2003 movies already looked and felt very dated in 2007. Yet if you look at 2007 movies now...

2003 movies already looked and felt very dated in 2007. Yet if you look at 2007 movies now, they barely feel different at all from 2017 ones. What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


You aren't in touch with current trends and can't into the subtlety

everything created since the popularization of smartphones feels familiar, like the development of pop culture stopped and became endlessly self-referential

2007 was when the iPhone was released. Also, December 2007 was when the Great Recession officially began, though nobody knew about it until August 2008.


Modern movies are more clever.

A lot of them do feel different and dated though.

>the manchild is still spamming these threads

>tfw you're 23 and still dress like Michael Cera

This doesn't feel dated at all

>nobody new it until august 2008
A lost of researchers and intellectuals tried to inform about it already in 2006. It's just that governments didn't want markets to freak out.

How does LotR hold up today, then?

That one did not age well (particularly comedies seem to suffer from this), a lot of others are still fine though

Cultural stagnation

Emily Jean's beauty is timeless though

The early 00s were the last comfy era. Everything after that is facebookized.


1995 to 2006 was great to grow up in. Social networking really killed a generation of kids as well as smartphones.

Compare Spiderman 3 (2007) with Spiderman Homecoming (2017)

Also to be fair 2007 was an unusually kino year considering how bad the late 2000s were

The 90s didn't end until 2004.

The 2000s didn't take hold until 2007 with the iPhone and Obama campaign, and the 2010s didn't start until last year with Trump and BvS.

I miss how 2000 to 2007 films were like. Despite 9/11, the early to mid-00's had plenty of feel-good stuff as well as willing to experiment new ideas and approaches.

Everything in the past 10 years is too safe; it's all the generic cookie cutter crowdpleaser.

Makes since really. 2007 was a major cultural shift. Film quality became crystal clear. Smartphones were becoming mainstream, and social media was reaching it's peak. Basically, everything became so convenient, that there was no real reason to change. which is why we've been stagnant for years.

I don't think I've seen a dumber post in the 4 years I've been on this site

earned your (You)

Why 2004? By 2002 and 2003, you can sorta see a shift from the late 90's tone and aesthetics.

>The 2000s didn't take hold until 2007 with the iPhone and Obama campaign, and the 2010s didn't start until last year with Trump and BvS.
I agree with this. 2007 was really a pivotal year. Glad I graduated high school by then.


How the fuck are you supposed to dress? Modern slave suit or something?

We live in a simulated universe and time is gradually getting faster and faster.

10 years ago counting "one mississipi" with a short pause between breathes was a full second, now time yourself counting to ten using this method. It's about 13-14 seconds now.

Hollywood Jews have found the money making sweet spot and they don't want to stray away from it

This image really rings true. I remember having the search loads of websites to find shit and now I only go on a few to get what I need.

Early 2000s were still really influenced by the late 90s, and that influence dilutes as the decade went on.

In clothes that fit.

The doctor said my mom should have had an abortion

>2003 movies already looked and felt very dated in 2007
Thats just cause the early 2000s sucked

How do those clothes not fit him?


The pants are too big. Also, the colors and shoes are ugly.

Clothes too big, looks like his mom dressed him


Maybe you are an obese autist if you can't wear skinny fit clothes.

That's inocrrect, 90s culture only lasted through 2000-Sept 10, 2001 and then died on 9/11, then 2000s culture began from that point on.

2000s culture began transitioning into the 2010s around 2007-2008 with the Great Recession, iPhones, explosion of social media, popularization of Autotuned electropop music like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, and Obama being elected president.

>the 2010s didn't start until last year with Trump and BvS.
Lol no

The 90s ended on 9/11. It took some time for 00 films to find their own.

Woah uh oh

Fuck off shit dresser

>counted to 10 using this old method
>it was 15 seconds


t. skinny jean wearing normies

2007 was the year of the Berenstein shift. Welcome to existential hell user. You're own little Bermuda Triangle of reality. The poles shifted and no one noticed.

The iPhone was released in 2007 but smartphones weren't really widely adopted until 2011-2012.

lol what's wrong with you guys, i get 10 seconds

>aging meme

>003 movies already looked and felt very dated in 2007.

special effects got a lot better then

>Yet if you look at 2007 movies now, they barely feel different at all from 2017 ones

netflix came out in 2007, and back then you could download any show if you had netflix im pretty sure.

also youtube was growing then

also they started making more money from box office sales over dvd sales so a "one and done" mentality developed

This is what getting old feels like.

thread theme

>and back then you could download any show if you had netflix im pretty sure.

I really don't think that's true.

>That one did not age well
fucking wrong

My jam

lmao you almost got me with this. i literally opened up a stop-watch app and tried this, and got to 10 seconds with exactly 44 miliseconds

The beginning of Still Waiting is pure kino

It hits me pretty hard that both Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean came out 14 summers ago.

This came out the year I graduated highschool and nailed the experience exactly.

If it aged its only because we did.

>14 summers

Do americans really talk like this?

They were summer release movies so that's what I associate them with.

this is now a simulation calibration thread. post your times: