Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums? And I don't mean in an oil war to improve the lives of shitskins...

Would you fight for your country, Sup Forums? And I don't mean in an oil war to improve the lives of shitskins, I mean let's say, if your country was invaded, or if your country invaded another territory to reclaim clay.


inb4 society's warrior drones and underageb& talk to me about how unaustralian i am.

I would fight for my family and my friends.

What about your ancestral homeland? I assume you are anglo

Only if they knock out my cable and internet. Then I'll have no fucking choice. Americans are extremely loyal to certain things in order to be "patriotic", never know what's going to set us off.

>if your country was invaded

My country is already invaded.

actually my heritage is irish

still no, only immediate family warrants potentially dying for

I always thought I would,NO MATTER WHAT.My great grandfather fought in Croatian regiment in WW1 for Austro Hungary.
Grandfather fought on Eastern Front in WW2,two of his brothers died.
Dad fought in Croatian war of Independence.

I'd fight,only if I evaluted it was worth it.I wouldn't fight if the war was orcastrated by the US to profit.

I'd probably fight for the enemy desu. Nothing worth fighting for to preserve or defend in this country.

World war? Absolutely not.
Civil war? probably yes

does your dad have any cool stories

Of course.

On my own soil? Shit.
I would drop everything and fight to the death.

Only in a civil war against sharia cunts.

Yes,he tells them every now and then.

This, desu. I'd be fighting for the right-wing death squads, not against them.

I guess we're on watch lists now, mate.

Take a wild fucking guess faggots

Depends on the cause and sides.


Country - no
Nation - yes

Direct neighboors around here. Let's see:

>Argentina: 6/10 would kill hermanos...they helped us for some good time
>Uruguay: 8/10 would smash Marijuana prez and reclaim Uruguayan chicks
>Venezuela: 10/10 would laugh at again. Kill later.
>Colombia: That's some nice narcos you got there, mate. FARC are still up, therefore 10/10 would rape them again. REMEMBER OPERAÇÃO TRAÍRA '91

Remember, if you're waiting for somebody's permission to form a death squad, you're going to be too late.

tribalism detected

you're no better than niggers.

Europe is allready invaded, so I'm guessing everybodys answer is a "No", if shitposting on Sup Forums doesn't count.

Never in my life, this country and it's kind are not wirth it. Probably would fight for another country in exchange of nationality.

Shitposting on Sup Forums is a valid form of resistance.

In Britain, you can even be arrested for it.

>wahhh y won't u die for the fanancial success of globalist foreign interests
>nigger! NIGGER!
ok lol

republic when? maybe i'll think about it then

Tell us some

I would fight for my country.

Also I would fight and die to defend, in no particular order

>New Zealand
>maybe Worst Korea


I'll fight later after the nation has lost and an insurgency is under way

I stand corrected.

Yes, give me any excuse to shoot someone with no legal repercussions and I'll take it.

>would you fight for your country?

>Great grandfather fought for Austro-Hungary
>Grandfather fought for the Germans
>Father fought for Americans/Germans

Top bantz Stipe

what about you cetnikbro, did your dad fight against hrvatanon's dad?

your ancestors were deported for a reason

>tfw legitimately misguided colonist ancestors
Can I come home?


Nah, my dad was in the JNA and knew shit was hitting the fan back in '89. He had a lot of friends on all sides, so he managed to escape the real shitstorm.
Still had to go to Kosovo, tho. That was in '97-'98. He'd seen some shit there before too, so he knew what was waiting for him.
No real stories though, Shiptars are like vermin, when there's enough antidote, you never even see them.

your ancestors stole a loaf of bread and paid the price

Yes, nobody likes Albanians. Even we hate them here.

>tfw father participated in NATO bombing
small world

My country and the continent has already been invaded and has been occupied for the last 18 years.

The war was lost without a single large scale battle. It was lost by traitors in our walls and submissive males and females allowing it to happen.

Mine didn't! Honest!

Just because my great-great-great-helicopterkinparent was an idiot who thought a spider infested desert was a "great new start", doesn't mean I should be punished for it...

I want to see fields again, Britain, and then find somewhere to rest that won't result in death by toxic insect bite.


I would. It's my home. If Hungary dies, I die with it.

Was he aware he was participating in an international jewish war crime?

Also, my old man was out of the army by the end of '98, so he didn't get to have his face blown off by a depleted uranium shell.
Still, it's always nice to have something to talk about.

If I get to blow up Mosques and genocide muslims again then yes.

Yes of course. We all have ancestors that have fought before, so all should do now. And if you wouldn't, well you probably have/should have a vagina.

>Italian doesn't want another world war

Guys, they're learning.

I would fight maybe
Not in a world war, only against mud skins.

Yes, no doubts about it

>USA invaded
depends whos invading. if its russians i wouldnt care. if chinese, or euros by some strange twist of fate, id probably fight back. if muzzies then i'd gun down every single last one of them

>reclaiming territory
literally nothing to reclaim lmfao

Depends how you definde country.

For the Germany that exists in my head, yes.

For the current, real Germany, no.

>country/nation meme
No, fucking no. America is an experiment failed.
>for my people

Poland is based

Why Russians but not Euro's? Especially Anglo's, we would be just reclaiming what's ours

Well I don't really wanna get into Balkan politics with you, I just know he was a hero and that's all I care about

>if it was russians i wouldn't care

>I just know he was a hero and that's all I care about
Topkek, so he was basically Albanian Air Force?
You know he did some fucked up shit if they immediately crowned him a hero when the whole thing ended.
No matter, you guys are gonna burn one day too.

If the invaders are either Muslims or mainland Chinese then yeah sure

can't wait for those 3 serbian MiGs on their way to bomb us to run out of fuel and crash in the atlantic

defend, maybe. but not because of
>muh country!
but because of the risk of a more tangible subjugation.
reclaim long lost clay, fuck no.
for all i care the falklands can just sink to the bottom of the ocean.

I couldn't be bothered to fight for this faggot nation.

My mom actually did humanitarian aid in Bosnia... she thought NATO's casus belli for Kosovo was bullshit.

I tend to agree.

did she get gangbanged by serbs

Of course. Its how swarthyanon came to be. He is the child of an entire nation

euros are leftist faggots and if it came to military occupation id get arrested and/or killed for my beliefs. britain is an exception but lets be real you guys aren't going to make it to our shores
modern day russia as a nation is more closely aligned with my deeply-held beliefs and values than USA is which is kind of sad desu

Makes me happy that you guys are thinking the same way we do

>nothing left to reclaim
Manifest deatiny will go north and south eventually

No, she did not. The snipers who shot at her were a little far away for that.

Karadzic did make a face-to-face threat to kill her, though.


I wouldn't fight for Ireland in the current state it's in unless the invading force was considerably worse than what we've already got


even if trump is elected?

>wanting to rule dumb spics

taking canada would make our nation more leftist. fuck leftists

Our country is being invaded by the entire 3rd world and the Government is a disciple government in thrall to globalists.

A lot of good you did.

Great minds think alike.

A nation is like a family. They may be a bunch of fuck-ups and morons, they are still family. This is how things should be. This is the natural order of things.

if trump is elected russia and usa aren't going to fight most likely

if they somehow still did though that would be a pretty tough decision though desu

I would fight till my last breath... No bullshit

Good answer. I wish the WASPs would organize, I would fight with them.

Invaded by who?
It is invaded, and so are our friends and allies. Whomever rises to remove kebab/nogs will get all of EU following.
Quite literally ANY other war, they can fight it themselves.

i should probably mention that i'm not americna by birth, was moved here from australia as a child. so my bond to nation isn't quite as strong as it could be

Let it burn.


>finland is proud of being among the gook nations

wtf germany

No, I managed to escape the brainwashing of my nation.

Hello Mr. 60%
Have you paid your daily reparation for slaving innocent black people?

Since I live in the underwater Sodom
Yeah no


>Have you paid your daily reparation for slaving innocent black people?

Yes, I do pay taxes to ZOG.

Maybe, if my freedoms were in jeopardy and if I had nowhere else to go.

I would follow a worthy leader but honestly in the current state it would be a free for all for me, I wouldn't fight for niggers, muslims, feminists, single mothers and our leftist/kike government, they corrupted the french nation and they hate french men, why should we give them victory ? To have them import even more nigger to "compensate the loss" after the war ?

Anyway I think this question is pointless, if a war happens in Europe it would be a civil war and we probably will have pan-europeans factions.
The question you have to ask is if americans would be ready to kill europeans to preserve (((american))) interests and if not what they would do against their government to prevent it especially with a russian opposition on the other side of the board, europeans and their descents are one conflict away from extinction.

>The question you have to ask is if americans would be ready to kill europeans to preserve (((american))) interests

I wouldn't; I cannot stand the United States of Babylon.

But I'm sure there are plenty of burgers who would.

I would

Good goy. Keep giving your tax money to your Israeli overlords.

If it was just an invasion then no, probably not. I know there will be more than enough volunteers and it's not necessary, and the only countries that could actually invade the USA aren't going to randomly kill citizens very often. If things looked really grim though I would probably enlist in a non-combat role.

I probably would. Even though I'd hate to fight other Europeans and even Russians, and my trust for the government and the people voting for it is low or next to zero. There just is no better place to fight for.

You know who also fought wars/fought in wars? Hitler did! You don´t want to be Hitler, do you? Even if the country is falling to pieces, never again shall Germany act in it´s own interest. After all Hitler did act in Germany´s interest, killing over 20 million in the holocaust.


just kidding actually i would not


but i would happily spill my blood for czech

>drinks water from plastic cup for the length of the whole song