/BSE/ - BadSelfEater General

Mark the Tenth goys! Enjoy the viral reality game show presented by Joey Gross

Mystery fake bank notes have showed up across the country. What do they mean? Why do they link to FBcom/ThankMrTeeth and BadSelfEater.com ? Nobody knows. Help us find out!

>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

>badselfeater.com/ (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)

>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>Metal dump
>Fed leak
>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to today's article about Clinton Library) hughhewitt.com/politico-co-founder-jim-vandehei-msm-anti-trump-bias-2016/
>CERN opening gateway to Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth

>Requiem in D Minor by Mozart III. Sequentia: Lacrimosa dies illa (choir)
>Sacrificial Procession by James Horner

Please don't correct this record, it could very well end up being a leak.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ron Paul's "Peace and Prosperity" conference on-going

The Eureka Boat (The Urica Bowt) was figured out last night

What is this ledger showing? It seems to be way to old for some of the companies represented to have a hand in it

An idea from the last thread was taking the schedule of the release of information and converting it to midi with respect to time 0.00. Based in D minor given the key of Requiem. It would be interesting to get the notes as well and see what happens.

it could have something to do with the original owners of the Board Game Island building Rice, Baulard & Co

Rice, Baulard & Co went out of business during McKinley administration due to a hurricane, and McKinley was heavily referenced on the facebook

If you tilt the view of the bill far enough, Hillary appears to be like one of those bad people in "They Live"

Mckinley assasinated on September 14th. Also ushered in TR who was known for his teeth. Teeth are symbolic of truth in the bible.

Look at the ledger, the day just out of frame is Saturday November 10th 1951.

Posted by user in other thread:

>You don't have to believe me, but these are complex puzzle pieces whose prize yields survival.

>Roughly 2 years from now, there will be a nuclear attack on Seoul, on the American base. Cure invasion of NK.

>It won't be WWIII, but it will be a big enough distraction to release a pathogen into the area to help cull the world's population. We already know several genetic components associated with intelligence and lack thereof, and the ones responsible will be targeting the dumbest among us. However, there is no guarantee that the disease won't evolve to infect and kill everyone.

>These are the first of what will be 16 total puzzles, and when they're solved, the winners will be inoculated against the coming disease.

Anyone know if legit?

D minor scale.
Anyone have a clue to the other two?

BTW a couple other anons said they had similar timetables for these events as well, before all 3 disappeared.

Also important to note that it's the Minor Third, the Second and the root.

well that fits in with the Denver International Airport/New World Airport symbology finding its way onto the bill

This is probably pretty trivial but the symbolism heavily follows a theme of a split. Some sort of division in something. Maybe something like a split foundation? Who knows. Maybe this isn't any communication meant for the public, but rather a message to rival masonics or something like that.

the split on the back is left-leaning judges and right-leaning judges of the supreme court

Maybe this is in reference to McKinley again? He was famous for debating William Jennings Bryan about a gold vs silver standard currency

Ok that's a good observation. Maybe all of this is like some sort of encoded order. Like correct circumstances. It all feels like a ploy to distract from the real message. Where the real message is, is ambiguous though.


Everything lately seems so desperate from the Clinton campaign. They realize that victory is not guaranteed and are resorting to more desperate means. Whatever 14 September is may be a ploy to destabilize and decentralize the nationalist movements that have exponentially grown in strength in the last year or so.

>"It's just marketing"
>"Saged this thread"
>"Stop these roleplaying threads"
>"It's for American Horror Story"
>"It's probably fake guys"
>"It's not real money guys, just normal paper"
>"It's just for a movie"
>"Go back to /x/ faggots"



is there an earlier appearance of this? biblejunkies.com/2012/01/menorah-and-cross-in-ancient-laodicea.html

I become an instrument of God and destroy all evil


>ag FED
McKinley faced off against Jennings-Bryan over whether or not gold or silver should be used as a national currency. Are we onto something here?


This set of numbers was posted with the the pic in the OP on MrTeeth FB

"Anton LaVey was born 4/11/30 he was the father of the Church of Satan. This is his sigil, The Sigil of Baphomet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Baphosimb.gif"
Someone posted this

4 days
11 hours
30 min
from when he posted it?

I reached out to guy who wrote this blog to ask if he knows any more

The clock on the site is at 04:07:18:00

I was awake when he posted it and this is correct

numbers might mean something though

Likely, there's a duality in just about everything on this bill. It's unsettling.

I think this is all about the era in which the fed was established and the McKinley/Roosevelt connections to it.

Roosevelt was first married to Alice Hathaway Lee

Alice Hathaway Lee was the daughter of George Cabot Lee. The Cabot family is old money shippers and bankers from Boston who made a fortune off the slave and opium trades

>Fed uses Gold standard
>McKinley establishes such a standard
>McKinley killed due to wanting to use silver????

So what was figured out? Just that it is a Eureka boat? About the manufacturing company owner'

General Dwight Eisenhower is quoted as saying, "Andrew Higgins ... is the man who won the war for us. ... If Higgins had not designed and built those LCVPs, we never could have landed over an open beach. The whole strategy of the war would have been different." Even Adolf Hitler recognized his heroic war efforts in ship production and bitterly dubbed him the "New Noah."

Andrew Higgins was an influential part of American history, not only with his participation in World War II but also in regards to politics. With the rising success of Higgins Industries, Higgins found himself in a position of power and influence. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his fourth consecutive term alongside vice presidential candidate Harry Truman, Higgins made sure his voice and opinion were heard. Higgins revered them and urged the nation to vote for them during the 1944 presidential election campaign while visiting various cities such as Boston and New York. Roosevelt and Truman won and thanked Higgins for his strong recommendations and for playing such a significant role in swaying the nation’s opinion in that election.

Bumping with rare Pepe

Do you see the company logos in the ledger as well?

So I see an Eagle over all of the Eastern hemisphere with a badselfeater scale weighted heavily to the left. I feel like this represents Nazism......but after the key was broken it turna into the UN simbol but theres a massive hole in Europe.

Is Europe being destroyed? Did the Nazis go underground and take over the UN? Is the ledger for slaves bought/ captured/ sold in your time period?

Inb4 we didnt defeat the Nazis, they just went into hiding and took over everything.

Bumping with mere words.

Seems to me like it isn't Nazis taking over anything, but the very people the Nazis tried to stop. Just an observation.

Once the timer runs out, Nazis emerge from Agartha and exact their revenge.

Guys, Pence speech on right now he just referenced that tax provision on the bottom right side of the bill about churches. Just now

Wake up Sup Forums. You guys know this better than anyone else, a lot of people on arfcom know the answer too. You knew it before the bills. You've found a ton of relevant information. I can't tell you what it is. There is a very simple explanation, but all of the relevant findings point to it, you just have to open your eyes. Mr. Teeth was right, it will make you mad, it will scare you. But I guarantee that when you figure it out, all of his facebook posts will make sense, and so will this one. You'll also know why I can't say it and why you won't be able to either.

I don't know what will happen on the 14th, but again, I got the message. It IS simpler than you're making it, but every detail confirms it. I just hope Mr. Teeth HAS teeth.

BS, enlighten us. Why cant you say and do t give me "I just cant" if you really cant give a vague reason as to why.

As soon as i figure it out Im posting it for everyone with a spoiler warning.

I feel like he's just throwing a false flag to divert for whatever reason

The most obvious thing would be that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have a troubling connection, like through the Clinton foundation

But this seems like a fag

Ok shooting in the dark. The High Jews did WW2 and every conflict to present as some sort of massive social engineering campaign to push them to the top in order to establish some sort of High Jew monarchy over the entire world.

I've seen this come up several times while lookingi into this whole thing... "It's simpler than you think" "It's right under your nose" or some other nonsense to that effect...

I still think it has something to do with the Snowden tweet and the hijacked tools. Crashing this economy with no survivors.

Fucking attention whore...gtf0

user last night said it would be possible, but no markets are open at 7pm EST on Wednesday

that could be when fed announces rate hike I guess

Don't forget: The Rothscucks are at the top of this and they literally praise a city sized Satan from outer space

does Trump have any connection to the Rothchilds? Hillary's leaked emails showed a ton of lovey/creepy emails between them, one of which said she owed "penance" to them

"The Swing" is also in the possession of the rothchilds. Do they own the plaza hotel?

>"The Swing" is also in the possession of the rothchilds
Cue the black and white photo of Hillary, Donald, Don Jr, and Eric in front of that painting.

Oh yeah i forgot about that one lol. And dont ask whats under the sphinx left foot.

And didnt he say Space Satan was the size of like a sky scaper or something? That's gonna take a lot of taxidermists to mount that thing.

I've just watched an advert on TV 'Its the end of the world as we know it' by a global multinational company - Unilever


I think they own the whole fucking world at this point


what if Hillary Clinton is Tiffany's mom

it's too dangerous
I'm not the one who's misleading people, we've been mislead our whole lives
this is just a tiny piece
I don't know, is there evidence?
I can't make any predictions, I don't know what will happen, put the big picture together. I don't think BSE has all the answers, I hope they do know something is happening on the 14th whether its something they know will happen, or something they will show us, we've all got the message, we've found many clues, and they all support the overarching message of the bills.

I could be totally off base, but if you take a step back, everything I said, and everything Mr. Teeth has said will make sense. When you figure it out, you will really know, you will wake up and you will see it unlike you have seen it before.

>muh spooky roleplaying
fuck off m8



מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרסין


So what's the hierarchy of power? Rothschilds > Soros > Pawns?


This is the Writing on the Wall.

Ron Paul already gsve his peace and prosperity speech today, right? How did that go? I just woke up.

BSE = Bull Shit Extravaganza

I knew it.

The conference ends at 3 pm

maybe Hillary aborted a Trump baby theamericanmirror.com/hillary-had-several-abortions-kept-chelsea-for-political-appearances-bills-former-lover-says/

Oh I see. Does anyone have the timetable?

That would be quite juicy. Obungo is trying to make planned parenthood funding more permanent.


Dude thats my point, spill the beans too damgerous my ass. See this is half the problem, ive been following conspiracies and shit since the 90s and theres always some ass saying "no i cant say the truth is too powerful" and then boom nothing happens. If you know some ground break revelation about the world and dont share it youre as bad as the perpetrators and deserve to hang with them.

Its long past time to light that fire under lady liberty and let freedom ring, my rifle and my body have been ready.

Now that you said it, she looks a lot like Chelsea. Hmmm

I don't know what's going to happen either, but from the way you speak I'm assuming you believe one of the effects of the happening will be the collapse of the USD, or perhaps the entire forex market as a whole.

And/or a Trump-Clinton trust.

/gd/ please go

>Donald Trump bought the Plaza in 1988
>49% of share in the building went to an investment firm through Citibank (Rothschilds?) in 1992
>Wedding with Marla was in 1993

I might reach out to the photographer of Hillary and Donald Trump and see when that picture was taken. He's wearing a different suit so it wasn't at Trump's wedding

You know it! But do you really believe it? Are you mad yet?

Even if I said it, some people here would say no shit. Other places and the general populace would laugh it off and call it crazy. I don't have evidence, but leaks we have seen all point to it. The message isn't as specific as this person did that. It is more that these people have been doing this for longer than we thought.

I can only hope there is some cold hard evidence coming whether something happens or not, it's the only way people will finally see.

>inb4 it's da joos

Photo is from 1997 apparently sarahmerians.com/blog/2016/01/sarah-merians-in-the-news-trump-and-clinton/

at this point Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal owned the building (he owns FOX now)

there's a Rupert Murdoch connection. has to be relevant

They are going to reveal the lie of dollar.

The lie of money.

What humanity could have? They are taking down the jews, rothschilds, and every other cancer in the earth.

It is.
look where he got the idea to kill McKinley.
The only thing that has really changed is the names.


>None of the money from the deal will go to Mr. Trump, who acquired the hotel for about $400 million in 1988. Rather, it will go to banks in the United States that had lent money to Mr. Trump and to banks in Japan that hold a mortgage on the hotel property.

Arabic and Japanese "peace" is written on the bill

again, it can't be a coincidence

Maybe the Clintons made money off the deal?

Im ready to believe it and fuck yeah im mad! Iv been mad! The government owns and runs all these damn companies pushing their agenda daily on us non stop and you think im not mad? Im fucking furious, all I ever wanted was to be left alone to live my life the way I see fit and every god damn time I turn on the TV, radio, read anything its always some way of telling me i should feel horrible about myself for wanting freedon to live my life. There always some beauricratic busy body finding every way they can to inject their opinion and impose their will on somebody else and im god damn sick and tired of it. If this is what it is then this whole damn system needs to be crashed and we get back to the eay nature intended not this fabricated bullshit. You do you, ill do me, leave me the fuck alone or ill kill you.


Prince Al-Waleed is who owned The Plaza Hotel at the time the Trump/Clinton picture was taken inside. This has to mean something

anyone else been seeing symbols everywhere?

The Plaza Hotel is owned by the Fairmont.

The FRHI chain (Fairmont, Raffles, and Swissotel) was recently bought out by Accor Hotels in a deal advised by Zaoui & Co.


>Micheal Zaoui began his career with Banque Rothschild in Paris in 1978

I don't know if any of this information helps.

we mainly need to find out what color the dress of the girl in "The Swing" is to know if it's the Rothschild's suite

a leak showing Trump and Clinton making a deal while she was FLOTUS would be a pretty major happening

This. You see the fucking indoctrination everywhere you look. It's all around us, 24/7, no matter where you look. We are fucking pissed off for having "white guilt" forced upon us at every turn.

Is KEK trying to tell me something at the drive thru??? Is the crazy train derailing???

Where is that from?

What do you know about this?

Matbe this whole thing is a ploy by the. Clinton campaign to distract Sup Forums and theDonald boards from corruption research and meme manufacturing?


Outside a Family Dollar store




Alright, I emailed Sarah Merians to figure out where "The Swing" photograph was taken.

if it was a distraction they wouldn't put a 4 day expiration date on it

We Awakened are all a combination of Elliot Alderson, Winston Smith and Bernard Marx. The lies and absolute falsity of the reality and society as presented to us have crippled our natural talents and drives. The question will be, once Muad'dib shows us the truth, what actions can/will we take? Some will fight foolishly, some will fight effectively, others will cave/turtle in varying degrees.

At the moment the overly cryptic badselfeater stuff that has reached only a tiny fraction of even the Awakened does not bode well as a Sign, and since it is following a lot of the tropes by extended advertisements of the past, lends doubt. This further erodes trust in the sigil.

Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe. But without something concrete, it becomes just another matter of Faith until the moment of Revelation, at which point it is too late.

Please give something specific that you think this is about. I'm pretty smart but this thing eludes me; if you are smarter and have it nailed down, let us dullards know.

The countdown started almost a month ago.

I don't think that there are enough people distracted by this to make a difference. It seems like there's only a handful of us that are genuinely interested.

>inb4 that because it's fake, faggot