What is it with the negro and his shoes?
What is it with the negro and his shoes?
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Historically speaking, shoes are newfangled technology to them.
What is it with Sup Forums and the negro?
Because they are unable to style their hair, they overdose on the accoutrements. Hats, tatts, chains, do-rags, shoes, gold teeth, saggy pants etc..
underclass people are often very materialistic
Because we're generally amazed that people kill each other over a pair of fucking sneakers.
Cheap ""luxury"" item and status symbol. Same with belts and headphones.
Lol Sup Forums is the most cucked forum in the world.
>"we all hate niggers!"
>"Lets talk about niggers"
>"Cant keep my mind off niggers..."
>"Check out this nigger porn!"
>"Look at this nigger liking shoes"
>"The white race is in trouble, lets blame niggers!"
>"God I hate niggers, even though I cant think about anything else."
I bet I can get a more intellectual conversation out of a child.
Found a nigger lover.
It's just one of the few parts of their culture that isn't completely terrible.
Leave those footfags alone.
Great response nigger.
You beat me to it.
Beautiful shoes are a wonderful thing. You better believe I'd stab someone for a pair of john lobbs.
You're getting the hang ofit.
Capitalist marketing works best on the weak minded.
If you can't afford a nice car, at least accessorize it with something nice. Shoes are relatively a cheap accessory that you wear everyday.
Besides, the first thing women look at when they meet you are your feet. If you're wearing fucked up bullshit on your feet, you can forget about getting laid
What shoe size does Sup Forums wear?
Size 10 or 11 here
White people kill on larger scales for equally frivolous things. It's good blacks are primitive and mostly kill each other.
I've never seen a live 'nigger' what makes American posters so obsessed with them?
They also have shit taste. You never see people fighting over high quality products. But Drive Around and Shoot People 87 comes out, and you can bet 20 niggers will be there fighting over it.
Wearing shoes is appropriating white culture.
fuck off maple nigger
It's prison culture
>looking for a job
>got an interview at a local sports shoe shop
>it was a group interview, never been to one before
>we just did "team building" shit like we were fucking 5
>I am one of 2 white people, the other 25~ are all black/indian
>I know literally nothing about shoes, I thought the "Be passionate about shoes" was a joke
>spent 2 hours talking about shoes in a group, doing shoe related activities
>got lucky and was never first to speak so I could just cobble together other peoples words and pretend I knew what I was talking about
>never got the job
It's just fucking shoes for fuck sake. All retail shops do this too, why do I have to be super passionate about the shit they are selling? What if I don't give a fuck? What do I do then?
Too fucking pointy and green, what kind of tumblr joker cosplay event would you wear those shit brogues to?
Get yourself some Oxfords from Loakes or Cheaneys.
American these days would rather instigate the problems of others instead of make their country work. Niggers have socio-economic issues and whites just sit there and ask why, but do nothing to fix the problem. So Americans cant get along because of lack of cooperation.
>see rick and morty unity episode.
You lie about being passionate. Just imagine how some idiot would be excited for a dumb product and act that way.
They're actually not that pointy. My cheaneys are much pointier. Pic has the same last.
You might be right about the green being a bit much though, I was just collecting picture of green shoes because I couldn't decide whether to buy a pair.
>born in de ghetto
>poppa left, mom on crack
>gots no money
>society vilifies me
>but at least i gots my shoes
Yeah but these people knew fucking everything about every type of shoe imaginable. They were describing everything about them and I knew fucking nothing.
I blame you yanks and your "customer service" shit coming over here and infecting us. David makes a damn good point: youtube.com
It's an employers market. They want employees that will dedicate their life to their products and gleefully give smiling blowjobs to whatever makes them money. If you can't do that, then they'll easily find someone who can.
Selling shoes isn't for you.
He tried to tell them to drop the superficial shit
Blacks number one priority is their appearance, but they like flashy decadent clothes. That's why you see so many people living in the projects with a new pair of shoes every week and expensive clothes.
I can appreciate the build quality and materials in those but your taste in shoe styles is horrible.
However whats your view on Cheaney Spitfires in blue goat leather? I've been thinking of a trip up north to get a pair from the factory.
everybody hates black people ... they are even more disliked than muslims ...
all i can say is " niggaz will be niggin "
If you can't do well, you can at least look like you're doing well. If you actually have money and are actually doing well, then you can afford to not really give a fuck about your appearance because there's no need to compensate for anything.
A couple weeks ago, a client of mine that's black and has a reasonably successful buisiness treated myself and a couple associates to diner at a nice restaurant because we designed and printed some new flyers for his company. He shows up looking like uncle ruckus, orders dessert and sides before we order the entree, gabs it up with the staff, gets the bill and pays it without even looking at it. If you look at him, he doesn't look like he's doing anything with his life, but he lives in a nice house and seems to meet people he knows wherever he goes.
Think of it this way. A wounded animal would try to act like it's not wounded because showing weakness is detrimental to its survival. The same thing applies to people that spend large chunks of their meager funds on shoes.
Well, the shoes I actually buy tend to be more sober.
Spitfires are a touch on the bulky side for my taste, the sole seems to stick out a lot. You're probably best having a look at them in person if you haven't already as they're quite extreme in their shape. If you go to jermyn street you can have a look at all the shoe shops at once.
I don't mind bulky shoes but you might want to take a look at Tricker's or Vass first if you're going that route I guess.
wearing cheap shoes in the hood: immense bullying.
wait, those aren't even cheap shoes. she's getting bullied over some older generation jordans.
Actually, the soles don't seem that bad.
10.5 reporting in
I'm glad that there were a couple years where cheap shoes from Payless (cross trainer rip offs with an X strap over the laces and regular old work boots) were the style at my school when I was a teen. When I was in elementary school, I used to wear Olympians and had to deal with jeers over that.
in high school, it was the slip-on vans that were popular. overpriced trash that fell apart in weeks.
>caring this much about footwear
all that matters is that they're comfortable and safe
+ durable.
I'm lucky to get more than 6 months out of any sub -£100 pair. I don't drive anywhere and commute so I'm murder on the leather.
A pair of shoes seems to be a status symbol to the negro.
Obtainable symbols of wealth.
Yeah, we had those too. Canvas shoes were popular. I used to wear this Jean outfit with suede accents and matching jean jacket that cuts off at the waistline that I rolled the sleeves up on with white shoes like that. They didn't have to be vans, pretty much any brand would do. I had a thin sexy body back then so I could pull off that look.
My best shoes back then were a pair of polo boots like pic related.
They're infatuated with things that help them run away from their responsibilities.