How kill it?

Caught a jew. Dubs decides what i do with it.

Will post with a different ID in a minute

Let it go, rats are cool

Gas him of course

Rolling again

Set it on fire.

If dub's flush it down the toilet. Use a plunger if necessary.

t. T. Cruz

OP here. I'll be using this ID for now on.


set him free
then kill yourself for our pleasure

That is not a Jew - you have caught an ARYAN trapped in its shapeshifted form.

Return it to us, we will send it through the oscillating RAZOR GAUZE CENTRIFUGE.

Clean it, dry it off , give it cheese, call him merchant, and release him
fucking sadist

Set the rat AND yourself on fire

Again, I can do this all day

Reroll, flush it.

Lord Kek demands a sacrifice.

Let him go free.

Oy vey poor rabbi. You need to drop him off at the closest synagogue.

reolling this

And ps: Make a smoothie with it.

REROLL, last time. kek WITNESS ME!

This. Sacrifice it to Lord Kek. Slit its throat.

coat him in chocolate.

He's soaking wet because I already tried drowning him. But the cage wouldnt fit all the way in the bucket of water and he kept floating.

He really screams loudly. I was surprised. I didnt know rats could scream. This one is small. He seems to be a kid rat, like 10 in human year or something

Deny him of his delegates, this kills the rat.


Release him into his local synagogue where he belongs.

That's the same ID

Fuck it to death

Let it go in a hipster coffee shop

Give em some cheese and let him go.

Unless of course your asian, then eat it.


tie helium balloons and send him into the stratosphere.

Find a street cat and feed him

Eat the rat with your barehands and it being alive.

Nope. Only one death today and it ain't gonna be me.

This is like the ISIS edition of pest control. What fun.

he is an aryan that was cursed by the jews to live in rat form, set him free

kek wills it

Snap the neck quickly with some tool you got laying around.
Then cremate the corpse.

Release him in a jewish center. He belongs to his mates.

Re-roll for release into habitat.

Rerolling for this actually

Reminder that unnecessary cruelty towards animals is a sure sign of not being white

> rats are cool

feed the rat to a superior creature

Give him a bleach bath.

offer him up to kek

Cum on it

drown him


Uspokój się.

Sacrifice to Lord Kek. Light it on fire with gasoline.

Grab him by the tail and throw him off any sort of high place. Preferably throw him with downward force.

Isis style decapitation.

Go with this one.

Just kill it quickly and as painless as possible
What are you? Some kind of edgy kid?

Let that animal GO.