What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Saul was a side character, he cant carry a show by himself
>an old ladies fee fees are more important than a million dollars
>killed off best character
nothing so far. it's a comfy show to watch.
this. looking forward to season 4.
too much filler talk not enough plot
>killed off
>literally adding more familiar characters by the season
Shit spin off of a shit show to begin with
nothing happens until the last 2 eps in every season
Filler: The series
that whole OMG WILL HECTOR GET HIS REAL PILL OR A PLACEBO thing was weak af
in BB Walt actually poisoned people and they didn't spend three episodes playing it out
I'm just glad Bob Odenkirk is still alive and doing something.
>three seasons of mike, nacho, hector, gus and cartel just to get the season-ending cliffhanger of hector caughing
it's pure comfykino
it fails because while BB was slow too, it did build up to something
when Hank was in danger when the Twins attacked, you cared because they had built his character over 3 seasons already
BCS is just... there, moving slowly around
btw the dialogue is horrible in BCS whenever a woman writes the episode
no joke
Should have been about Mike and Gus building their empire with Saul side stories
It's not a bad show by any means though
Yeah, but in BB, Hector is still alive. And Nacho has less experience and self-confidence as Frigg.
The dialogues are always good. Beside writing is always a team work. You can never nail one dialogue to a writer or an other.
They forgot to tell a story.
Good show but slow.
certain eps are a little slow, other than that its mighty ok
I love it. Perhaps the best show on air right now.
i stopped watching when i saw that video odenkirk made begging the electorates to switch their vote from the president to hilldog. i normally don't let politics affect what i watch, but this was something else. they were talking about uniting by trying to push one of the most divisive things you could possibly do and potentially spark a civil war. the guy is a scumbag. i hope he gets ran over by a car
It's probably because all my friends are drug addict idiots who are dropping like flies, but every day I wake up and think 'Shit, someone I really like might be dead today. Even a celebrity. Who knows?'
Getting hit by a car walking down the street can just happen in a second. Someone can decide that they're through with life and go shoot up a restaurant. It's a gamble every single day.
Your taste
The electoral college IS made to vote that way. And asking to follow the popular vote is not too much of a request.
the usa isn't a democracy and there was no basis for the electorate to switch you stupid fucking nigger
Yes, it is a democracy. Representative democracy is still a democracy. And losing the popular vote IS ground enough to consider changing vote.
You have a system that allow the electoral college to not follow the vote, so of course it's something that will be considered.
>watching show at night
>doze off for a while
>wake up, scene of nacho and other spic driving a van while some guy in the back is making inhuman noises and being kidnapped
>Is it Chuck? Damn this show got dark
I got scared and dropped it right there. I don't need this lovecraftian shit bros
I believe it'll be like season 3/4 of breaking bad, a shit load of gus/los pollos/cartel scenes we've already been through.
When does Sneed take over