Risk thread
Made a new map, please give suggestions for how to improve it.
To start, name your:
>Starting location
Starts when 5 people join.
Risk thread
Palis= 10
straights= 15
are you going to join?
why are games allowed in Sup Forums? don't you just "roll" to play this game? is there any discussion of anything?
seriously. I get banned regularly, and frequently participate in interesting threads that get pruned, but this sort of Sup Forums tier shit is allowed?
there's strategy, but it also puts people of different countries against each other, but there is luck.
Repoblek Kerneu
>Hue Hue Invasion
>Irish Empire
>Hot sexy pink
IS OP still here?
Operation Sea Lion
>Kingdom of Strathclyde
the game starts. I don't think most of them are here.
>south wales
Occupy the rest of south west engaland
I mean blue
already a green
Do you want to merge into one, Aussie?
Strathclyde > Edinburgh then Cumberland
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Team Blue now.
Hello, Prussia
funny im the germans now
Where's OP
Jerking it
>jerking it
Sick bantz.
By the way, I proffered you the question before, but do you want to merge into one so we don't have to fight each other?
that is highly probably
looks ugly as fuck
>playing on an england map
I thought u fags hated Angland.
ok, we will be the :^)-Sheepshagger coalition
more ironic, im argie
but the chileans dont, if anything, the british would of lost the falklands if it wasnt for the chileans
So smileyface sheepshagger coalition, very nice.
mupdate sorry for delay
do u have fat argie dick?
Account for new merger pls
Also add my roll to my compatriot's.
Occupy the rest of greater southampton
Spread into Wales
And don't jack off on us ever again or we'll have to suck all of the cum out of u OP
Strathclyde > Fill Lowlands; spares into Cumberland
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Mapdate 3
Spread into Wales again
#Occupy London
Strathclyde > Lowlands; spares into Belfast then Cumbria
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Can I join?
Colour is Teal, start me off north of Aberdeen.
Indicate your name as Purple b/c that's really the only way we can identify this coalition.
As we spread out of Wales to England we need to go our separate ways, so you go South, I'll go go North.
Spread into Wales, same as my buddy.
Spread down south
# occupy the city of london
Fill wales
then spill for Birmingham
Then again, Ireland is left fairly untouched, so how about you focus on the England theatre and I'll get Ireland for us.
Strathclyde > Lowlands; spares into surrounding Belfast and taking east Ulster then heading north in Alba
Sure, Brother
Ymladd ddewr!
Don't go into Strathclyde's territory yet expand down to the border between North and South Scotland.
Spare territories expand west from Aberdeen.
Strathclyde > Grampian
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Take the rest of the Birmingham territory
Take over SE london, Spills towards filling greater london
Attack Ireland to the west, try to get Dublin
Dyn du
I will not agree to an alliance, however, we've built trade ships in Edinburgh and will send them down south around Dover to Southhampton. I hope this might lead to prosperity for both our realms.
>King Ash of Alt Clut
General Von Rundsted is happy with your response
Grampian into Strathclyde
Strathclyde > Aberdeen and Grampian; spares into Alba
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Occupy the rest of Southampton, spils towards london
>mfw he gets 10
Oh fuck you.
fill birminham territory
Fuck Scots, Fuck Picts. Alba belongs to the britons
>King Ash of Alt Clut
Spread into Ireland some more.
We're +8 now, laddy.
Roflmao, we're getting so powerful.
baw yn y farchnad
>Fuck Scots
>Is playing as a Scottish kingdom
nice mate
People actually believe this in the Current Year?
I mean +6
Shiiiiet I suck at math
I know you're baiting me, but google Kingdom of Strathclyde
Are west lowlanders any less Scottish than the Anglo east lowlanders, gaelic highlanders, or the pictish northeast lowlanders?
pranked me
You can say Scotland is a melting pot of Celtic, Norse and Anglo heritage for a start.
Spread into the Dublin province some more but spill into the Galway province
fill Birmingham territory
spills go to blue comrade
Occupy the rest of London
Strathclyde > Ulster; spares into Newcastle then Alba
with focus on the cities
>pranked me
Unfortunately as an American, I am incapable of bantz... Except when I'm drunk.