>Destroyer of Rome
>Started WW1
>Started WW2
>Pretty much the reason Israel exists.
>Currently in 4th attempt at destroying Europe with E.U / open border policy
German genocide when?
>Destroyer of Rome
>Started WW1
>Started WW2
>Pretty much the reason Israel exists.
>Currently in 4th attempt at destroying Europe with E.U / open border policy
German genocide when?
blame america for not nuking germany when they had the chance
>German genocide when?
So give me a second!
>thinking Rome didn't kill itself
Go learn your economic history of Rome, cunt.
Hey guise! Worry not, there's no need to genocide a nation with an average age of 45, a birthrate of 1.3 children per woman and a large influx of immigrants.
>German genocide when?
It is currently happening.
Aryan German "men" are being led into the Blood refineries by the thousands every day and Aryan German women are being impregnated by Ahmed and Jamal.
No pure German will be on this earth in 100 years
The Eternal Anglo has won!
GERMANS are the most mentally ill nation in Europe
They're the Troyan Horse of Europe. They let Russians in, they let bolsheviks in. It's their fault that Eastern Europe was occupied by communists
They're enemies of personalistic civilizations. This is why they hated Poland (hate?) which represents one
GERMANS are mad, violent, cruel brutes who mindlessly use force for destruction. Human person in Germany was always instrumentalized to serve wicked ideas of the government and their mentally ill "philosophers"
There's a cultural barrier between Poland and Germany. First country is moral and treats dignity and freedom of a human person seriously, the latter is demonic, unpleasant, instrumentalizes human beings, treats them as raw materials and is incredibly violent. And paganism was alive in Germany even in the 20th century!
I ask myself - why did God put Germans as the biggest nation in the middle of Europe? Did he want us to experience what is DEVIL like?
I can't wait longer to see a Germanfree world
The beautiful Anglo will prevail and rule the earth once again!
If we could only somehow harness the eternal butthurt of poles
Don't forget the Protestant Reformation
>Destroyer of Rome
if rome was so great, how come its dead?
Germans can't help their inner instincts
Getting awfully beady in Sup Forums these days. Will anglo BLOOD never rest?
Try it faggots,we have the ARYAN option , if the fatherland ceases to exist the Nuclear Holocaust we will unleash upon the Anglo,Jew and Ayyrab will make sure you cease to exist as well
Same goes for Iran
>>Currently in 4th attempt at destroying Europe with E.U / open border policy
>I don't know what I'm talking about, the post
It's true, posting from the blood refinery in sector NRW#2411
Jamal is next right now.
>GERMANS are the most mentally ill nation in Europe
>I ask myself - why did God
Hurr hur hurr hurr.
Fucking kill yourself, cancer poster
Ha, nah.
>German genocide when?
Currently ongoing