Ask a politically unafialiated black femanon anything. I will respect you if you respect me since I'm not afialiated with no political identity.
Ask a politically unafialiated black femanon anything...
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honestly don't see how this image is even accurate, isn't affirmative action and quotas a thing?
Ironically affirmative action in itself is racist. Making a special program for blacks does nothing to change the systematic racism in the US, if anything it's used against us like in your point. Which by the way the only people who do use that point as an argument is most likely white people since they hate to see blacks climbing up the power ladder.
And yes the picture is accurate. Next argument.
When will blacks start taking responsbility?
Oh wait, prob never.
Next thread!
how bt u affiliate urself wit dis dick??
> And yes the picture is accurate. Next argument
Nice explaination nigger
Nice racism asshole. Not surprised you throwing insults instead of debating.
The picture explains itself. White men get the easy path to success in life and black woman have many MANY obstacles to pass to even get close to the same amount of success. Don't be an idiot.
>Politically unaffiliated
Then why are you posting leftist propaganda? Also, nigger.
Whats it like being able to blame all your problems on whitey?
a black woman (who is very intelligent and i like) and I both had the same title. our boss retired. I had more experience and more education. she however got the job. I asked why i wasn't selected and was told it was because they needed some more diversity in management.
keep thinking you're oppressed.
>systematic racism
>white people since they hate to see blacks climbing up the power ladder.
Boy, you sure sound indoctrinated into the false ideology of false narratives.
Oh no, it's retarded
You don't actually address his point, blacks, and especially black women have more fast tracks available to them than most other people. Scholarships, business loans, promotions etc are all easier for you to get than they are for a white guy
How. explain your struggles or they don't exist.
Feel free to repeal affirmative action then you have my respect until then stop taking my tax dollars for your welfare.
The only obstacles black women face are the blacks that she grew up with.
He's right tho
Affirmative Action
Would you support the establishment of a black ethnostate in North America? We can work out an agreement.
How invested in identity politics are you, and why?
What does black pussy taste like?
>creates a system to benefit blacks
>thhe system is whats holding you back
pick one. you cant ignore all the examples of how blacks are given every oppurtunity to improve their lot. at some point personal responsibility has to enter your mind.
List some of the many many obstacles
What's it like to be at the very bottom social order where your very own black men don't want you and your largely a nuisance to society?
When will blacks gas the kikes? If the answer is never, then you need to go back to africa.
I'm a battle hardened trans-nigger who is into scat play. Am I a rassis?
That's a really sad story. Did you lose your house? I bet you want to be a black female now.
>Ask a faggot anything.
Attention whore elsewhere!!!
>Don't take it personally I say this to every AMA fag.
How do you feel that you've been victim of racism?
Do you think that it has interfered in your opportunities as a professional or as a citizen? How?
Also, what did you graduate in? Pls don't meme and say somethings like gender studies
Bang the Gavel, Burn the City
Actually both.
Affirmative action keeps black dependent on the government and no incentive to improve. 1960's blacks had more income, education, self respect and less crime than 2016 blacks.
To put it simply they had a better life being systemically oppressed than they do now with handouts.
>black woman have many MANY obstacles to pass to even get close to the same amount of success
Exactly, like an average IQ of 85 for instance.
>im not affiliated with no political identity
Respect should be earned. Bitch.
Is god a sexist?
>tax dollars
you ain't got no job.
When I see the blacks bite the hand that feeds them, ie the democrats, I'll be more inclined to sympathize with their plight. Until then my child already has a giant penalty hanging over his head simply for being white and I see no reason to help someone who has a head start
I never know if a post like this is a bait or not cause I've never really talked to american blacks, made me realise how susceptible I am to american trolls
>systematic racism
>white people since they hate to see blacks climbing up the power ladder.
>politically unafialiated
Ok so assuming this isn't bait i gotta ask since i saw some stats that claim that like 90% + children that have a white mother and a black father grow up without that black father and on the other side of we have the fact that white male+ black female marriages have the lowest divorce rates of any racial paring , so is it fair to say that a black girl is smart she will try to attract and marry a white guy ? Do you want that for yourself?
what happened next was funny.
like i said she was smart, but i have to admit i was better. people came to me to solve problems, not her. including the plant manager. I found a new job at a different company.
they offered me a "new" position that would have been independent of her and more pay than her. I refused on principle, and my new job is pretty comfy.
if you have three people with the same qualification and they are
>white male
>black male
>black female
the black female will get the job 9/10 times.
You are biased, incredibly, other than racist yourself without even noticing.
If these are your actual beliefs, you are entirely delusional - and probably not capable of rational thought.
It's bait, probably, look on the bright side your skin is likely white enough to be considered privileged even though the poorest black in US makes 2x's your countries average wage.
Look at this picture.
Don't underestimate them.
I fail to see how that isn't actually the most pertinent example of relative racial privilege. I mean for all of your anti-affirmative-action shit, you argument kind of falters once you run on the platform that black people are genetically less intelligent than other races.
Why is your assessment of her as an individual pending what black people do as a collective?
>my child already has a giant penalty hanging over his head simply for being white
Are you saying you'd prefer he'd be black, if given a choice? Do you legitimately believe his life will be better that way, or do you still think that his life is more likely to be more prosperous if he's white?
Good idea, then we can nuke them
>Affirmative action keeps black dependent on the government and no incentive to improve
We've been using the very same argument when we want to cut welfare, but that was apparently racist too. If there is no "incentive to improve" then again you skirt your own responsbiliity. What happened to wanting to create a better future for your children? Is that not an incentive enough? Do you blacks really need to be shepherded by the white man all the time? By admitting that todays highly beneficial system to blacks gives them "no incentive to improve" you also admit that the system itself is not racist since it is by definition already beneficial to you. Ergo, the problems blacks are facing today are not created by the white evil government, the majority of blacks problems are of their own doing. They can get out of the ghetto if they just fucking study, but you know as well as I do that the blacks in school now have no desire to study and thats no fault of the white man. Thats your culture. YOUR culture.
why does my dog keep throwing up?
OP bls don go
Also bls respond
Youre implying the jew is stuck in place, if hes on a treadmill his platform cannot have wheels. You should have found a clipart race car
no, I'd prefer that he start on the same level as the other children. like MLK Jr. said
OP left. You racists scared it away with inflammatory rhetoric.
Fuck off nigger.
Tits or gtfo.
I don't understand. You basically have things easier because everywhere in America companies are seeking to "diversify their workplace" (like ), meaning that people would first hire you for your skin color and gender for people to say "wow, how diverse!", even if you haven't as much merit as your other competitors.
If it isn't affirmative action, I don't know what the hell is that.
rare flag
>yes its accurate
You forgot the brown+fem lower IQ curve obstacle.
How much money would it take to send your monkey ass back to Africa?
The obstacles she faces in the picture should be represented as other blacks dragging her back and calling her oreo.
Sorry, thought at first I was replying to OP. regardless, blacks have a responsibility here that the white man can not be blamed for.
ooga booga
You have to figure that if Wewaz Kangz was ever a real person, then it would mean that the niggers held the highest power in some land, and then lost it.
By any historical standard, they lost fair and square.
This is a slide thread. The monkey stopped responding awhile ago when confronted with reality.
>not sure if bait or not.
Tbqh fampai, I'd choose to be black if I had the choice. Tons of gibsmedats and benifits with the added bonus of free white women.
>when someone on the right goes into a left-dominated conversation, they fight until the bitter end.
>when someone on the left goes into a right-dominated conversation, they leave when they get too many red pills.
Why do black man prefer white women?
Why do such a high percentage of black women have an outie belly button?
On scale 1 to 10, how good are you at sucking dick?
No that's black culture which is different then the protestant US main culture.
Also yes blacks do better when shepherded by whites. Just look at South Africa.
No father to cut the umbilical cord so doctors cut it all willy nilly
Hmm, another MS PAINT wizard? I like you
>user: Asking the real questions
>4 posts by this ID
>F O U R
what happened? you seemed so eager to confront us evil racists and really make us think?
You got a big ass?
>No that's black culture which is different then the protestant US main culture.
Right, thats why I clarified in my next post that I thought I was talking to the OP, which is a nigger and not part of the main culture.
>blacks do better when shepherded by whites
Yes they do, but I didnt think a nigger would herself agree to that, thus turning her point over its ass.
>White men get the easy path to success in life and black woman have many MANY obstacles
white men MAKE the easiest path for their WHITE SONS
black men MAKE the hardest path for their BLACK DAUGHTERS
when you whining/complaining/acting like a victim and instead take responsibility for your own races fuckups, then you can start to move forward and prosper
blacks werent always as fucked up as they are, go to the two minute mark:
blacks used to have 2 parent household
blacks used to have much lower unemployment rate
blacks used to have much lower teenage pregnancy
your problems are self inflicted
OP isn't even in this thread anymore
whered u go nigger? did you run out of data on your obamaphone?
Yesterday I was taking the bus and had my eyes closed. Someone sat next to me and I knew it was a black girl just from the smell. Do you guys not shower? Every black girl I am working with also smell bad or wear heavy parfume
What's your opinion on welfare leeches, i.e. Me the taxpayer funding someone else's power and water bill
>tism the post
You don't seem to understand rule 30. Until and unless you gain understanding and proceed correctly we're all going to assume you're probably a pale-skinned male who * identifies as* a black female, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. But that's ok, go on.
>Ironically affirmative action in itself is racist.
Unironically you're not wrong there.
I have no difficulty believing it *looks* accurate to someone who grew up as a black female and experienced a very 'obstacle-filled' life, who sees other blacks mostly having the other experience, and mostly runs into whites who ARE privileged upper-class old money types.
It looks very very different to the 'white' majority of the country who have known little if any privilege in their own lifetimes, and in fact at times experience direct, legally enforced and approved racial oppression (in the form of the Affirmative Action privileges which you have already realized are racist.)
So you want a question? Here's a question. Why don't more black girls have hair like this? Why is that helmet-head shit so popular?
Egyptians aren't and never were black.
Your picture has a clear path for the black chick to get thru. Not my fault she's married to a nuMale
Of course she isn't, too many valid arguments to contend with.
She probably was expecting Sup Forums arguments. Whoops, went to the wrong board.
Why is the black standard of beauty light skinned?
That's very nice of you but supporting adult children ultimately just hurts their ability to mature and become beneficial to society.
Get out nigger
How does it feel, that the men of your own race dont want you
>I'm not afialiated with no political identity.
Confirmed for dumb coon.