Why does Disney keep pushing cars? The other two movies were forgettable...

Why does Disney keep pushing cars? The other two movies were forgettable, and those faggy spinoff movies were even worse.

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>that picture
Shed 17

Where's his gashole?


money. cars makes a killing off merchandise

I'm assuming that's fanart but that's not nearly as creepy as the concept art for the film.

Billions in merchandising.

Because they built an entire theme park land around it in California so they have to keep it relevant.

It's made billions in merchandise over the years.

Because people keep buying the merchandise. It's made billions. They'd be foolish to abandon a cash cow.


Because the franchise sells absolute shitloads of merchandise. Money. That's why.

Walk down the walmart toy aisle today, and notice how many toys there are for a movie that came out 5 years ago

It doesn't matter if a film is actually good, as long as something is profitable.

It's Disney's Hot Wheels, dumbass


A toy car is the simplest, most generic toy, and yet something that every boy likes to play with. The movie Cars is all about, well, cars. So, put two and two together, and you get a franchise/merchandise line that rakes in thousands of dollars.

>Ninja Turtles sells more than Batman


There hasn't been a Batman marketed to kids in the last decade that was good.

It's not just over the last decade though. Star Wars's merch sales have been accumulating since the 70s

Wait, what the hell is the concept here? Cavemen are parasites?

If you have to ask this and aren't trolling you aren't capable of having this discussion.

Toys. I was a 9 year old at the tine of the first movie. I remember I had a few cars toys. I stopped playing with it by the tine of spiderman 3 tho.

What the fuck

Isn't it obvious?


So who's the stronger market juggernaut: Cars or Minions?


What does that mean?

For those that don't know. Here's an awesome video for children of all ages.


Late response but the idea was that cavemen were connected to the car via the brainstem or something like that.

Steve Purcell joke-pitched the idea that all Cars have a neurally linked caveman inside of them that functions as their driver and that when a car crashes hard enough to eject the caveman through their windshield, requiring them to go to a Caveman Slave Farm Island to go get a new one. And that's how Cars works.

John Lasseter and the other Pixar guys didn't go for it.

I didn't know it was Purcell's idea, that's funny.


Purcell is a god damn treasure.

Stupid kids really like the stupid toys.


Blaine's a pain, and that's the truth.

Welp, no sleep for me tonight.

This one actually makes less sense than because as strange as it looks, it doesn't make that many jumps from what we've already seen. We already know the cars have teeth, tongues, eyes, and that they drink fuel directly. It's just extrapolating. The caveman thing is pretty batshit though.

> tires have bones
> cars get tires changed

That's okay, I didn't need to sleep tonight.


When is he going to suck Disney's dick enough that they fund another Sam and Max cartoon? Or a movie.

Throughout the years, billions have been made in merchandising.

Merchandise brings in billions these last few years


what the fuck

Have any of you actually seen the trailer for the next one?

stock scream in that scene ruined the mood for me.

TMNT has always had better toys than Batman,.


>Harry Potter
>More than Transformers
>More than Frozen
>More than Spiderman and the Avengers combined

I don't think anyone was meant to take that seriously, considering this is Steve Purcell we're talking about.

Unless we get an actual confirmation as to the anatomy of these things, I'm just going to assume they're normal cars but with faces.

>I'm just going to assume they're normal cars but with faces.
Except they really do have fleshy looking tongues.

Seriously hope this happens in 3.
Nothing will be the same and Mcqueen crashes. Perfect opportunity for his caveman to shoot out in front of a live audience

Each movie makes like $10 billion on merch alone.


>Cars 3 is an edgy, dark and gritty sequel about McQueen's shit getting fucked up
>cut my life into pieces starts playing

I unironically want this.

>Pixar: "We're going to make a parallel to the old west with dinosaurs! It's going to be an intense introspective on the nuclear family with themes of isolation and man vs nature! I think our audience is mature enough for that."

Good Dinosaur doesn't do as well, pretty tough to pull off

>Pixar: "Welp, out of money. What was our biggest merch maker? Seriously? $8 billion? INCOMING CARS SEQUELS!"