Has Sup Forums turned you into an atheist?
Already was, that is why I'm here
It's a christian board...
No. It turned me into a christian culturalist though. Still don't believe in God, but I kinda really need others to.
no, education did. and them philosophy turned me agnostic.
Sup Forums is not a christian board. religious people are a cesspool of misery, retardation and oppression.
not your personal safe space
get your magical sky fairies back to churches
Christianity is the only thing that kept order. Atheism is just a retarded form of anti-cultural nihilism which is the sole driving component that spawned the Renaissance and Liberalism which in turn destroyed and domed the west forever.
Kill the traitors.
Going to a christcuck college turned me athiest
True redpillers are atheist, but for the general public it's probably better to be Christian than Atheist. Christians get their moral values from their religion, they do the right things because otherwise they'll burn in hell or whatever. Atheists have to get their moral values from the state, do the right things or the state will punish you. As atheism increases, the power of the state increases aswell. The state basically becomes the new god, because people need external guidance, they need a bigger leader.
Atheism is only good if you know right from wrong yourself, without needing a state to tell you what to do. And most people in the west dont do this. Im an atheist, but our society would be better off as Christians.
the tables have turned, christianity is the fedora group now
>Christian is the only thing that kept order.
Which one among all the christian churches with their different beliefs is the one that keep order?
Oh, you mean that one that worship a middle east jew that spread proto marxist anti-Roman imperialism ideas. Sure, go back to your blue pill cave, faggot.
It actually got me to go to Church.
> spread proto marxist anti-Roman imperialism ideas
>meanwhile the easter patriachies consolidated Eastern Rome and the Roman patriachy maintained some stability to the shithole that was the west
Mein kekels
I agree with this user.
Christianity is a good compass for the ignorant masses.
It doesn't have to be Christianity. Any form of religion that is compatible with Europeanism works well. But Christianity is the only one that still holds some sort of merit. Rather a christian Europe then an Atheist one.
Atheism is just ideological subversion becoming a norm. All generations brought up today are brought up as existential nihilists. Can you trust a man who cannot even trust his own existence or perceive it as real?
Virtue less retards can't sign contracts, neither can they ever be functional.
A lack of Christianity leads to a lack of morals and inherent social standards which in turn leads to pic related.
No, I was an agnostic (aethism requres a leap of faith into the unprovable as much as any religion)
But as I became more conservative I started studying theology - especially Lewis and Chesterton
I'm now a Christian
I was an atheists before I came here, though I've noticed a lot of """Christian""" LARPers here recently
It Turned me Christian again; mainly the islamic threat, heritage, appreciating family values and deus vult
no i've always been atheist
became one when I asked my mom while we were in the car where my recently deceased great granpa went
she said he went up to the clouds
i look out and saw nothing
so i knew she was bullshitting me like when she told me the strange dark colored man was just wrestling with her
Sup Forums is a kekist board.
praise kek
No Sup Forums did . Sup Forums made me christian
No, but it turned me into an autist.
>Which one among all the christian churches with their different beliefs is the one that keep order?
The ONLY one that incorporated PAGAN european elements into it's daily rituals so that Europe would not fracture, you fucking imbecil.
Now that you atheists have destroyed that and paved way for the other semite faiths, you are unable to even organize paganism to be revived again. You have successfully destroyed collective learning/education because some YOU (Your own individualist selfishness) didn't like.
Atheists are the epicenter of cancer. Just because you don't believe yourself, don't destroy the illusion. Please realize most people are too dumb to let go of that and please realize it's function, you filthy kike.
I was an atheist long before Sup Forums existed. No amount of meme-of-the-week shitposting ever made me change my mind.
Sup Forums is a neo-libertarian atheist board.
I want the non-satirists and fascists to leave.
>And there's no way to prove a God doesn't exist but they believe it strongly
Burden of proof lays square on the shoulders of theists, not atheists.
No, it brought me closer to Christianity, but I have not regained my faith yet. I live by Christian values, but I can't call myself a practicing Christian
because "Something"
Nope, it turned me into a christian. I was a catholic but I quit that and joined the Missouri synod Lutheran church.
Hello Varg.
>atheism has its own symbols
But that's wrong
It turned me into a Jew a I finally see who the real masterrace is.
I've actually considered converting to Judaism to oppose Islam.
I don't believe in God but I value Christian culture. Going to church is actually a pretty good idea just for the community and the morals it instills
A lot of Christians, yet no one here wants to be Christlike
Someone posted a fedora picture at me once, so now I'm a Christian. Praise Joseph's wife's son Rabbi Jeshua, deus vult!
define europeanism
>born in a religious family
>lost faith in my edgy teens
>since coming to Sup Forums I have regained my faith
I am sure most of you will come around to it eventually, give it some time.
>We must believe in something imaginary because muh morals
I can't understand this line of thinking. Humans aren't THAT depraved.
Sup Forums is an esoteric jahannist zoroastrian board
pol made you more retarded? what a surprise.
Retard atheists believe they created science so they use an atom as their symbol. Ironically that version of the atom is scientifically inaccurate. Also it looks like a Jew so fuck that shit.
I've noticed one thing with a lot of """Christians""" here. They claim that they're Christian now and grew out of their "edgy" phase. Its like a lot of them here are more concerned with appearing adult than anything and feel that being Christian because they used to be or their parents were makes them look mature and distinguished from their peers. They then proselytize their newfound """faith""" and call those who are against them childish or edgy. This is the worst kind of belief. It's a meme fad so you can appear more adult just like how atheism was the more "mature" option a few years ago.
Made me convert to Judaism, gonna be rich as fuck.
I accept what you said about christian church incorporating pagan elements to avoid fractures, that's a nice point.
However don't say "you" talking in plural like if atheism were an organised movement or institution when atheism is truly an individual manifestation of a kind of thinking. I don't belong to any organisation (I didn't destroy anything, like you proclaim). I don't accept semith values neither, I just concluded that I need no good in my life.
Lastly, you affirm "you have destroyed collective learning/education" like if that were something bad. Collective education is another way to name "brainwashing".
>I've noticed one thing with a lot of """Christians""" here. They claim that they're Christian now and grew out of their "edgy" phase. Its like a lot of them here are more concerned with appearing adult than anything and feel that being Christian because they used to be or their parents were makes them look mature and distinguished from their peers. They then proselytize their newfound """faith""" and call those who are against them childish or edgy. This is the worst kind of belief. It's a meme fad so you can appear more adult just like how atheism was the more "mature" option a few years ago.
Whats wrong with that? Having a moral code to stick to because of religious reasons is much better than having a moral code to stick to because otherwise the goverment will come and fuck you up. Thats a real life, physical threat. I'll take the fake imaginary threat any day. Religion seems to be a great motivator.
Then proof atheism is true , pro tip you cant
Agnostic master race the burden of proof is back to you
Retarded in what way my kangaroo friend?
M8 that's some hardcore mental gymnastics right there. Are you beginning to see the light? Admit you were wrong user, we all make mistakes. I've made mistakes but through my failures I learned how to better myself.
Explain to me why you're more mature as a result if you're going to call me immature by proxy
>He says as he calls people immature and edgy
Never once did I mention them being immature or edgy.
Not an argument
>Explain to me why you're more mature as a result if you're going to call me immature by proxy
>They never grew out their edgy phase
>They are trying to appear adult but aren't
u wot m8?
Do you now what the word immature means?
Look, I don't give a shit what you believe but if you seriously let Sup Forums brand christianity sucker you than you are a colossal idiot. There's no value in in their faith. They want to use it as a system of social control. They want to use it combat ideologies they don't like. They use it to rebel against their left-wing, middle class parents that raised them in casually pious households at most and secular ones at least. At no point do most of these people actually come to the realization that they believe that there is one, omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent God that begat itself unto the world to live and die as a human in anguish.
These people are selfish worshipers. Religion is supposed to be a means of discovering truth. These people only care about the benefits they can reap from their 'faith'.
The collective cultural, traditional, racial and social region which is Europe and her people. All ancient deities and cultures can be traced back to a pan-european culture with a specific philosophy.
This pan-european culture originate from the first European settlers and have defined the coming civilizations from that period on. You can find similarities in most indo-european religious cultures that you can't find in Asian or African ones for example.
Europeanism is also wider and broader than that. Europeanism = not drinkin camels piss like an arab, meditating in complete silence like a chink or cutting the skin off your penis like a kike. - Europeanism is a specific racial and behavior pattern that applies to European cultures and is only applicable to European nations.
We don't have a Roman/Greek heritage because we "thought it was bretty cool" but because it made more sense to us than Confucius or Muhammad.
Then Move to an Island, preferably away from this continent and it's culture where you can't spread your Frankfurt School cancer. And start thinking about it there.
>when atheism is truly an individual manifestation of a kind of thinking
Yes. That's what they really need you to think. That it is your own thoughts, that you somehow (without any form of human interaction) came to that conclusion. It's nice.. it becomes cancer when you try to spread it.
>Collective education is another way to name "brainwashing".
So? Is brainwashing bad? Do you think you ahven't been brainwashed? Do you honestly believe you ahve own constructive thoughts that has not in one way or another been shaped by societal changes, Mr Molyneux?
It has to be the right for of Brainwashing. That's all. The only non-brainwashed human being is Tarzan (if he couldn't speak with animals).
Really activated my almonds
>because otherwise the goverment will come and fuck you up
But that happens regardless of where your moral code comes from. Faggots are allowed to get married now instead of being dragged out of the city walls and stoned to death.
>All ancient deities and cultures can be traced back to a pan-european culture with a specific philosophy.
regional and later continental culture' with a..
>I don't care what you believe but if believe things that I don't then I'm going to call you an idiot; and even though I don't believe it, if you don't conform to my definition of religion then you're not really religious
You're making shit up now. Never once did I say that. If you actually wanted to quote me you'd quote this part
>They claim that they're Christian now and grew out of their "edgy" phase
>Its like a lot of them here are more concerned with appearing adult than anything
What I'm claiming here is that they have an obsession with being more mature than thou
I actually tried to get some good arguments for god from people on Sup Forums. Mainly gotten the usual educate yourself responses.
>Wife is a believer
>Married for 14+ years
>Two beautiful, white children who are successful
>We do at least one volunteer activity in our community every two weeks or so
>I donate to the local church because I like the community it brings, I help out but they all know I'm atheist. Bros with the preacher.
I've always been an atheist ever since I've thought critically about the issue and read up on it. Although 'strong agnostic' is perhaps a better term--as I don't go around saying I can disprove God (Impossible)--God is simply since a remote possibility, it/he/she doesn't factor in any of my decisions in life.
Fedora memes are cute but almost every atheist I've met (that wasn't a Youtube or internet personality) are just like me. Then again, I work around a lot of professionally educated individuals so maybe I'm just lucky.
Read Aquinas, also Cicero for argument from history.
Thanks for not even trying to refute that you don't care about Christ you blasphemer. Matthew 6:5 you motherfucker. Read it.
We have been warned against those who would worship for anything other than Christ's sake.
>Educate yourself
I don't need to prove that there is no god, because atheism simply opposes a higher power. Atheism is the 'default' position. Theists make the claim that there is something we can't see. This is how you have to think about it:
>christian: there is a god
>atheist: nice claim, do you have proof to back that up?
Usually christians just refer to the bible after this which is a circular argument, or they use some other bullshit excuse for not having proof of matter or energy of a God. Atheists don't have to disprove anything, as long as theists don't have any proof.
Being agnostic is just a way to bitch out of debates about religion. Sure, it's a null-hypothesis, but the burden of proof is with theists, and until there is proof of a God, there is no God and they're wrong.
>They claim that they're Christian now and grew out of their "edgy" phase
>This is the worst kind of belief. It's a meme fad so you can appear more adult just like how atheism was the more "mature" option a few years ago
Try again
I'm just agnostic even before Sup Forums
It's amazing that you know so much about my personal philosophy from my few posts rekking blatant strawmen
You're a smart guy
>religious people are a cesspool of misery, retardation and oppression.
I believe atheism is stupid, I keep telling my family that obviously something created us but just not what the Bible tells them. I'm agnostic, but people keep telling my le that I'm atheist.
And all of the atheists I know are a bit autistic
No, Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Show me where I called them edgy and immature please. Something tells me though that your grasp on the English language isn't that great because you keep posting quotes from me that don't make those claims.
No, quite the contrary, it has made me reaffirm my faith in Christianity suprisingly.
I did read Aquinas. And I should read Cicero. Thanks for the suggestion.
Aquinas makes a decent philosophical argument for his time and is clearly a good thinker. I can see those kinds of arguments have validity but are more thought experiments rather then evidence.
What I meant by my comment is that I have seen people go like "I was an atheist and now I am a scientist and proof of god is clear if you know science" type. And when you ask them what scientific evidence there is they start giving me the various undefined energies at work, complexity of things and balance of nature arguments and tell me I am not scientifically literate enough.
Having never grown out of ones edgy phase would mean that Christians are edgy
Hence you are calling them edgy
Saying that Christians adopt the belief to appear mature means that they are not mature
Hence you are calling them immature
Everything you have written so far is pure ad hominem
The opposite happened for me.
I was actually agnostic with catholic-upbringing before Sup Forums, and I never really wanted to venture into atheism because "muh open-mindedness."
Sup Forums actually made me realize the importance of faith and it's application in holding up western society and the nuclear family.
I decided to read into Aquinas and G.K Chesterton, and now I'm full-blown traditionalist catholic.
Remove jesuit clergy, tbqh.
Agnostics are just bitches who don't know how the scientific method or arguments work. You guys are too pussy to pick a side because you're afraid you can't defend your argument. 'Is there a God or is there no God' is a binary question, don't half ass this shit.
It has actually had the opposite effect
Practice what you preach shit head. That wasn't a blatant strawman. That was a christian warning against Sup Forums's brand of Christianity. Only through faith do people reach salvation. No amount of going through the motions or practicing whatever rituals of your sect of choice will allow you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
There are so many people here who would use the cross as a cudgel to ward of their imaginary barbarian hordes. It makes me sick.
What have I preached? I simply tore down your pseduo intellectual disparagement
But this does bring up a Theological argument,, if going through the motions does not help one to grow as a Christian, then how may a faithless man arrive at faith in the first place?
it turned me from a liberal cuck into glorious christian conservative
>what's the answer to this question
>I'm not sure
What would i call myself if i genuinely don't give a fuck? I mostly don't participate in any religious threads, read about any religious text or care about any religious rules. I'm under the idea that a god exists somewhere and that all of us had to come from someone, somewhere. However i don't think it comes from any of the fairytails books mainly because i'm Chinese and i'm pretty sure most Chinese religions are folktales and animal stories. Than we have Christianity which only acknowledges white people and uses white names like John in their books and the mudslime stuff that only acknowledges Muhmmad and shit.
I mean the chinese have some of the oldest history in the world and there's no "chan, lee or wong" in any of these religious texts. Did the chinese come later or just not exist?
Am i just lazy?
Generally people who don't care are called apatheists
If I tell you I'm actually a pink elephant in real life, you would ask for proof before you believe me. If I don't provide proof, you'd (hopefully, if you invested any time into studying philosophy) discard my claim as untrue. What you're doing as an agnostic is like saying "hm, he doesn't provide proof, but you never know, he could actually be a pink elephant posting on Sup Forums."
It's a yes or no question, by answering with maybe, you just show that you're politically stupid.
Read the works by the Church Fathers, the Desert Fathers, and the collection of The Lives of the Saints. It'll help you further.
All atheists are just useful idiots for kikes
>and that all of us had to come from someone, somewhere.
It's called chemistry.
Just like christians, muslims, blacks, communists ect.
No, I'm not new here.
I came to respect identity Christians, and still see them as respectable useful idiots. I began seeing atheism as nothing more than a destructive Abrahamic faith, as it serves to destroy the West just as Islam, Judaism, and Christianity do, and it came to fruition because Christianity is weak.
Then it turned me onto Paganism, which finally led to Hermeticism. If you come to understand these types of pantheistic faiths you'll understand the universe. There are no secrets, but understanding can't come in the form of a few words or even paragraphs. You need to understand what "the gods" represent (forces in the universe) and the origin stories, ponder them and if you have the mental capacity everything will start to fall into place.
Still does not provide proof , claims he does not have to show proof , just as ignorant as a christfag.
Alright, you want proof of something not being there? Look around you, is there a God in your room? Do you see nothing? Then there's no God.
Have you ever witnessed a God with any of your senses at all? If yes, show empirical proof.
This is 100% spot on. A lot of this board got meme'd into believing Christianity because atheists were trying to troll other atheists with the fedora meme. You notice how those threads don't exist anymore? It's because they went and circles and realized no one was actually being serious.
It's the young child who plays these games too. The older you get, the more you just don't give a fuck. I'm 29 and I know this for a fact, I don't need to prove it to some 19 year old on this board. Sup Forums is contrarian, but will always change it's beliefs to fit in on Sup Forums too. It's so dumb, watching this back and forth for 10 years.
>You're making shit up now. Never once did I say that.
Welcome to Sup Forums in 2016, where no one can actually read and just make up words that vaguely relate to what you said and proceed to put their new words in your mouth and attack that. Don't even try to reason or argue with those people. It's not worth your time.
>What I'm claiming here is that they have an obsession with being more mature than thou
Right. It's like this everywhere on Sup Forums. Everyone insisting their some uber-productive, good-looking, successful person who just happens to shitpost on this board during normal work hours. It's a sign of massive insecurity and as you said, massive immaturity.
Most of Sup Forums is that kid in middle school who insists he has a girlfriend, but she goes to another school, so people won't make fun of them.