Character quotes Sun Tzu

>character quotes Sun Tzu

>character(me) walks past a couple
>be taller than the male
haah i win!

>character quotes the bible
>character quotes the communist manifesto
>character quotes Neitzche
>character quotes Abraham Lincoln
>character quotes Hitler
>character quotes Einstein
>character quotes Rick Sanchez

>character quotes the bible
>other character ends the quote to prove his intelligence

>character avoids windy places so as to not reveal his hairline
Hate that trope

>character quotes Shakespeare because that's the only writer Americans will probably know
>even then, they still spend two minutes explaining it

>character has The Art of War lying around so the audience knows they're smart

>character quotes The Prince
>wubadub youre not evil *burp* just smart I AM PICKLE RICKKKK

Watch it Paulie

>character apologizes tzuyu style

>>character quotes Neitzche
Name one instance this happened without googling it. I dare you.


The Joker did it in Dark Knight by changing the quote

sopranos season 1. Aj mispronounces his name


Just as I thought. No real instance of an actual Nietzsche quote.

The Abyss

>Character talks about Art of War
>It's incredibly clear that the filmmakers have no idea what the book is actually about

>You don't want me here? Fine, well I'm walking right out the door!
>...that's the closet

>manipulative villain plays chess

>Character says famous quote
>Vallain namedrops qoute's author and says "impressive"

>character quotes anyone
>Picard doesn't immediately cite them

A Fish Called Wanda

>character quotes The Godfather

Happens in some animes but that's not entirely Sup Forums I guess.

>Characters entire dialogue is nothing but quotes


>movie opens with a quote over a black screen

>character quotes Nixon
>doesn't use any racial epithets

>"In memory of Shaniwa O'Neill, who shot killed by a police officer on 03/03/2012"
Does that count?

>Sun Tzu quotes tv character

>character quotes Immanuel Kant