"...having the Iranians and Russians pay a little price."
This psychopath (CIA) supports HRC
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stahp alex, im not buying your god damned filters
Pretty common secret service stuff.
The only surprise is he said that on public TV
What does anyone think this game is about?
I personally can't blame the guy or the other fucks like him. He thinks most people are dumb and neglects they're valuable for a reason, because they are fucking dumb.
Just look at the YT comments. Everyone's surprised and retarded
The beast reveals himself, not a comforting thought.
they're making their false flags ridiculous on purpose, as a joke at the expense of the shit-for-brained plebs
"flail your wounded arm around a lot and claim that moles are bullet holes, lelelel"
classic harley guy and his roommate standing by
The interesting thing about the Boston deal is that Chris Kyle's company was probably responsible for it.
And then Crhis Kyle got Chris Kyle'd
Well, he's not wrong. That's how you win a covert conflict.
Too bad modern Ameriniggers are nothing more than a bunch of worthless fucking subhumans, so this will never fly.
what a crazy fucker. airing dirty laundry on tv. what the fuck is wrong with him? openly talking about killing leaders of a foreign nation b/c america decided to take a stand on a foreign nation's civil war.
he probably thinks his "beyond seven proxies IRL" will protect him.
I love America and American worldwide-hegemony but this neocon bloodlust is ridiculous.
I am not that knowledgeable about all of this conflict.
What I do know is that I consider enemies enemies on one hand, on the other I consider this man to be a proponent to a globalist world.
I'm conflicted, as I do not know the nature of the enemy nor who the enemy really should be.
That guy attended Bilderberg 2016, along with David Petraeus.
He's on the attendee list.
He is a NWO shill and confirmed Builderberg member and attendee.
Nothing but a globalist central-bank mouth piece for Moloch.
the enemy is not russia. I wouldn't consider them allies, or even friendlies, as svr agents still run around washington and new york trying to extract info from their inside agents, as the chinese do, as the saudi agents do, as american agents in moscow, berlin, london do...
but the idea that we have to take a neocon engagement and actively (secretly) kill these people b/c our relationships regarding syrian civil war demands it is fucking crazy.
there's no explanation of his opinions other than having extreme bloodlust.
>the american intelligence, political and military leadership are full of people who want to keep fucking with a nuclear armed superpower for a laugh when we could just work together
>Iranians made us pay a price for fucking up the world
Why won't they let us do everything we want, kill everyone and be happy? Is that too much to ask? Now they must pay the price.
It says "deputy director" or something. This is actual American elite :) The chance of nuclear shoot-out is small but IT IS REAL. What do we do? Hope that America degenerates to a South-American state?
Never seen Harley guy.
>Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was too intense
WEW. Because that's exactly how normal people speak after seeing 2 buildings be fucking destroyed by jets....
>What's your role out here right now?
>Can't say what role
Fuck off Putin
What's wrong with killing Russians?
>the enemy is not russia
You are dumb if you believe that.
American plan is to have good trade treaties with western europe and eastern asia along the atlantic and pacific trade route and push instability in the middle.
It's basic geography.
USA and Russia could band together and crush China.
But you queers would rather get muddied up in proxy wars in the middle east just to keep Israel happy. None of that benefits us at all.
what a fucking quack
Lets go massacre lots of people because they aren't being good little puppets
What does he mean "diplomatic settlement" ? Allow jihadist militias to massacre Assad & his family ? Turning syria into a corrupt islamist state where the US can easily ship drugs through?
>USA and Russia could band together and crush China
Go fuck yourself pootinbot from savushkina 55 str.
This. All this trumpfags and antiCIA antihillary posters are putinbots from savushkina or brainwashed by them.
in german youtube.com
in russian- varlamov.ru
Trump is just corrupt man with HUUUGE ego. He will crush USA and will be literally puppet in Pootin hands
why? what can putin lord over trump to influence him to an extent that the president is a proxy of the kremlin?
you're confusing terms.
enemy, in the context of this video, describes a double-front enemy; secretive, clandestine operations to undermine/attack the enemy, and a literal "on-the-battlefield-kill-charlies" enemy. That's a very narrow conception of how important diplomatic relations are in regards to these topics.
Just b/c there are competing interests in terms of trade does not mean that we are enemies in the traditional sense. We are in a post-conflict world, where if serious conflicts arise (between powers who are not DINDU NUFFINS and don't want to open a conventional theatre of war), we are seldom made aware of it, unless one side wants to make a spectacle of it.
So, a dispute b/w russia and the UK will be diplomatic and will trickle down to their intel services. It won't result in troops on the ground.
>tl/dr: enemies =/= competing interests
I can blame him
I don't understand these boomers who sell out their own race and country it's like they think they are untouchable