100 g of Mayonnaise is 679,7 kcal.
How the fuck is this shit legal?
I just ate 500g of steamed young potatoes. That's 300 kcal. Should government force producers to warn about caloric content of sold foods?
100 g of Mayonnaise is 679,7 kcal
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You are a Slav (presumably). And Slavs don't question mayonnaise.
Who the fuck eats that much mayonnaise
>Should government force producers to warn about caloric content of sold foods
t-they do
Mayonnaise is not unhealthy, it's eggs + oil.
It's funny but fat doesn't make you fat, it's carbs and sugars
Have you ever tried eating bread with mayo instead of butter? It's good.
>t-they do
The information is so small. They should put a larger warning just like they do with cigarette packs.
They have a mandatory labeling in the US.
Is there no such listing on the back of the packaging in Poland?
It's the peoples responsibility, if they want to be retarded let them be.
If they abuse their body companies should have the right to make them pay more it's that simple.
>The information is so small.
Get glasses
They tell you how much calories it has in really small print.
>It's the peoples responsibility, if they want to be retarded let them be.
It would be ok if we trained our kids on how to compose a healthy died. They never taught me that in school.
>the only thing Americans encounter in the metric system is their food nutritional information
Maybe that's why we're so fat.
Then fix the goddamn Polish public education system. We were told many times in school how to eat healthily.
>Should government force
No, you fucking commie
Most people don't have a clue about calories.
Well then Poland needs to stop sucking because we do. And again parents and the fact that if you're older you are expected to learn things outside of the schoolsystem as well.
Fat is carbs and sugar. It's the fact that motherfuckers just dip chocolate bars in it and eat the shit like Muslims eat underage pussy.
>Then fix the goddamn Polish public education system.
We are trying but there are millions of parents who doesn't know. The companies should warn them that their shit is calorie dense.
>The companies should warn them that their shit is calorie dense.
But it does, right on the package. You'd have to be retarded to not understand that some foods contain more calories.
You can covert fat to sugar.
Human body is a miracle.
Calories make you fat, you double-nigger. 650 kcal /100g is almost as bad as eating butter.
are you retarded , fat is fat dumbass
I want them to remind me in a VISIBLE way.
This will certainly help me and others choose wisely when we go hungry into the store.
You don't have this on food?
Yes. Extra calories from anything make you fat. kys niggers
Are Poles subhuman or something? Why can't you people just think for yourselves a little?
>fat is fat dumbass
Wow, the fuck you think produces fat in the human body? You don't go fucking say fat is made out of fat, it's structure is made out of something. Holy fuck.
Yeah I was thinking the same.
679,7 isn't a number you retarded yuropoor
>hurr american education everyone!
excellent argument you weeb faggot
Euros use a comma where we use a full stop for numbers
Mate, sorry to correct you, BUT. It's all calories.
The calories stated on product labels take into account the way your body handles the specific food. It it says "shit X" has 500 kcal in 100 g, your body will take 500 kcal worth of energy from every 100 g of the food you eat. There's no going around this. Now take into account that fats are the most calory dense food.
I don't understand why would you even say something like "fat doesn't make you fat, it's carbs and sugars" knowing any basics about nutrition.
But a tablespoon of light mayo is 50 calories, more than enough to put on a sandwich.
Do you know how much 100g of Mayo actually is?
Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, mainly. Three fatty acid chains and a glycerol part.
Because I know fat people who can't control themselves if you don't remind them.
>White people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen, listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos...
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters
Pretty much subhumans then, if they can't even keep themselves from buying the fattening food.
>EUROS use a comma where WE use a full stop for numbers
Funny, innit m8?
>average serving size of Mayo is 1 Tbsp (13.8g)
>fucking OP regularly eats 8 fucking Tbsps of mayo at a time
Jesus fucking christ that's disgusting.
Why they are calculating percents for a female body and not for a man?
Because it's lower for women.
That's your responsibility faggot.
>light mayo
What is this?
Aspartame and white paint?
i used mayo instead of butter
where my american citizenship at?
why the fuck do lo-carb or ketogenic diets work then, smartass ? theyre essentially a no-sugar, shitton-of-fat types of diet, yet theyre extremely effective. people on keto generally eat very calorically dense food, yet they still loose weight, even when doing little to no physical activity (personal experience). fat does not make you fat, sugar and carbs do. vole.
Never said I respect fat people. They still need to be saved. Their medical bills cost us all. We have national healthcare system in here.
>mfw most people dont know this
People should eat every dish in moderation (even pork fat, yes). Just because something comes in a pack of 100g doesn't mean you should eat the whole thing, even if you could :)
mayonnaise is a topping meant to be spread thinly, you are not meant to consume half the bottle at once
>fat does not make you fat, sugars and carbs do
All THREE can make you fat. CICO, my friend.
> 2016
> counting calories
Fun fact
> mayonnaise was invented as a steak sauce.
Because those diets work if you still eat below maintenance. You could lose weight eating 500 kCal under maintenance of chocolate and gain weight eating 1k over maintenance of fucking carrots. It'd just be a tiny amount of chocolate and loads of carrots.
Bread with mayo.
Where I come from the energy content is advertised on the pack.
I'm sorry you had to see this shameful display that is the OP. Normal people count their calories in Poland too.
Fat and calories are not inherently unhealthy. Carbs and sugar are what kills you
Sugar (not sugars) damages your liver and gives you diabeeetus, along with other metabolic problems.
fat curbs your appetite while processed sugars and carbs make you more hungry.
Also I don't know about other people but artificial sweeteners cause me to get really hungry soon after eating them, drinking diet soda makes me end up consuming more calories than plain soda because of the subsequent hunger.
But it's better to just drink water most of the time and only have a (non diet) soda on certain occasions when you really want to drink one.
Are you retarded? Eating 3000 calories of lard will be worse than 2000 of carbs.
The lack of knowledge ITT is fucking stunning.
>artificial sweeteners
Depends on what you use.
Only Stevia doesn't cause cancer and Sorbitol will make you shit yourself in larger doses.
I believe Burgers SHART all the time because of the artificial sweeteners.
keto works because most of the weight lost is glycogen. on keto you can lose up to a pound a day but not even a quarter of that is fat.
I don't know about your [probably] superior measurements there, but in the US all foods have caloric information on the back of the container. Including calories, nutritional info, ingredients, along with serving size. So with something like Mayo, you should only be using like 2 tbs for a sandwhich, which is plenty, and that's probably around 80cal. I prefer light salad dressing, I like the tangy taste, and it's like at 30cal per serving.
Though yes it wouldn't hurt if they were even more upfront with how many calories things have. Some companies have started putting them on the front, but perhaps all items should. Imagine how many people would not order, or reconsider getting something from McDs if they knew just how fucking much calories those things have. And I also think some serving suggestions are a complete joke, and need to be changed to better reflect how much a normal person is going to eat [companies will often lower the serving suggestion, so the calories appear to be lower, salad dressing is a big culprit of this, most people probably use 4x as much as a normal serving is].
why? there's no such thing as "healthy" foods. Food isn't "healthy".
We have the cals advertised in McDonalds.
You can only discover that after you bought the bun. They put the dietary info on the back of that piece of paper that they put on trays.
>Should government force producers to warn about caloric content of sold foods?
They already do you stupid faggot.
If you choose to eat an entire jar of mayonnaise despite it CLEARLY SAYING that it has 700kcal/100g in it, it's your fault.
Potatoes prevent intestine cancer.
Just use this with excessive cal input.
Apple cider vinegar is great for salads :)
>Only Stevia doesn't cause cancer
If "comes from plants" is the Polish scientist's indicator for "causes cancer or not" then xylit and mannit are ok, too.
Ours is on the menu boards
Vinegar destroys your red blood cells and damages your bones. Enjoy your leukemia.
What's wrong with xylitol though?
I saw articles on pubmed. They say that only Stevia doesn't seem to cause cancer.
>100 g of Mayonnaise is 679,7 kcal.
680 calories, not 680,000 you ignorant Polish swine.
If it were 680 kCal per 100 grams, a single fifteen oz jar of mayo could feed a family of three for a year.
>pro tip its not about calories its about carbs.
>eating the carbohydrate jew
100g / 468,9 kcal
It's the best food for long walks in the mountains. It doesn't spoil (unlike mayo).
You're retarded m8, a human needs 2000-2500kcal a day. People misname them.
technically, yes. but by the time you actually eat enough fat to cover your body's energetic needs (whilst eating no carbs at all), you will feel sick already. you cant just stuff yourself up with unlimited amount of fats, or just about any resource while were at it. people on keto generally eat much less than their body actually needs (while having little to no restrictions concerning amount of food eaten), thus its being forced to burn stored fat to make up for the deficit caused by the diet. you do get extreme sugar and carb craves though. also you can get temporarily sick.
>tldr, all three can make you fat, but only if you eat all of them at the same time. its actually damn near impossible to get fat if you avoid carbs.
Gross Calories and calories per serving are on the packaging. It's not my fault if fatty won't read for 10 seconds before eating a 55 gallon drum of thousand island dressing
I don't think so. My friend works at the Health Institute. Do your research better.
Thats convienient as it has by far the biggest profit margin. Really makes you think.
>its actually damn near impossible to get fat if you avoid carbs.
Yeah I'm sure someone eating 4k of butter will be fine
I eat less than 1500 kcal a day and I can't lose weight.
Burgers mistakenly call kcal "calorie" as if their ways of measuring stuff wasn't fucked up enough already.
eat less than 1000 kcal, not even joking.. I have the same shit, started loosing some weight only when I limited my self under 1000 kcal per day
What kind of midget are you?
Nobody forces anyone to eat fucking mayo.
I buy the low fat shit and use it in small amounts.
We all make choices, some of those choices will make you a fat fuck.
HOLY SHIT :'))))))))
Look him in the eyes and ask him if excessive vinegar use can cause anemia.
diet is a diet, that why people are on diet, generally people eat to much carbs/sugars anyway, and pretty much every vegetable will have carbs in them (potato have around 20g of carbs in 100g). If you bother to read item contents, you would notice that all supposedly healthy foods have mass amount of carbs/sugars in them. The general public is being fooled like crazy, you wont see this shit anywhere on TV or other mainstream places
I ate 200g of chocolate yesterday, worth 1100kcal.
No regrats.
I remember when Stevia was cheap as fuck. The price went way up after they failed to prove that it causes cancer.
Ofc m8, excessive everything is bad :) I just mentioned the benefits of moderated use, should have been more clear :)
Mayo is disgusting as it is, 100g of it at once is mind-boggling in its foulness
5 fucking medium wieners is 900 kcal.
5 small ones is 650 kcal.
Life is suffering.
Most of your weight is water, you won't lose that from eating less energy.
Better measure your waist circumference or skin fold THICCness.