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t .achmed
Please leave my country you tosspot
>Englishman lecturing us on American politics
Yea no, sorry dad
>muh tripled stockmarkets
Please KYS.
I wish we could have some way to discern whether such spoon-fearing mongrels like you live in Scotland or London. It would make castrating your already withered ballsack easier
Except Obama didn't fix anything, republicans had control of the house and fixed most of that shit for him whilst he was playing golf.
>14 Million jobs
Part time jobs
>Tripled the stock market
Proof yet again he helps big banks more than the common man
>Rescued the auto industry
And all the factories still were moved to mexico
>Cheap gas prices
because OPEC countries flooded the market with oil they can produce much cheaper than North America
>Recovered the housing market
Tell that to everyone who has their house foreclosed on
>Stimulus helped
Big bankers stay rich and out of jail
>Obamacare helped
Insurance companies gain a monopoly in state markets causing the price of healthcare to skyrocket
Yea thanks Obama
How was saving the auto industry a good thing? Fuck them they are one of the biggest jews.
> Lobby to build cities based around cars not based on ergonomics
> Rip up railroad tracks to force people buy cars for travel
> Keep funding against public transportation
A Hillary-type of immunity against prosecution.
Why is your food so shit?
Fuck off Shill.
>amerifats call these sugar filled atrocities "biscuits"
Haha you should post a pic of mcdonalds...hardees is expensive because its real food. Also pretty good if I say so myself.
>id rather have "shit food" than sharia police mohammad.
I don't want 14 million more government jobs. USPS is a fucking joke.
>brit calling other food shit
that's a compliment i suppose
Yeah the difference is bush worked 90% of the time at his crawford ranch. Frequently had meetings and did business at home, he never really was on vacation.
Dude was FIT too. Made the libs super mad, they literally said on the news they where hoping he would die in office of poor health. Bush would outrun the secret service members, the younger men would even have a hard time keeping pace.
Based French allies. Why can't we be friends again, Jean?
So is the new CTR tactic to just dump a bunch of images taken from occupydemocrats? Because that's pretty lazy.
it's partially leftypol trying to raid.
Unfortunately Satan is running for president with the (D)
OP hates retards, jews and blacks too
you have to if your with her