Check out muh new flags

Do you think this got me on a watch list?

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Only list you're on is my faggot op list you edgy cuck.

confederate is fine. literally every white person has one, but the rhodesia one is edgy, and i doubt you have any ties to rhodesia.

Bugger off, hat.
No ties to Rhodesia, just racist.

where did you even find the Rhodesia flag?

On Amazon, strangely enough.

yea than that is pretty cringe ngl

Why? You don't like Rhodesia? What's wrong with you.

really? I couldn't find Rhodesia or SA on amazon. I wouldn't mind getting a WWII Reichskriegsflagge if I could actually find one

I might be lying. Just looked through my old orders on Amazon.

Cool flags, user. Wanna come to the White House and show them to me sometime?

But, eh, you were prolly already on a watch list.

I kek'd

Rhodesia, Apartheid S.A., Swastika, CAD Battleflag are all on my future private study list. Any suggestions for more flags?

Byzantine Empire flag. That's next on my list.

Also, feel free to share your flags, anons.

That's decent. I forgot, a cascadia flag tooo

You better iron them, there is nothing that triggers my autism more than seeing people hang their flags without ironing them first

Where do I hang them without getting rocks thrown through my window?

you don't need to hang it outside, even when you put it in a wall it still looks better ironed.

Turn that Confederate flag rightside up!

In a nigger-free neighborhood.

Yea, I'll get around to it. Thing is, there isn't much room in my parents basement to hang anything.

How is supposed to be flown?

I live in a nigger free neighborhood. They're the worst.

I have Albanian kingdom flag, Rhodesia flag, confederate flag of Florida, Jordan Flag, Syrian flag, Austria Hungary Flag, Nat Soc flag, and a Lebanese flag all hanging around my room.

The stars need to be in the same orientation as the American flag, i.e. turned rightside-up.

If they're in the same orientation as the Satanic pentagram, it's wrong.

>Buys confederate flag
>Hangs it upside down

yankee scum/midwest faggotry confirmed

>Albanian kingdom flag
The only nice Albanian flag is the Italian Fascist version.


I have the Albania flag, Confederate Flag, and Florida flag too!

How many of us are there?

The Rhodesian flag shouldn't be controversial tbqh familia

>no apartheid
>75% black military
>higher standard of living for blacks than any other African nation
>Majority of Rhodesians killed by communists were black
>Mugabe immediately killed >20k in Matabeleland between 1980-1983
>World's oldest living in-office dictator

Idk m8

Thanks user.

But my hearts in dixie.

Ah, jeez. You're actually Albanian, aren't you?
Only an albo would actually buy their flag.

Yea, but Dylann Roof kinda killed it. There's also the whole literally not even sort of having any connection whatsoever to Rhodesia.

>nice Hitler dubs

Fuck that, I'll argue the point
It's pretty easy when the currency disparity was $1 Rhodesian to $1 American in the early 70's and now it's $348,000 to $1

You're a faggot OP.

Right, it's a sad story, but what does it have to do with me?

I don't think you need to worry about the Rhodesian flag haunting you, user

Feels good to wake up to but makes it difficult to have women over

It sounds like you're a degenerate though

Based. Imperial Japan is nice choice.

Is the one all the way to the right fascist Italy or something?
And the middle one 13 colonies?

Middle one is CSA. Rebel flag was just their battle flag.

Far right is fascist Italy and the stars and bars is the first confederate flag.

I can understand the facist Italy question but how do you not know what the stars and bars is you fucking dipshit

Not Fascist Italy, Italian Social Republic AKA Republic of Salo.
The king of Italy never permitted the flag to be changed however once Italy surrendered and was thrown into civil war the north, fascist half, changed the flag.