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>No Winter-chan thread
Come on guys it's already September. Better start early this year.
>Search Sup Forums
>No Winter-chan thread
Come on guys it's already September. Better start early this year.
Other urls found in this thread:
Last winter was disappointing
Agree, let's hope this winter would turn out better
>fapping to some weaboo shit and hoping it saves Europe
That worked so lovely in 2015, right. Pay your respect to grandfather frost or get the fuck out! You're brony scum tier.
We fucked the timing last year and only powered up El Nino
This year if we start a little later (not now, like October) we could maybe get it right
ah, You've got it all wrong
It's not about doing some weaboo shit, it's about actually subconsciously empowering something with a greater purpose. It's a creative act that takes weeks or months and a combined effort of many individuals.
That's right
like you mongos know anything about winter, i was born in it (january 17th), molded by it. i didnt see the sun until i was already a man, and by that time it did nothing but snowblind me.
I know more about winter than you ever will, I was born under the sign of Kek (January 22 1988), and so am blesses by His power
>m-muh fimblevetter
Kek posting is more productive
It's an Indian summer, this summer was the hottest in recorded history so it's going to be a very weak autumn and winter. Last year, in the second snowiest place in the USA, there was no snow until December (it usually starts in October).
Your forced plagiarized meme does not work
>Kek posting is more productive
It might be, but I have chosen our Ice Queen over the Frog regardless.
Its still 90ºF here m8
This board is a Kek board, heretic. Take your heathen idols elsewhere.
why can't we cooperate?
>pick up arms
Can't pick up something if it doesn't exist
you are all heathens, ebola chan will return and cleanse the world of the impure
>grandfather frost
He is part of Winter-chan. She is the prism that gathers all pagan winter gods and spirits.
>wanting to save nordic countries
I like to pretend our fate was being tested.
Last winter was truly a letdown, barely below freezing, no ice, no snow, nothing.
Oh no, we want to destroy it all.
Hope they all freeze to death
Feel sorry for the worms that will have to eat muslim flesh
>tfw you were born just in time to see the world turn into a frozen wasteland
>tfw scottish cairngorms
It may be comfy but it's fucking irritating. Tourists that come up from down south in the winter are astonished by how easily we deal with the snow and ice.
>Wake up at 5AM
>It's pitch fucking black
>Snow is coming down like crazy
>Have to put on thermal everything, boots, thick gloves, parka and go outside to shovel snow off my pathway, de-ice it and pour hot water over my car
>6am, still pitch black
>Get into my car, freezing cold
>Have to start it for 10 minutes to heat it up
>Road hasn't been plowed yet
>Have bag full of winter shit in my boot, I was motivated to do that after seeing a car flipped upside down on the road to Carrbridge
>7am, still pitch black
>All the schools have been closed because of extreme weather
>Shops are closed
>Get a call from my boss
>"Hey [user], where are you?"
>"I'm on the A9 headed north to work."
>"Don't bother with that mate, we're shut for the day, tommorow as well. Turn back as soon as you can, weather is absolute shite."
>"Alright, thanks."
>8am, still pitch black
>Oh yeah, it's a blizzard
>Literally polar night for the next few days
>Ground is solid until February
That's what we said last year too.
Last year we didn't have the blessing of father KEK. Look at all the happenings this year. Have faith.
You should pray to some volcano God tho. Nothing is more beautiful than years without summers.
I ain't touching this shit tho, demons are demons no matter what.
Shouldn't we ask Kek for that happening, though? Or does Kek approve of Winter-chan?
What's winter hand relationship with kek? Is she part of the kek pantheon?
this is accurate
I thought this shit was done last winter, when nothing was solved, but nope. Same season same shit with you fucking europoors. This is why your countries are in such deep shit, you pray to imaginary weaboo tulpas instead of taking action or worshiping actual deities like Kek
Winter-chan, Baal and Ebola-chan are part of the Sup Forums pantheon. KEK is an ancient god of Egypt, not a greedy Abrahamic one that demands his followers to only have one god.
How cold did it get in Norway last winter?
>Is she part of the kek pantheon?
Any of you faggots play The Long Dark? It's basically this thread: the video game.
>Thousands of Iraki and Somali scum left Finland because too cold
Everything went better than expected
How cold was it?
I used to holiday in Avimore, nice place, would go back if I ever got time off work
>tfw working 6 1/2 days a week
I love my job, but I'd like some spare time at some point
Isn't that the game where your character is hyper-diabetic and needs 14000 calories a day to not starve to death?
Let it snow
Anyone got the vocaroo of the femanon that sang that poem?
Posting in hopes of frostbitten rapefugees.
Tbh it was your standard winter with temperatures from -20'c to -30'c.
This year winter is supposed to be a little harsher.
I live in a small town in south Finland with population of 10k. We got our own asylum center last year but it was put in middle of forest and the only way they can transport is with bicycles. During winter you will practically see none of them because they are afraid of cold.
>Winter is coming
>It's 30°C
I'm quite literally sitting shirtless and in shorts in my garden enjoying the sunshine.
I wonder if the people who made all the OC are still around.
You retards really don't get it, do you. Adding weeb suffixes like "chan" to your deity names is a direct insult to our European ancestors. At least make a new name that isn't degenerate if you can't be bothered to worship Hodr.
its also shit
Muslims aren't afraid of the cold. They buy jackets like everyone else or get them for free from the Salvation Army.
t. Torontonian
Fuck off.
Yeah good luck buying a jacket for this
user, I was around last year when all of this surfaced, but it was a little bit too late. That's why this time we can't afford to make the same mistake
Reminder that Kek already existed and that might be the reason he is so powerful and get so many results for us. Creating a new creature that isn't a god and giving it godlike power shouldn't be that easy. We should try worshiping this "Baal" guy too instead of winterchan.
>put asylum center in middle of forest 20 kilometers away from nearest town
>only means of transportation are bicycle or walking
>they can't even breathe the cold air without being uncomfortable
>they go back to desert
Someone should post info about rapefugees telling that placing them in the north (was it Finland?) was inhuman treatment because they couldn't withstand the cold.
desu sounds pretty comfy.
Here in the south (at least southeastern NC) we get MAYBE sleet. Than every 4 years maybe a couple inches. This summer has been so hot.
Let it snow.
Winter where
Found an old imgur-album from last year with loads of OC.
>they go back to desert
You misspelled "they freeze to death"
We need a Moonman Minimum to freeze those Rapefugees in Calais.
I was going through some old links related to Winter-chan and found this gem.
>What in the absolute fuck? Is that some *Chan style X-Tan shit for the years of winter before Ragnarok? Is it some sort of in-joke I'm not getting or do they actually want to bring about the fimbulwinter?
Winter Chan is mad of all the Muslims entering our country. You will all be sorry, and they will be deleted
This summer is very hot, so that means the coming winter will be extremely cold. Make sure you wear less clothes than everybody else to show that you are better suited to the cold
Get comfy.
I wear shorts into January
/r/ the vocaroo of the ballad of winterchan and the screencap of the guy who spraypainted her bindrune outside of a refugee center.
Please, not this again.
If you want any hope of Europe prevailing, please stop masturbating to pictures of weebshit and instead - DO SOMETHING.
I mean, this is exactly why Europe is dying in the first place.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to not have realized during 2016 that meme magic is real? Fuck off back to plebbit newfag.
or just get on this Man's level
Search information on Wim Hof
Praise Winter-chan
and thank me later
let it snow
>tfw Texan
>tfw love Christmas time for religious and folk traditions
>tfw only ever had one white Christmas with 2 inches on the ground
In this regard, I'm really jelly of you central europeans
I don't know where this satire meme started but it's mildly amusing to see people realize it's not.
You can get a white christmas in murrica too, and it's not like it's a guarantee in all of europe either.
Yeah, maybe Baal or Kek, you know, actual ancient deities not some stupid fucking chink drawing.
Read this image you dumb fuck. Don't speak about things that you don't understand. Winter-chan is not a deity herself, she is a prism for the gods of old.
Same, NC here. Most I've ever seen is a little less than a foot. Melted immediately the next day.
Okay, fine, worship a fucking gook drawing ( just like last year, cause that turned out SO WELL ) and just watch your women get raped, Sven, that's all you're good at from what it seems, anyways.
What else do you suggest I do?
>Winter-Chan rituals for Blood-Moon Eclipse.
Can some please check that this isn't plagiarised from some demon summoning shit?
This too
>it doesn't snow anymore where I live
>Europe is a single country with unified gun legislation
Is this common core in action?
There were a lot of information about this on the other chan. Look for /winterchan/.
Tfw fucking 31°C in Austria. I need to move to some based north country like Iceland or Finland.
Common core is just a new name for an old strategy of dumbing down America.
Read John Taylor Gatto.
I wrote that, It isn't.
It's mainly the intent that has the effect, linked with multiple people having and doing the same things.
The objects are ones often used in many such rituals for positive effect.
The rune under the winterchan symbol was charged with the words of providing further support for the right wing in the western world, with the intent of more people becoming increasingly aware of the pressing issues.
Name the EU member countries where you can do ALL of the following:
-Purchase ANY kind of automatic weapon
-Purchase ANY semi-automatic weapon in a useful caliber (10mm, .45, 9mm in a pinch, 5.56, 7.62, etc.)
-Open carry a weapon in public
-Concealed carry a weapon in public
Now name the countries which limit gun ownership to the point where it's more or less pointless, or fucking outlaw the purchase of guns for self defense.
The latter list is a fuckton longer than the former, yuropoor. Just because there are exceptions does not mean that the general rule in EU is "dickless unarmed little cucks who let Jamal Hussein rape their women and do nothing".
Who else here besides me is gonna do the ritual?
Thanks user.