Let's make a thread where we say nice things to each other's countries..I mean we all have something likeable even by our sworn historical enemies
Let's make a thread where we say nice things to each other's countries...
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I like the middle east's ability to build sand castles
Canada and GB need to be nuked
I really like how burgers don't trust their government. It's a healthy distrust that will preserve liberty
Bukaresti is very good and beautiful city with the best building of parliament in Europe
Argentina is the best hispanic country
US is good state
The Original thieves. GG for that.
Thank you for inspring Electrode, The self destructing Pokemon
What an abhorent shitpost my friend.
GERMANS are the most mentally ill nation in Europe
They're the Troyan Horse of Europe. They let Russians in, they let bolsheviks in. It's their fault that Eastern Europe was occupied by communists
They're enemies of personalistic civilizations. This is why they hated Poland (hate?) which represents one
GERMANS are mad, violent, cruel brutes who mindlessly use force for destruction. Human person in Germany was always instrumentalized to serve wicked ideas of the government and their mentally ill "philosophers"
There's a cultural barrier between Poland and Germany. First country is moral and treats dignity and freedom of a human person seriously, the latter is demonic, unpleasant, instrumentalizes human beings, treats them as raw materials. And paganism was alive in Germany even in the 20th century!
I ask myself - why did God put Germans as the biggest nation in the middle of Europe? Did he want us to experience what is DEVIL like?
Asks Charlemagne's father why he separated his empire that way.
Second place at shitposting and I respect that. Australia is the best at it doe.
Poles may be the last european country that is not a caliphate. I also like this song made by them:
Based country
You nords are the best looking people in the world can I have sum of dat dicc Sven? :3 nohomo
Your food is great
Out of all the south american countries, id like to visit yours the most.
I've seen alot of cute girls come from your country.
Apparently poles are the masters of butthurt
The Marshal plan wasn't too bad.
your flag has best color scheme
I like your lenient laws on weed and prostitution
I find Greek ancient traditions very interesting and it's nice that pretty much only greeks do it
Your girls have god tier ass