MFW it backfired

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Sounds suspiciously like "binders full of women"

Basket of Deplorables sounds like an awesome band name.

Don't insult the people you want to vote for you

No, it's the equivalent of the "47%". I hope Trump milk this shit out.

>No, it's the equivalent of the "47%".

But OP, that was an objectively true statement.

Post yfw Hillary is actually Trump's plant all along


More like Basket of Deportables.

Doesn't matter. It's bad optics either way.

I don't know looks like a lot of people are supporting it

But they both are.

I'm sorry but I have seen nothing to show that on average blacks are equal to whites. There are outliers but they are rare and overblown to try and make a shitty point.
If facts make me a racist, then I am a racist.

>More like Basket of Deportables.



Hillary calls Trump supporters a basket of deplorable racists to Israeli Channel 2. Start at the 2:00 mark:

She elaborates that Trump supporters should be ignored and eliminated.

Also at 17 minutes & 16 seconds she says "Oh Allah, elect Trump President of the United States".

Like she was ever going to have the vote of you retards. The best she can do is get normal people to vote against Sup Forums. Not a hard thing to do.

I wouldnt mind at all



Meanwhile in reality it was her muslim pet from the DNC going "Allah made donald trump make a mistake" on paki tv

They were both objectively true statements, but you have to understand that it's an unwritten rule for candidates to never talk shit about the voters themselves. Even the shill media isn't letting Hillary get away with this one.

Agreed, but this makes Hillary look bad to normies so I say milk it.

Except for the people who support Trump that have nothing to do with us, at all. Or other indies that are speculating and leaning his way you fucking mong.

Theres nothing anyone hates more than truthful criticism.

>says the presidential candidate who calls other people racist, sexist, dumb, bigoted etc and is known for having anger issues, making her female employees cry, hitting people on the back of the head and killing political opponents, bombing countries for no reason

Rule one of elections:
Never insult the voters (does not apply in the republican primaries apparently)
You energize the opponent and prevent them from ever coming back
While having the same effect of complimenting or give them more "really makes you think" stuff for those in the middle

>Like she was ever going to have the vote of you retards

this won't hurt as much as Romney's 47% because the MSM won't cover it for weeks like they did with him, but it's never a good move to criticize the voters at all. Praise the shit out of them, and if you have to go negative (which some say you should avoid), go negative against your opponent's program first, and against him personally second.

It's called being presidential something something. Trump seems to get away with schoolyard taunts, but in general it's not a good thing for a candidate to do.

Trump seems to make his own rules, which is baffling. He'll probably win in a landslide.

people comparing this to Romney stupid comments but i think this is more like her pocket turtles moment

>They were both objectively true statements

They really weren't, Hillary just came up with the "half of Trump's supporters" shit. It's more like 10%, and that's pushing it. Romney's stat was actually true.

low energy politics in a nutshell

literally mitt romney with a cooch

I'm a fan of your work here

>skipped "islamophobes" as an insult in the isreali interview

He never planted her, but by god is he picking the fuck out of the fruit.

By nov 8 he's cutting the tree down for white house fireplace timber

She's fucked. Even CNN is talking about it. It's on their front page. Really stupid thing of her to say.

Feel better Japan

Why would she insult the people she's trying to sway from favoring Trump?
The only people a statement like that appeals to is people who were always voting for her

It is a beautiful basket.

my understanding is she's a ragey piece of shit with a terrible attitude problem and would rather throw someone under a bus than change her mind about anything

she's more Sup Forums than trump

It's going to be fun annexing Canada.

Exactly, and most Hillaryites already thought that Trump supporters were horrible people.

I think she is simply trying to get back voters who switched to Trump's side. Notice how she says that "half" of Trump voters are yada yada and not all of them. People will think "well I'm not nazi, so maybe I'm in the other half, but I don't want to be put into one basket with them. Maybe I should consider switching to Hillary?"

Does Bangledesh poo in loo?

>They were both objectively true statements

Nah. Romeny's was a sourced and factual statement deconstructed numerous times and found to be more or less on the level.

The issue there was he slipped up and told voters the ugly truth using big people words, sort of like Carter getting rekt for life after his "You're selling your moral center and the soul of the nation for cheap plastic crap" speech. Big no-no to tell the hard truth to many moo cow voters.

Hillary's statement is the equivalent of Romney having said "Half of Obama's supporters are bolsheviks who want to put you in a death camp for having read a book" or something. She's just taking a small minority of Trump people and saying it's at least half.

no they've got a comical sociopathic streak though

I tried searching #BasketOfDeplorables on Twitter and this fucking liberal SJW thinktank ThinkProgress was the top result with a bullshit survey they made up that said essentially maybe Hillary was right.

This was 5 minutes ago. I searched it again and now this article about how the journalist that called Melania a whore is receiving antisemitic abuse. Fuck man. Twitter kikery

she thinks everybody has like 70 of IQ, "oh if I say X people will do Y", everybody can see what she is doing, sounds mechanic and it's stupid.

>checks flag
>not australian


You can bet he will. Remember "NY values"?

under the liberal & legal defination of of these words, you can bet half of Trump supporters do indeed qualify.

It's not about IQ, it's about playing on emotions. And I'm sure there are lots of Americans with psyche skewed by TV indoctrination.

>basket weaving forum

Damn you're right. This just cost Hillary the Undecided Racist and Xenophobic vote . How will she ever recover from this?

CTR in max damage control ITT
>Lol we don't need you racist whites xD

>the deafening silence from liberals when confronted with video evidence of their own violence and savagery against Trump rallies

this is depressing me for some reason

LOL! CTR damage control shills are in full force!


Can't let it get in the way of the Narrative(TM).

The ends justifies the means. The belief that Trump is the bigger evil means that any evidence of violence on their side is either justified or collateral damage to be accepted for the greater good.

It's the same with any Marxist/Communist. Can't let those millions of deaths get in the way of """progress"""

end of the world soon


>said every generation ever

soon is a pretty loose term.

They were never voting Hillary anyways. Anyone that's even remotely racist,xenophobic,islsmophobic already voting Trump.

Who exactly do you think Hillary is losing here? No moderate voter is offended by these statements.

Which, in this context, renders the statement meaningless

Damn, she is so scripted.

KEK. Funny how Israel is allowed to "bigoted" but we aren't.

If we're so deplorable then how come Hillary Clinton has had to spend about twelve million dollars trying to get rid of us?

Could it be that we're actually what the world needs? That we're actually what the world wants?

What could be more deplorable than taking away what the people want? Why is Hillary Clinton such a fucking piece of shit?

God GQ is such a fucking cuck tier magazine, I thought it was going to get neat fashion tips and latest trends. Nope just articles of liberal talking points and getting upset at the word cuck.

The left always thinks and says the absolute worst about the right. It doesn't matter who is running for president, he's always literally Hitler and his supporters are always literally redneck hill billies.

Chances are if you are a Trump switcher, then you probably chose him because he doesn't pander to lefty groups that push out false statistics.

How does such a person feel if they are told they have a 50 percent chance of being in the group that is essentially subhuman?

This deplorables comment also has the effect of making independents think that aligning with Trump also gives them this 50% stigma.

The opposite is more likely tbqh. A voter hears that half of Trump's voters are racist, deplorable non Americans. Then they think "I support deportation/more scrutiny for Muslims/other completely reasonable thing that is considered racist by Clinton." It doesn't have to be everything Trump says, it doesn't even have to be most things. The damage is done, their choice is now between a man who claims to listen to them versus a woman who thinks they're a irredeemable piece of shit.

This is why you never make broad negative statements about the voters. You can say whatever you want about the other candidates, but never the voters

Yeah. They excel at smarmy condescension better than anyone else.


>subtitles in hebrew


it's from israeli tv

C'mon, what she said really isn't worthy of outrage. A survey conducted by PPP (which leans Republican btw) found that more than half of Trump supporters think Obama is a foreigner and Muslim. If they think that they probably think much worse.

That's just the facts, and it's honestly baffling. I hate Hillary as much as the next person, but she's right, people who ignore reality like that are deplorable and there's no way around it.

If you support Trump for your own reasons, it's your call and that's fine, but don't sit on here taking pride in his racist support then pretend the opposite when someone calls you out. I agree with you guys it might not have been Hillary's best move but be consistent for fucks sake.

There's nothing wrong with being racist

What's the story on that pic?

Call out the other presidential candidates all you want, but when you target a large swath of voters going to the poll, even if they would never vote for you, is possibly the worst kind of damage you can inflict on your own campaign.

Mitt Romney's 47% comment was the same thing, but his gaffe was worse because he was videotaped in a private setting surrounded by wealthy people who disenfranchising half of US citizens in the process.

In any case, you never want to make your opponent look like the underdog.


excuse my intellect but whats this hashtag about?

If Trump said this, it would literally be the only thing on the news for the next 3 days and Hillary would center her dying campaign around it and blast him constantly

I love waking up to great news.

Hillary just lost the election. What a stupid whore. Sofucking stupid

I can't handle this much irony.


More than that it just energizes the opponents base, a few million Trump supporters saw that headline and will think, "oh HELL no!" and they'll be even more likely to turn out in November if only out of spite. Look at what the "little englander" insults did for the Remain campaign.