walking dead, the mist, vampire diaries), sci-fi (std, supergirl, post-season 2 smallville) and cop shows (the glades, chicago justice) where most of the episodes deal with the relationship or family drama and the dialogue is now angsty and they talk in paragraphs-long monologues to say something as simple as i'm sorry.

the reason for this is that they want to capture the female audience who represents a large portion of the network tv viewing audience (expect for events like the superbowl where the male audience skyrockets - although i've read an article claiming that in recent years this is changing and the number of female viewers of superbowl is increasing). also, many advertisers prefer to advertise in shows with large female audience because they tend to buy more. the bbcnews web site has an article about the retail industry since 1900s and how the female market shaped it.

this. they want to be able to claim that their networks are not soap opera channels and that they also have other genre shows like horror and sci-fi but they also want top ratings.

true horror, fantasy and sci-fi has always been a niche market with less viewers especially compared to shows female viewers like. for example, early seasons of supernatural was up against grey's anatomy and was consistently beaten up by grey's in the ratings. i expected supernatural to be cancelled because the i thought the wb/cw execs were like the fox execs who would immediately cancel a show that can't out-ratings the other shows. fortunately, the wb/cw execs were (and still are) more respectful of the fans of the shows they air.

Judging by the posts, the tv show on a scale of 1-The Mist (2007) is somewhere between 2-3. Glad I didn't waste time on this shit.

>they show graphic hetero sex with thrusting and moaning shown
>but they only show gay kiss no gay sex

other shows like game of thrones (girl rape and girl buttfucking shows but only tame gay kiss) also do this. fucking fuck them all.

Well the ending got more interesting.
>Military feeding the mist trains full of people
>amnesia guy and soldier boy go to arrowhead with fuck boy in their trunk

>mad gay

Faggot detected

Thank you my man. Just saved me some SSD space. I loved the original movie because I love fucked up endings and was waiting to give this a shot but sounds like they fucked it up from go. Fucking jews and their jew budgets.

Imagine being such a cuck, as a whale, that everything in your biology and/or genetics is telling you to swim next to, and caress, this alpha wale, as they're fucking some bitch wale, to fulfill their destiny as a foreveralone. How pathetic do you have to be as a wale, to have it ingrained in your genetic makeup, that you will never amount to anything better than to be someone's bitch pool toy to lie on as they're fucking the wale you wish you were doing, but can't, because it's in their biology to not do so. What's your excuse Sup Forums?

Good for you, passive agressive user.

This sounds like Under The Dome 2.0 .

Someone at least got a webm of the four horseman scene?

well, Ash vs Evil Dead is up to its 3rd season, but it is on Starz

No release date yet though. What gives there? No teasers or trailers either.

The ending of the second season enraged me so much I'm not sure if I can stomach season three.

>he thinks king had anything to do with this directly

King's publisher sold the rights to his story. King gets a cut but it's not like he's out there directing, casting, and producing it.