>"You wanted to see me, user?"
"You wanted to see me, user?"
>ok look!
>A penny in the water!
>"Konichiwa, user-San"
>implying you wouldn't
she was a qt before morphing into the monstrous corporate cocksucker psycho schemer that she is now
She also had never taken a bath in her entire life. She smelled worse than Europeans.
I don't trust overeager careerwomen
they are suspicious
sh... turn around and look at the flowers, Hillary..
This legit looks like a friend of mine. 100%
She's half white half asian.
>"I-i just wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration to women everywhere"
nice legs. post more, and what uniform is that?
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr who are you exactly?
i wanted to see natalia
>Half white half asian
>amerishart education
>Britbonger has his head so far up his own ass he's nitpicking a casual remark
He meant that she looked 100% like a friend of his you fucking numbnuts
I think those are russian policewomen
You seem upset. Did Walmart finally ban you and your food stamps? Literally hang yourself sub-human
I'm sorry I live in a superior country then, Ahmed?
my dream girl don't exist
Beautiful syntax there, friend.
Once again
>amerishart education
I surrender.
The straws you have to grasp for just to feel a small sense of superiority.
Unfortunately, you're still a Bonglander, and your wife and children (assuming you're not too autistic) will feel the cock of mighty Muhammad.
I want to see Hillary react to these live on TV
I wonder if she'll laugh like she did during that interview talking about how she got that kiddie diddler off?
>England 92% white
>USA 59% white
I think you should be more worried my jolly friend!
sigh. that was nipped in the bud.
>YWN don a KKK hood on and pound Hillary's pussy
>YWN hear her whisper into your ear: ''White pride world wide''
why is his dick coming out of his ass?
oy ve hillary come into my classroom and suck on my meshlevitz I'll give you an A+
Yes, it looks like the dementia's progressing rapidly, you do realize that you're 68 years old with a catheter bag down the side of your leg dressed like a 20 something right madam?
i prefer loli hllary desu, old hillary is fugly.
well why didnt you say so earier? lets dump
>HIllary will never sit on your face
>top center
>Comparing a country to a non country
send help!
my sides
>You wanted to see me, user?
>Yes, Hillary...
>*teleports behind her*
>*unsheaths katana*
>nothing personal, kid.
See you rot in prison.
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we are under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding warning WARNING they are sliding the hillary med files TCF HRC CTR DNC DCCC SAP wiki leaks bohemian grove guccifer moloch threads warning WARNING
>Am I kawaii? Uguuu
I lol'd
Hillary wants to lose.
Her backers are forcing a sick old senior citizen, 5 years into retirement after suffering a stroke that ended her career, to run for president.
Has anybody ever asked why John Kerry had to replace Hillary as Secretary of State?
Looks like that chick from facial abuse
Meh. She peaked at 15 and it was downhill all the way from there
I didnt need this erection right now asshole.
I'm sorry about this, Hillary. My motives are very complex.
I wanted to see you in jail
>Like you wouldn't hit it and quit it
if she was raised so conservative in the 50s and 60s why did she turn into a gross hippie?
also if she a closet republican why doesnt she just run GOP instead?
>America: 100% able to defend yourself against non whites
>England: Government forcefully imports known terrorist and murderers then puts you in jail for a decade if you notice the skyrocketing crime rate
Also, population density doesnt really matter when your entire country is the size of a postage stamp
Jesus Christ. You faggots again.
People keep posting pictures of hillary from the 1800's because they can't believe she doesn't look like a hideous cunt anymore.
Reality is:
Hillary is pretty fucking based. She wanted a wall, she hates niggers, etc.
But she is also a sociopath, she has aspd. So she doesn't give a fuck. So she makes herself money by letting the jews take over America. She has no empathy, she she doesnt care.
Reality Bites
It doesn't matter if she hates them secretly, she still panders to them.
90s hillary was best
Makes me hard every time