In SovietRussia

Watch this video. It's new fresh shock video that got people mad.

Burger King employe (or whatever he called) that SHOULD WIPE THE FLOOR beats children and ordering them do his job instead.

1) Could this happen in USA?
2) What could happen to this guy in USA if person with this video would go to police?
Btw ~80% of comments cheering for that guy that beats kids. They saying he does a good job.

Other urls found in this thread:

did these kids insult him for the job he has so he is forcing them to do it to feel ashamed?

Well, what did the kid do? Did he throw his drink on the floor on purpose or something? If so, the employee was justified. Little shit needs to learn to take responsibility for his actions.
In any other case he's not justified. He's a kid, you're an adult (not to mention a fucking loser). Act the part.

Not enough information in the video. We see nothing of the buildup which causes the employee to hit him.

>Well, what did the kid do? Did he throw his drink on the floor on purpose or something?
nope - look at the floor. It's very clean.

Also the other kid was forced to work just because he "laughed" (at the start of the video some kids laughing).
> Little shit needs to learn to take responsibility for his actions.
Even if kids did something like throwing stuff at him he should not beat just random kids.
that's fucking retarded.
>We see nothing of the buildup which causes the employee to hit him.
Still it's a very agressive Burger King employee that hits kid in face.

What would you do if you was a father of a kid. And found that some retarded burger king employe beat the shit out your child?

I love how you think

>Even if kids did something like throwing stuff at him he should not beat just random kids
You are retarded. That's how we will end up with generation of swines who don't have to behave.

Another no context video that doesn't show why for those of us who don't speak in runes. Guy was probably justified and the kid was probably being a little shit

Still nobody answered questions.

Is such stuff LEGAL in USA? Could he do this shit in USA without going to jail to suck latin cocks?

I don't care if it's "kids fault" (are you retarded? it's a fucking kid and he is an adult) - im more interested in "law" part of that.

>You are retarded. That's how we will end up with generation of swines who don't have to behave

>beating kids makes them smart :D
>being this autistic
yeah, Vasya
i see your dad was beating the shit out of you for real

In every western country the adult would be sued for hitting the kid. Only exception is self defence.


This clickbait spam is getting out of hand lads

What I want to know is why the fuck is there a burger king in Russia, I thought mcdonals had a monopoly down there

Employee doing em a favor desu, BK is a shit burger place, theyll learn not to come back

If it was my kid is go down there and kick the pimples off his face and then cram an unlubricated mop handle up his arsehole in the toilet

Beating children that arent your own would get him in a great deal of trouble so no.

i think if a burger king employee hits a kid here, not only will he get fired but he will go to jail AND kid's parents will sue the establishment and the place would close down

>le kids cant do nuthing wrong cuz they are innocent little angels ;(
Fuck off

>i see your dad was beating the shit out of you for real
How come you dad didn't beat beat you but you are still retarded? That's a mystery.

Considering the little faggot apologizes they were likely acting like shits before. OP is a faggot.

Who gives a fuck if it's legal in USA? It's legal to suck each others dicks in public there.

>Who gives a fuck if it's legal in USA?
> It's legal to suck each others dicks in public there
>pidorashka becoming mad

Omg, you sure trolled me hard libertard. :(
Go suck a dick as a reward.

>i think if a burger king employee hits a kid here, not only will he get fired but he will go to jail AND kid's parents will sue the establishment and the place would close down
Holy FUCK this is awesome.

A fucking looser that is pathetic enough to work in a shithole of a Burger King shouldn't even think about talking to clients if he wasnt given an order to.
Let alone touch them.

I would break his bones if it was my child.

Manlets never learn, do they?

Just looking at it, i can tell the kids made the mess themselves and this employee is making them take responsibility.

>Go suck a dick as a reward.
>suck each others dicks in public there.
I see you are not a latent faggot with dick issues at all.
I see your dad wasn't just beating you, my little pidorahen.

IS that shooped? Did that slimey freak actually mime giving away shrapnel to beggars?

>i can tell the kids made the mess themselves

Are you retarded? If someone makes a mess - its your JOB to swipe the floor.
you probably ate too much hamburger today Timmy

Greentexting pidorashka, nothing to see here

He was beating him with his dick.

i bet your mcdonald's employees are paid at least 15 rubles per hour

fuck capitalism

>If it was my kid is go down there and kick the pimples off his face and then cram an unlubricated mop handle up his arsehole in the toilet
muh nigga

go watch deti protiv volhebnikov and vzdrochni faggot

Go suck Ahmed's cock, my liberal faglord

Nah you are retarded kid, this guy did great.

Beat a little rug rat shit who made the floor sticky and beat his parents too.

Glad this guy got away with it.

Retarded kids, and retarded Op.

Not all Russians are bears, some are little pussies like OP.

I bet the kids were 'having fun' spilling drinks on the floor just to watch this guy clean it

I don't see any other logical reason

>1) Could this happen in USA?
Yes, it still happens. In overly bat-shit crazy left cities they will threaten to sue. Companies just apologize and let go of the employee but nothing happens.

But overall if the kids are acting out and making a mess they will ask them to clean it up or politely ask them to leave.

>2) What could happen to this guy in USA if person with this video would go to police?
Nothing, in a medium to small city. In a large city, most liberal live there, would threaten to sue and the company will just try avoid issue by letting the employee go.

In all honestly, i think its in your head.

you seem upset

>He made the king clean the floor

how disrespectfil fire him

ITT: 2ch is leaking again

jesus christ russians are vulgar

I mean it doesn't offend me or anything, but you guys don't even sound eloquent or sophisticated in the least bit

>go suck ahmed's dick
>cyka blyat cyka blyat cyka blyat cyka blyat cyka blyat

>Yes, it still happens.
wow USA is as shit as russia.
only we dont have kids constantly being shot in schools

are you that faggot leftist who went outside of Putin's office and bragged about burning the Russian flag, even though the Russian flag was just a little 2x3 inch souvenir?

Sucks when you see children get to the point where strangers have to discipline them.
Also kek at the crown, nice touch.

>Could this happen in USA?
There are places where it could happen. And the guy who did it might not get sued/fired/jailed.

I'm quite amused by your cries in this thread. Keep going.

>are you that faggot leftist who went outside
I think it was some ugly hohol burning Russian flag outside the Red Square because he had no balls

>And the guy who did it might not get sued/fired/jailed.
There is still hope for the West

Soon, in November, I'm going to celebrate a friend's birthday at Burger King)))

>He made the king clean the floor
>how disrespectfil fire him
more like
>faggot is not doing his job but making other people do it for him
yeah i would love to see how he will beat the shit out of you and force you to clean for him
>leaf flag
oh wait

Did the one liberal residing in Russia decide to make a thread here or something?

OP, you're a fucking faggot and the kid clearly did something to deserve it which wasn't recorded or was intentionally left out by whoever was filming.

As one poster above said; you let these little shits get away with something, that's how you end up with a generation like millennials.

Based af


>only we dont have kids constantly being shot in schools
It's all in your head. That shit rarely happens.
We've been making fun of the leftist/liberals for several decades now.

"Welcome to America where everything is supposed to be alright."

Liberals run wild in the Media, Schools, Universities but generally speaking they are very weak and incompetent.

>have degrading job cooking fast food for ungrateful slobs
>take pride in it anyway, don't grumble when you're assigned to cleaning duty
>some little faggot tries to impress his friends by making fun of you for your shitty job
>bitch slap him and make him do it to teach him some respect
>friends don't think you're cool now do they faggot?

I don't see a problem. The "BUT DEYRE A KID" thing is stupid and gives kids a free pass to act like little shits. This type of thing happened often in better times, you were expected to keep people in line, not be some lowly servant that keeps your head down while kids throw french fries at you.

No wonder the jews won in open rebellion against Russia if Russians are actually this stupid. "12 posts by this author"

>kids run from school and go to mac
>spill drinks all over the floor playing putin and ISIS
>employee get angry and fuck them up

>We've been making fun of the leftist/liberals for several decades now.
well not anymore
Prepare your anus
Hillary's dildo will fit it im pretty sure

dunno what to think of this video but
1) this could certainly happen in the US albeit probably little chance of this happening
2)This guy would probably go to jail and his life would be over as this video would circulate on American social media like wildfire

Yes that is him, OP is a cuck.

That is why he is mad about some shitty viral video, this employee didn't act cuck enough for him and clean up after the kids shit drink sugar on the floor.

Because OP is a little limp wristed leftist cuck, who thinks everyone should act like a cuck. He is mad.

Now if the video, was about this employee cleaning the shit off the floor and avoiding eye contact with the kids. And acting like a cuckoo then OP would have been happy.

Because that is what OP would have done, he would have cleaned up the kids mess, avoiding eye contact keeping his head down, and passive aggressively angry about the mess the kids made.


Thanks doc

I needed my daily sode of BASED

>dunno what to think of this video but
i think that employee is a fucking moron and he shouldnt beat someone's kids.
let alone being so retarded to have a job and Burger King and act like he's not a subhuman trash

yeah i agree with you. i don't know what everyone else's problem is in this thread but this dude looks like a retard. straight up. and im not some leftist loser. just a rational human. i've never been rocked in the face but i can guess it messes you up for life mentally probably

this is mild, you're retarded. the kids were probably acting like faggots and he set them straight.

bet they'll think twice next time they talk shit to someone serving them

It's real

i feel pretty neutral about this. obviously the kids were being brats. i think the slaps were unnecessary.

>"извинитe пoжaлyйcтa тaк бoльшe нe бyдy"
>"sorry wouldn't do that again" (or something)
>also the way kid talks
Fuck that shit, you liberal pidorashka. It's kids fault, it isn't bullying or anything illegal. The guy is teaching rich brats a lesson. Fuck off back to the shithole filled with that same kids called, пидop.

Kid should've knocked him out by surprise

you dont disrespect the king nigger

>i don't know what everyone else's problem is in this thread but this dude looks like a retard
this thread/youtube comment section are full of angry loosers.
They would love to see random people getting beaten/killed or went through some other bad stuff.

Especially if its done by a person equal their life-position (a shitty Burger King employee in this situation).
This makes them feel good and less miserable.

While any logical/non autistic person would definitely see this situation as bad.

>Armenia flag
HAHAHAHAHA how its going on, Armyashka? :D

>it's legal to suck each other's Dicks there

No, that's illegal....and it's called indecent exposure. You go to jail and get a fine

Pretty bad...
Really bad to be honest...

>No, that's illegal....and it's called indecent exposure. You go to jail and get a fine
let Pidorashka think that america full of faggots unlike Russia


That's actually the most based thing he's ever done

what the fuck those niggers doing?
>kids in russia would eat that food

>Be a little spoiled brat
>Skip school
>Go to Burger King to spill drinks and piss off the employees
>Get beaten up and forced to clean up the mess you made
>Think twice before doing stupid shit next time
I really hope this employee gets a raise for being absolutely fucking based.

I'm sure it is.

if some little shit threw a soda on the floor to fuck with me id do the same thing good for him (im guessing thats what that was about) i had a drunk guy and a meth junkie try to fk with me when i had a job at a place like that i pulled a knife on one, and thew the money in the parking lot at the other one. fking hood ass location. another time a guy started to argue with me and i cussed him up and down and on his way out he said he was gonna go get a gun so i took down his lices plate and called the cops and they arrested him on a fellony . lol dush, i quit that job b/c i was tired of meth junkies trying to cause problems every day then after i quit they got robbed at gun point...i wonder if it was that one guy?

thanks for not giving the right context to the video you bleeding heart fag.

is this political?


its folsom street you fag. It's not public street and its being covered from cars and random people

Im gonna visit it during this autumn in Berlin.
while you will keep sucking Putin's dick

Well, at least you admit that you're a faggot.

The kid clearly said "I'm sorry, I'm not going to do this again". The employee did nothing wrong.

Those kids probably trashed the place, spilling soda everywhere. This brave men was doing the kids a favour by teaching them manners and responsibility. A lesson that no doubt their parents would fail to supply.

still better than your whole nishiy family tho
how to live with this in 2016 pidorahen? :3

>some are little pussies like OP.

>Those kids probably trashed the place, spilling soda everywhere
and its that faggot's job to clean it when food being spilled

whats your problem Nigel?

indeed. a lesson that obviously OP's parents failed to supply as well given how he thinks he's got a right to trash a fast food joint just because he is a special snowflake

kak je bombit )0)000

Fucking retard. Did you get beaten by bullies as a kid or what?

>and its that faggot's job
It's your job then

Its your job to suck my dick or you cant pay for rent and vodka

Get down on your knees and suck me faggot

>tries to act tough so people will forget about him being raped by turks in non stop

Woooow, Captain Sweden, that's not really tolerant of you.

Dat nigers

lol had a customer in line behind another crack head that was thretning me over some bs ,follow the crack head outside and punched the dude hard and knocked him down , crack head came back in saying did you see that i was like see what ... i gave the guy that punched him like 30busk worth of food,. he said he used to work at a gas station and guys like him would come in and steal and complain about how bad they got it and he always had to put up with it . he was a regular after that and i always gave him free shit. random hillbilly to the rescue, he was kinda hot too lol i think his name was kevin it was like 7 years ago?

>in america comicbook character wrecks havoc in public place and it looks like a cartoon episode
Still a lot more fun than this beating kids-shit

On the other hand if the little shit made the mess on purpose it might be a valuable life lesson.

Otherwise, the guy isn't doing his fucking job and is a real piece of shit.

Armenian guy here, the western version, not the ones bastardized by soviet influence. This is typical of russians, bully mentality, act like niggers, the armenians from soviet union act the same exact way, they learned it from you guys.

just saying.

yes that's considered assault here, he would lose his job AND go to jail.