Reminder that Donald Trump is going to alienate Hispanics from the Republican Party like Barry Goldwater did black voters. Our economy cannot grow without immigrates, they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters.
The 30 Million Immigrants Trump Would Turn Away
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You forgot astronauts
what sort of person is "Our Economy"?
I've never met him
No they aren't. They are the future doctors, teachers and firefighters for their own fucking country.
i'm sure that one of the millions of unemployed FUCKING WHITE MALES that can't get assistance or scholarships would love to be a doctor, teacher or firefighter
>Barry Goldwater did black voters
Blacks had been voting Democrat since FDR
Mexicans voted Democrat even after Regan gave them amnesty
i'm sure that one of the millions of unemployed FUCKING WHITE MALES that can't get assistance or scholarships would love to be a doctor, teacher or firefighter
>they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters.
Importing immigrants to replace labor does nothing but allow the status quo to remain in place for a time you fucking shill.
>illegal immigrants
Pick two faggot.
>foreign invaders taking over is the future, if you disagree you will go extinct.
Then give me death.
Fuck you, piece of shit.
Why are you unable to train your own doctors, teachers and firefighters?
>do nothing but complain about money
>Nobody makes enough money
>Too many poor people
>Want to bring in 30 million more of them
Its not even a ruse anymore...Liberals want to destroy the United States of America.
I like how they imply that's a horrible thing. The drive to automate everything will destroy the work force in the next half century. Don't need tens of millions more people if there isn't an actual tangible demand.
>they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters
you must atone for being white
the fast food jobs of the future.
the only reason you need more doctors, teachers and firefighters is because of the 30 million new immigrants you've let in, they'll also be a net burden on the welfare state.
Damnit I knew choosing to be white was a mistake!
i love hispanics, really
I fucking hate jews. I refuse to believe they are even human.
Yeah Mexico, Africa and the Middle East are really crapping out quality doctors.
You have well over 300 million people, why can't some of them be your doctors and lawyers?
Better let them all in because forecasting is so effective
Thanks Brownsteinbergshekel
>they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters.
In other words
>Mexican intellectuals
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>Trumps policy would sharply reduce the flow of immigration
Is this meant to be a hit piece or has he paid for this advertisement?
But that doesn't matter because we need diversity! Diversity makes us stronger! At least, that's what I've been told repeatedly in school and college.
They would be white doctors and that would be so terrible.
Is it really this much? Ann said it could be more than 30 mil, what in the fuck?
Cant believe Trump is really gonna stop all those Democrat voters from settling in the US, what a bigot
It's like liberals think it's a good idea to outsource child rearing to third world countries.
>US opens borders
>Educates doctors, teachers and firefighters
>20 years down the line, Mexico is diseased, dumb and on fire
Heard they're pushing to get green card holders naturalized so that they can vote against Trump
What else is new?
>You shouldn't enforce the laws your people chose because it might alienate other people that are detrimental to your people
>Commiefornia's Sanctuary Cities driving them bankrupt
>healthcare industry falling apart
>lose more jobs than are created
>diseased, dumb and on fire.
>Our economy cannot grow without immigrates
Fucking naive if you think the economy growing is the only thing that matters. Also naive if you think immigrants necessarily create growth.
>The 30 million democratic voters Trump would turn away
>Our economy cannot grow without immigrates
don't forget, one of them could be our future president! Donald Trump will undo years of Hispanic greatness in 4 years!
yay im mexican american. not rascist to stop illegal immigration. legal migration has a cap, mexican my race does not give a shit just cross flood and make 10 kids
my sides
Why don't you go back and help fix Mexico, instead of running away from your responsibilities?
like i said not rascist the truth hurts
If you need immigrants so much why not take white south Africans? When youve run out of them take poles, then do us a favour and depopulate Ireland so we can take that back
Fuck off we're full
We don't need an additional 30 million people.
30 million MORE democrat voters?
and this is somehow supposed to be an argument AGAINST Trump?
You're a fucking idiot.
Most of them aren't even americans. Let him make them ayy lmao
>le evil drumpf will deport 12 gorillion immigrants
>wha-what's that?
>yes of course it was okay when bill clinton did it, he wasn't an islamphobic literally hitler bigot
>wanting to restrict illegal immigration is now the same as constricting legal immigration
>turn away 30 millon immigrants
He has my vote
White South Africans are actually one of the extremely few refugees I would be content with allowing here.
And maybe Ukrainians, but I think that could harm Ukraine more in the long run. Ukraine may be able to recover but it's a certainty that there is no saving SA.
To be fair, we should do both. We already have 10+% unemployment, depending who you ask, we don't need more people here. What we need is for the people we have to get skills training.
30 million?
>Our economy cannot grow without immigrates
This is what retarded neoliberal keynesians actually believe
My School of Business President is this flaming Hispanic faggot who keeps emailing us about how diverse our school is.
Yet only the Asians and whites are the ones surviving the finance and Accounting programs
All the niggers and muzzies went marketing after they failed out of any quantitative courses
So? He's going to kick out half of them so it's not like they'll be a group worth courting for votes anymore by the time he's finished, they will be a minority again like they deserve
>skills training
More gibsmedat?
they really think that growing the amount of people on the welfare rolls is growing the economy
Can you feel it? The final stand of the white man is accompanied by a million cries. A million tears.
I wish he would alienate hispanics from jumping the border
Trump has never been anti immigrant, he is anti illegal immigrant and anti unvetted refugee (and favors refugee camps which are cheaper than infinite welfare). Please educate yourself.
>our future blah blah blah
you're forgetting that it's not THEIR COUNTRY, the people who live in the country come before immigrants so they can fuck off.
Reminder that spics don't vote.
Mexicans hate hispanics, they would be stupid to allow Hillary to open the borders.
*hispanic americans
>America can't function without 30 million illegal immigrants.
If this is true you're a nation of cucks.
It's not about welfare. It's about decreasing the price and power of labor.
>they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters.
Do people think the United States is a giant daycare? That sucks for those immigrants, but I'd rather we take care of the people already living here first.
>Hispanics are ever going to vote republican
If he deported 30 humble taco salesmen we won't commit demographic genocide and impotently placate minoritys who will never vote red.
its not true.
However illegal immigrants are great for paying low wages, dodging Obamacare, as well as driving down national wages for working Americans.
So its profitable for the 1% that liberals claim to hate. Yet liberals are also the biggest champions for things that help that 1%. #Standuptoracism
"Illimigrates" = illegal + immigrant + ingrates
>The candidates' plan to constrict legal immigration would sharply reduce the flow of immigration over the next half century.
the 30 million
Hispanic here.
Nope. Whole family is voting for him.
>They are our future cherry pickers, roofers and sod layers.
Fixed that for you.
>Mexico is diseased, dumb and on fire
>20 years down the line,
You don't need more people to create new wealth, this is a dumb socialist mindset. Innovation and trade creates new wealth.
No, less in order to force people to get the necessary trining for a job. At most, cut a large amount from current welfare and redirect the remainder into community college and tech schools.
My thoughts exactly. Fund it.
I wouldn't even care about diversity if they voted for Republicans and upheld the constitution. That's really all that matters. Our nation was built on ideas anyway and there are actually some pretty based immigrants.
I don't like progressive socialist Democrat white people either. I wish these dummycraps would realize that.
legal Hispanics hate illegals, you gaim votes by kicking out the riff raff.
wetbacks make good Hispanics look bad, same way black people hate niggers and white people hate rednecks, the bad apple spoils the bunch.
take my word for it, anyone who steps up to kick out the anchor baby wetbacks gets my vote.
MSNBC hates Hispanics
This. we need to get back to individualism and away from identity politics.
Explain your way out of this simple fact, Trump tards.
White men will be about 30% of the electorate in 2024 continuing to fall because a ton of the white vote are boomers over 55
>Whites hate hard working blue collar laborers and farmers
>Rednecks are the equivalent to niggers and spics
Kill yourself, you prissy little urbanite bitch.
>they are our future doctors, teachers and firefighters
Every single time it's this shitty argument
We're gonna win legal hispanics, and it looks like blacks are finally leaving the dummycrat plantation
Here's an idea you racist democrat about you treat people like individuals instead of assuming race means you will vote for big government, huh?