So if 9/11 never happened, who would we hate? Who did we use to hate That this event distracted attention from?
So if 9/11 never happened, who would we hate? Who did we use to hate That this event distracted attention from?
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We still hated sandniggers before 9/11, which is why there was such a low volume of them compared to other european countries.
People hated our own government and the future.
Don't forget waco, ruby ridge, anything kazinsky, mcveigh and a lot of anti gov groups.
Before 9/11 there was a lot of fear of the Soviet and Asia, both were seen as the next big potential threat. Look at any big 80's action film villain.
Jews. They saw it coming and coordinated the attacks.
>the peak of the worldwide antiglobalization
And was forgotten by all..
>200,000 demonstrators.
now you're lucky if there are 20k
9/11 dosent matter at all
muslims still.
Sadam Hussein probably?
He's always the big bad guy in 2000 movies.
>we have always been at war with x
t. winston smith
This. We got conned into spending our money and lives for them AGAIN.
We can hate Miracle Mattress
They've been very clever. They've turned Europe into an extension of Israel with daily terror attacks so we can "feel their pain" and make us fight their enemies for them, with good old Soros holding the door open for the "migrants".
Playing both sides, as always.
are those mexican or arab shit skins? i can't even tell anymore. thanks Sup Forums.
well the fatness leads me to believe mexican.
Easy! Niggers
goy, nothing of that it's true. It's not like someone always know what is going to happen, and that someone certainly doesn't make a living specualting with shekels, so move on, nothing to see here.
pic absolutely NOT related
also, if this wasn't a kike, this phrase might very well have been said by muh terrorists
Israel got what it wanted.
It mobilized the US against Israel's enemies.
>No wonder the Israeli's were dancing.
>The Israelis perpetrated 911.
>Not in collusion with the Al Qaeda, but using them as an unwitting patsy cover force.
>Israel secretly piggybacking on top of the Al Qaeda plot.
>Al Qaeda had a plot to use aircraft to crash into the WTC.
>Mossad finds out about the al-Qaeda plot but does nothing to stop it. Does not tell the US about the impending attack.
>Mossad demolition experts lay explosive charges within the WTC buildings.
>When planes hit, after an interval of time, Mossad remotely triggers the charges it placed in the towers.
>America rightly blames Al Qaeda, though most non-Jewish leaders do not know enough to blame Israel for the lion's share of the destruction.
>America is red hot furious at Israel's middle eastern enemies and spends 15 years and incurs crippling debt to fight Israel's enemies.
>Israel is happy because America mobilizes to attack their enemies.
>WTC-7 is its own level of silliness at what people expect the average citizen to believe
>People that Israel sent to film the destruction of the towers are captured. Then mysteriously released.
>Cui Bono? Who Benefited from WTC going down?
>Israel benefited.
>And benefited big.
No 9/11 in Austria and I still hate Muslims. Really makes you think.
>>People that Israel sent to film the destruction of the towers are captured. Then mysteriously released.
sauce pls
>Israeli's were dancing.
I've read about dancing isreali quite a few times, is this a meme or an actual fact?
Historical revisionism is a powerful thing, isn't it?
Prior to the founding of Israel, most Muslim countries were friendly toward the west.
>Muslims, really?
I actually meant Musloids. Semites be semites.
why the leftists of course.
this (((event))) happened to distract you from the hostile take over of the government by leftist scum. the government was target number one, many of the citizens hated the government with a passion. now they love the police surveillance state.
911 was allowed to happen in order to facilitate the installation of an 1984 type world government. And no im not asking you to BUY MUH WATER FILTERS.
dont hate the government, the nanystate will protect you from the EVIL TERROISTS
now its the government will protect you the EVIL WHITEYAND HIS RACCCIISSSSUUMMMSSSS
next it will be the goverment will protect you from everything, from hunger from disease from death oh wait THEY SAY THAT ALREADY.
Ashkenazi's are no prize either.
well the gov will protect me from the internet at the end of this month with icann.
also, this dindu @2:53 is speaking the truth or bs?
If 9/11 never happened I believe World War 3 would have kicked off already (possibly between the US and Russia).
Muslims are the common enemy bringing all first world countries together. If they didn't strike we would have found an enemy in each other.
For example, Russia's annexation of Crimea would not have been over shadowed by their efforts in Syria destroying ISIS and the yanks would have most of it's military available to react and not tied up in the rest of the middle east.
no the UN will protect you now.
world government is upon us.
But (((communism))) is totally cool. amirite?
>implying it's not for a good cause
It's an actual fact.
Still white people. The same jews would control all the media and propaganda.
WTC-7 makes absolutely no sense to me.
Something something papers lit on fire, causing a structure to collapse like a controlled demo.
Everyone, as usual.
i dont need any other evidence besides this personally
Well, there was apparently damage, elsewhere there wouldn't be lots of smoke before it collapsed.
Still unlikely that a skyscraper collapses from fire alone, but it's plausible enough to blame American engineering, their homes are cardboard tier shit, so probably are their office buildings.
you want to know why that doesnt matter if it fell by natural causes???
because of the fact that THEY DIDNT REPORT ON IT.
they blew their cover right there
by not covering it , we automatically know that it was staged
This shit is so fucking sick ..
We all know why
muslim hate was common before 9/11, just not so widespread
Landing gear falling on a building and taking it down is like a roller skate falling on a mansion and taking it down.
And straight down at that.
Something is fishy.
And we are expected to believe this shit?
The Jews
Every single little girl in the US had a swollen clit for muslims because muh Aladdin cartoon movie and muh Aladdin syndicated TV show and muh fantasy about self-insertion into the role of Jasmine.
The mudburning crisis skipped an entire generation because of 9/11
Nice theory but most Disney Princesses are white.
Why do demolition companies exist at all when it was proven 3 times in one day that all you have to do to make a building suddenly instantly collapse perfectly into its own footprint is light something on fire and wait a few hours.
i disagree, i think that most of them actually want to be in the role of the white princesses, and i dont think little girls have a conception of wanting to be muslim because of jasmine
no it ain't bs or no it ain't true that they talked about bombs on the washington bridge? fucking hell sometimes autism is overwelming
you are officially retarded.
I was answering op on what people were used to hate before 911 and it was the joos.
you burgers literally cannot stop fapping to corporate marketing and being kikes' slaves
also, you are literally a mongoloid speaking non sense
The darkpill on 9/11 is that it was a vast enterprise involving the highest levels of the US government, Saudi intelligence, Mossad and wealthy individuals. It wasnt da j00s who did, although they helped because it benefited them, but what is known as the NWO. Even the Bush family is involved.
Mossad is Jews, user.
This. Also our biggest fear before 9/11 were people like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold.
Post pics of the South Face of the building.