Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
Would the United States be a better place now if he had won?
Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
Would the United States be a better place now if he had won?
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He is white unlike Obama, so yes.
Mormon john kerry
Rubio's Amnesty would have passed. So no.
He was a weak candidate while Obama was a strong candidate only Sup Forums thought Romney had a serious chance of winning
He was an asshole.
Listen to what he says about Trump today.
Low-energy candidate. Sad! The election was his to win.
I voted for him in 2012, before that I voted for Obama.
2012 was totally different, i wasnt nearly as confident.
Romney was kind of a poser, not really likeable or relatable. He had zero charisma, he is more on par with Hillary this run.
The elections are totally different, there has never been a Trump before.
>The elections are totally different, there has never been a Trump before.
Trump was always there. He was waiting for the right moment. Clinton is such a flawed candidate that he actually has a chance of winning. Obama would crush Trump because he is black.
>Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
Declining white demographics. Get ready for a black pill...
Had Romney had the same demographics as Reagan did in the mid 80's, Romney would have won against Obama in a bigger landslide than Reagan won against Walter Mondale. I believe Romney won the white vote by about 73% ...
We're fucked, lads. Balkanization NOW
Didn't get the evangelical vote because Mormonism
Muslims and Hispanics are white ;^
Will they vote Republican?
What if the Republican Party would nominee a black or hispanic candidate in 2020, if Trump loses? Like Carson or Cruz. Maybe they could pull the black and hispanic voters from the Democrats.
Didn't he disappear for like a month towards the end?
He drove his car with his dog on the roof.
I think one solution is to get white voter turnout higher. Romney could have won by simply getting 4 percent more white people, which in real numbers could have been achieved if Romney had an ounce of enthusiasm.
This is why I think Trump will win; voter turnout will be huge for whites.
Honestly there was no way in hell that Romney could've defeated a popular black sitting president. He had blacks, Hispanics, and even working class whites by his side. Romney had the Mormons and evangelical vote, but that's crumbs compared to Obama's final vote count.
Trump has a much stronger chance to defeat Shillary than Romney had against Obama 2bh
You guys are acting like it wasn't a very close race. If he hadn't said the "47%" remark, who knows maybe he would've been in office.
Obama may have gotten around 93% of the black vote, but Romney had like 74% of the whites. That's massive.
I have no idea why anyone would choose him over obongo. As bad as king nigger is, this autistic retard is raging hillary-tier neocon. He would have brought nothing but destruction upon usa and whole world.
Because no sane person would vote for a Mormon. Ever.
The guy was autistic as fuck mainly because he was a Morman.
Republicans just went full retard.
When something good comes there way and gives them a swift kick in the ass like Trump they resist it with all their puny cuckolded might.
People have grown way to soft in the west and it's why will eventually dip into a dark age of great civil unrest if not a nuclear war.
>Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
magical underpants
Romney only got 60% of the white vote.
70% of the white vote would be a near landslide win for Republicans with today's demographics.
Wake up. Whites are still the source of the Democrat's electoral strength. Most votes cast for Obama were from white people.
Play around with this. See how just one group of whites, college educated ones, have enormous power.
he was perceived
Like others have said Romney was low energy and people stayed home. Some also thought a repub controlled house and senate would contain Obama but, we all know how that turned out.
>popular black sitting president. He had blacks
His popularity was tanking esp hot off the heels Bengazi (if Romney had pushed this he would have won) also the Black turn out was nowhere near what is was in 08. It was an election Romney or even a damn broom should have been able to win but, he ended up flat on his face.
Romney completely fucked up the final two debates. Had Obama acted like the low-energy, "I don't give a fuck" candidate in the final two debates, Romney would've racked up votes, at least if he actually tried to convince minorities and the millennials during rally stops.
>His popularity was tanking esp hot off the heels Bengazi (if Romney had pushed this he would have won)
It was too early for it to cause any long term damage to Obama and Shillary's reputations and Romney didn't pounce on the issue hard enough when it came to frutation
>also the Black turn out was nowhere near what is was in 08. It was an election Romney or even a damn broom should have been able to win but, he ended up flat on his face.
But Obama did have a 60 to 30% advantage over Romney in the young voter crowd to make up for the black votes
Also, binders full of women
Ands finally, he's just an asshole
he was a faggot
glad he didn't win
He's confused. 72% of people that voted for him were white, but that's not the same as having 75% of the white vote.
>Romney had like 74% of the whites
He most certainly did not. That would have cause a landslide win for Republicans.
Whites are the vast majority of voters. We had veto power over Obama, and didn't use it.
Maybe only slightly better and niggers wouldn't be as emboldened by kang nigger as they are now.
Not really in hindsight
>Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
He was a loser cuckservative
>Would the United States be a better place now if he had won?
White male in the White House again. Other than that, not really
He wanted war with Russia and China before it was cool.
I never got why that was a big deal when Obama ate a dog. Romney's dog shit its cage while Obamas dog was killed and eaten and he shit it out.
Obama literally shart out a dog.
He was a """""""""""moderate""""""""""
Because he was not your average cuck, he was a POZZKEKOLD, literally raising his wife's lover's HIV-positive son.
>Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
mormons dude, mormons.
They are trying to figure out how to fix Hill's fuckup from yesterday by using Romney as an example.
Theyre using you for strategies.
>He would have brought nothing but destruction upon usa and whole world.
Obama did this too.
The GOP released a very long, very detailed autopsy on what went wrong during the campaign:
Some Highlights:
"The perception, revealed in polling, that the GOP does not care about people is doing great harm to the Party and its candidates on the federal level, especially in presidential years. It is a major deficiency that must be addressed."
"If we believe our policies are the best ones to improve the lives of the American people, all the American people, our candidates and office holders need to do a better job talking in normal, people-oriented terms and we need to go to communities where Republicans do not normally go to listen and make our case. We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too. We must recruit more candidates who come from minority communities. "
"We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare. We should speak out when a company liquidates itself and its executives receive bonuses but rank-and-file workers are left unemployed. We should speak out when CEOs receive tens of millions of dollars in retirement packages but middle-class workers have not had a meaningful raise in years. "
" If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation), they will not pay attention to our next sentence. It does not matter what we say about education, jobs or the economy; if Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies."
" The pervasive mentality of writing off blocks of states or demographic votes for the Republican Party must be completely forgotten. The Republican Party must compete on every playing field. "
tl;dr the exact opposite of what Trump is doing.
>by asking Sup Forums
No. My only interest is to prevent that Trump loses the election like Romney did.
That explains why the GOP hates Trump.
Yeah, he's heading in the opposite direction they wanted to go, with Bush or whoever they wanted to get the nomination.
Because he was a weird magic underwear faggot that was just as fake as HRC.
what the fuck are you talking about
Does anyone have that gif of Mitt Romney riding Trayvon Martins corpse as a snow sled?
bumping lol
bumping good thread
last bump :(
He's an actual cuck. The only thing he would have accomplished is insuring Hillary's election this year.
Romney was just a general boring white guy, like Kerry, or Kasich, or even... Jeb!
> muh 47%
> it's muh turn to be preznit
> daddy issues
> Bishop of UFO cult
> Massachusetts plus Utah. Literally why?
He's an entitled, effeminate douche whom no one likes
Don't forget when Romney got fucking rekt during the debates youtube.com
I ended up voting for Johnson that year. I just couldn't vote for someone retarded enough to believe in Moronism.
>no charisma
>literally looks like superman
wrong field
>Why didn't this guy win the 2012 election?
Because he's a pussy, but most importantly because it was impossible for almost any Republican to win against a black Democrat. How can you possibly win states likes Virginia and Ohio with such an increased black turnout, which obviously favors the Dems. He should've won Florida though.
>Would the United States be a better place now if he had won?
He's a Neocon so he wouldn't have represented the people's interests, but all this SJW gay marriage bs wouldn't have exploded under him. No matter how bad or good a president is, he influences the culture very much so that's why I will always prefer a Republican Neocon over any Democrat, despite the fact that I hate them (the Neocons).
>Obama would crush Trump because he is black.
You're comparing two very different eras. Trump couldn't run when Obama did because we didn't have this scourge of multiculturalist PC cultural marxist bullshit plainly ruining western society. This is like saying Andrew Jackson couldn't run because there's no banks or indians to fight.
Similiarly, Obama wouldn't win a follow-up election if we already had a black president. It's literally his one single card; that and "I'm not a Republican! Remember George Bush? Wow that guy sucked, am I right!"
Carson would be Uncle Trimmed out of the black vote, while Cruz barely qualifies as Hispanic on the minds of the people. Unlike the Democrats, who have candidates that identify first with race and class and shill that, Republicans identify first with being Republicans or Christian and don't shill their snowflake status.
Carson is a good vice president, but probably not a good president. Cruz is a terrible everything and nobody actually sees him as hispanic because he looks whiter than an oatmeal box mascot.
>White women vote for big govt
>Blacks voted for the democrat black guy
He would have started a war with Iran
Because stupid people voted for the black guy because he was black.
I disagree with, but don't mind people who agreed with Obama's politics, but 80℅ supported him solely because he is black.
>It was too early.
Are you retarded? If anything it was too FUCKING late to do anything. Romney the instant he heard that should have been working the phone lines and his media appearances the spin the narrative as hard as he could. Instead, like the moron he was, he allowed Hillary and the Democrats to spin that shit into le ebil YouTube video caused the Muslims to get angry. That excuse was so laughably stupid, I thought for sure Romney could turn it into Obama's Waterloo. And he just sat on his ass, and thought Fox would do all the work.
He was a spineless corrupt neocon and the average person could see through it. Hes a cuck
>only Sup Forums thought Romney had a serious chance of winning
You're memeing, right? Sup Forums knew he would fail spectacularly.
No, he was a morman goy