US murder rate per 100,000 people: 3.9

US murder rate per 100,000 people: 3.9
Norway: 0.6

US incarceration rate per 100,000 people: 707
Norway: 75

US recidivism rate: 60%
Norway: 20%

Why are our Norwegian friends so much less violent and criminal than Americans? The figures are staggering. For a less-developed country than the US to be so much safer than it, and for its criminal justice system to be so much more effective, seems incomprehensible. How can it be true?

Niggers, I guess.

Sup Forums neo-nazis will probably say niggers... And I probably will have to agree with them, for once.

That infographic suggests that even if we consider only the white US population, we'd still have a murder rate more than double that of Norway. What do they get right that we get wrong?

Norway isn't less developed than the US, idiot. GDP per capita in Norway is much higher. They've been richer for years.

And the answer to your question is niggers and mestizos.

>population is 5 million
>5 million mostly whites

>300 million
>half of those are subhumans
>quarter of the rest are the cancerous white trash/liberal shits
>only a small amount of decent white people, while the majority of spics and niggers create issues for us
>most children in classes these days are niggers or spics, whites are becoming less frequent and are becoming a taboo if you don't act like a nigger
>it's only going to get worse

life is hell

Wew. I hope you're using a proxy, Hans.

Africa lacks necessary natural resources to build a functioning society thus why the murder rates are so high

we talked about this yesterday ausbro

non-white hispanics

t. jared diamond


Norway only has 5 million people. You can't compare statistics when their population is 60 times smaller. Of course everything is going to look more favorable. If you want a comparison to be accurate you need to find a total population that's similar

I'm just saying

it's no one's fault it's just a shitty place to live

Why does Sup Forums talk about Norway so much when much better Scandinavian countries like Denmark exist?

95%+ white


What is "white Hispanic"

Allahu Akbar!

This, Netherlands has twice the population than Norway, Sweden, Belgium and other meme countries
People just look at the size of a country and figure more people live there
Compare any of the above countries to the US which has 340+ million people, it doesn't add up and you can't compare it to a nation with equal citizens because those are all third world shitholes.
Germany ranks #1 with just 80 m people of the EU along with britain and france in top 3, then the numbers drop considerably, holland #9 with 16m

Wew lad. I posted rates per 100,000 people (and percentages for recidivism), not total figures.

>x million
>what is a rate
American education.

He doesn't understand math.

I just want to thank you for being Dutch
i'll kill myself for you

So lack of resources excuses murder?

"White" doesn't exist, you idiot. If you ask people to specifically define what is white and what isn't white, they won't be able to do so. Nordic peoples are significantly genetically distinct from, for example, Greeks. But both are supposedly "white". Stop thinking like a retarded American, and start using more accurate terminology such as genetic populations instead. Norway is nice because their genetic population has a high IQ, and because they've used their intelligence in concordance with their environment to create a nation of high general welfare and wealth.

Is it common core or having to use units like "foot pound per cubic yard" (for pressure) all day?

But Africa is one of the most resource abundant places on the planet. They just can't utilise it. I thought this was a well established fact, even amongst liberals? The Afrikaaners don't seem to have any problem farming and utilising African's resources--when they're not being raped or murdered that is.

This. Niggers.

calm down lukas nielsen

>necessary natural resources

Most resourceful part of the world.

no it absolutely does not

When you control for niggers, America has extremely low rates of violent crime, especially murder.

The Faroese have the highest rate of Nobel prize winners per capita. Are the Faroese the most powerful race in the world?

You should look at murder rate for 2011.
The murder rate quadrupled, and it was mostly teenagers getting killed.
This guy isn't funny.

>be nigger
>be thirsty
>kill neigbhor
>still thirsty

A white couple is either mutilated, raped and killed or it is not. You can't throw calculations and statistic trickery on it to make it unhappen.
If you want to mask out nigger crime deport them back to Africa.

Norway will pay for Pearl Harbour


Have you ever been to Greece? I guess to your mind south Italians are also white.

>norway less developed than the USA

what sort of fucked up metrics you using there lad

>units like "foot pound per cubic yard" (for pressure)
Pressure is unit force per unit area, so pound-force per square yard.

Were you home-schooled?

>What are niggers


Less population and lack of niggers

>US murder rate per 100,000 people: 3.9
Kek Marseille is 3.2. Americans are worse than the worst muslim shithole of Europe.

>Russian education
Foot pound is ft*lb*g0, not ft*lb.

Nothing of value was lost

Africa had the most untapped resources in the entire world and get shit tons of money and charity thrown at them. The problem is niggers. It has always been niggers.

Foot pound is not a unit of force

Cubic yard is not a unit of area

Foot pound per cubic yard is not a unit of pressure

Mountain soils are deficient in iodine

Energy/L^3 is Force/L^2 you mongloid.

We have more niggers.

You stupid nigger.

I stand corrected, apparently in burgerland foot-pound is used for both energy and moment of force.

Your point that they are retards is vindicated.

people who give a fuck about norway:0

Now that this has been settled, let's remove kebap together.

>it's australia

Agriculture here is impossible without "advanced" techniques, techniques that you can't reach before growing a stable society through... agriculture.
Africa was the hardest map for a civilisation.