The Shining

>Danny goes into Room 237
>Get's choked
>Jack goes into Room 237
>finds hot girl who turns into old zombie
>Danny's face shakes as this happens
>Room 237 also resembles Torrance apartments
What did Kubrick mean by this?

there are many other things i want to discuss about this movie. but let's start here.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What did Kubrick mean by this?

Honestly I don't think the room has any sort of particular meaning. Not to say that the film overall doesn't, but I think the room is just supposed to be sp00ky

Huh? It was just a room where weird shit happened, which can have meaning on its own, but that it happened in one room just mean that one room was particularly haunted. Also, doesn't this reflect what happened in the book, meaning there's no meaning that Kubrick himself was adding for this particular aspect that wouldn't be in the book itself?

well its the only point in the movie Danny is harmed by a ghost
in the book, only danny sees the woman

>Danny is harmed by a ghost

Do we really know that's what happened though?

I heard a theory that 237 was the Grady's room, and the bath lady is one of the twins, or the mother Grady?

Danny's "spooky" frog voice is so embarrassingly bad, it almost ruins the movie. It definitely makes the second half tough to watch.

Well, they both got abused in the room and in their own way. Danny can probably sense what's happening to his father, or the entire sequence represents what happened to himself and he's visibly shaking at the thought of it.

>in the book, only danny sees the woman
And? It still happens in one room.

>it was just a room where weird shit happened.

you're an idiot, whats the point of having a brain if you're not going to use it.

Really? I've never heard someone say this before. I find it spooky. Well not so much the voice as his whole behavior

The most recent death that occurred in the the hotel before the Torrances moved in, was in room 217/237 (book/movie). The oldish woman staying there committed suicide in the bathtub.

its starting to make more sense

>Honestly I don't think the room has any sort of particular meaning
everything Kubrick ever put in a single one of his movies has meaning.
If you want to get autistic with it, watch the movie at 3/4 the speed. You'll notice chairs moving around, pictures that are there and then aren't. The obvious subliminal he was portraying was that of a haunted house or fun house. It's the not so obvious things you have to binge watch the movie to find.
You can cheat sheet and just youtube some of the more interesting things, but man this movie has some fucking intense subliminal imagery.

What always gets me is the sequence where Jack makes it to the ballroom and finds himself in a party with other people of the hotel. Was it all a vision or was it real. Delbert Grady, the spill, the drinking, the music choice, the bathroom.

that scene is very intersting, also the end picture that alternated between 2 versions

Is there literally any evidence to support that idea?


The typewriter changes through the movie. There are two models. There was a theory one represented reality, and the other one represented the the book Jack was writing. The camera dollies in on it a few different times, to indicate that we're entering the world of the book.

The idea is that the book Jack is writing is The Shining. All his creepy real world shit (alcoholism, violent urges, possible child abuse, the fact that he hates his wife) is played out in his book as supernatural horror imagery, which the movie shows you with little clues as to when the switch happens.

Like when Jack is at the typewriter, talking to his wife, the chair behind him pops in and out of existence, suggesting that what he's saying to her is what he wishes he had the spine to say, but instead suppresses it. Then later goes and has a mini-rage about off by himself and imagines getting drunk.

Rob Ager BTFO Screenprism

She was a rich bitch that brought her meathead stud to the overlook after a couple nights he ditched her for some young pussy.
She OD'd on pills and booze and drowned in the bathtub.
She shows up again in Doctor Sleep haunting a growing Danny Torrance along with the owner of the Overlooks ghost, You see him in TS toasting Wendy saying "Great party isn't it?".

Danny is literally carrying a symbolic Apollo 11, on his body, via the sweater, to the Moon as he walks over to room 237. Why do I think this?

Because the average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 237,000 miles.

The real truth is that this movie is really about the deal that Stanley Kubrick made with the Manager of the Overlook Hotel (America). This deal was to get Kubrick to re-create, in other words, to fake, the Apollo 11 Moon landing.

Danny represents the artistic side of Kubrick. Because of the complexity of the artistic realization of the manner in which the lunar landings needed to appear, Kubrick needed to trust his artistic side.

Room 237 represents the fake lunar set that Stanley had to create to make the lunar landings appear factual. But really, on this set, and in this room, nothing is real.

As the film will soon reveal, Room 237 has to be lied about. It cannot be understood at all … ever.

Nothing real ever happens in room 237.

For a moment, in the film, it looks like Danny is actually going to enter Room 237. But we are never sure.

Kubrick told the press that he changed the room number from 217, as in the King book, to 237 because the owners of the hotel which was standing in for the Overlook did not want customers shunning room 217. Therefore Kubrick changed the number to one that was not in the hotel. So I called up the Timberline Hotel on Mount Hood in Oregon and asked if I could have a reservation for room 237. I was surprised when they said 'yes'. I asked if this room was in a newer part of the resort and was told that the hotel had always had a room 237!


I hate the Mystery of the Bear videos, perhaps the real scary mystery with the bear scene is the fact that pic relateds are not credited. I dare any of you faggots to find credits on these two.

Im not convinced

Moon landing was '69 The Shinning was "80

Why did he wait so long to reveal this secret, he made clockwork and barry lyndon in-between, why didn't he reveal it in those?

from the book; Jack is at the NYE party in the Ballroom.

A knot of people had gathered, laughing. In front of Derwent and the girl in the sarong, Roger capered grotesquely on all fours, his tail dragging limply behind him. He was barking.

"Speak, boy, speak!" Harry Derwent cried.

"Rowf! Rowf!" Roger responded. Everyone clapped; a few of the men whistled.

"Now sit up. Sit up, doggy!"

Roger clambered up on his haunches. The muzzle of his mask was frozen in its eternal snarl. Inside the eyeholes, Roger's eyes rolled with frantic, sweaty hilarity. He held his arms out, dangling the paws.

"Rowf! Rowf!"

Derwent upended the bottle of champagne and it fell in a foamy Niagara onto the upturned mask. Roger made frantic slurping sounds, and everyone applauded again. Some of the women screamed with laughter.

"Isn't Harry a card?" his partner asked him, pressing close again. "Everyone says so. He's AC/DC, you know. Poor Roger's only DC. He spent a weekend with Harry in Cuba once... oh, months ago. Now he follows Harry everywhere, wagging his little tail behind him."

She giggled. The shy scent of lilies drifted up.

"But of course Harry never goes back for seconds... not on his DC side, anyway... and Roger is just wild. Harry told him if he came to the masked ball as a doggy, a cute little doggy, he might reconsider, and Roger is such a silly that he..."


yeah you idiot I know all that stuff, I'm asking someone to find out who the actors are, they're the only people in this film uncredited, it's scary af

>the bear rug dissapears
>bear guy appears

so did the table and chairs and that other shit rug

thats an ignorant question to ask.
The entire movie took a long time to think up and make. its not like he had the script and movie ready to shoot since 69

>bear costume
Dude it's a dog costume.
There are entire chapters dedicated to the dog man.
He is an entity that was abused regularly by the gang, particularly the gang's boss (owner of the hotel at one point). He had an off and on affair with him and promised him sex if he acted like a dog. The scene you're viewing in the movie is implied oral sex between the two men.

In the book dog man is nightmare fuel. He chases Dan through the hallways talking about biting off his dick and raping him. At the end of the movie he blocks Dan and Wendy at various paths by just sitting in the middle of the hallway. Forcing them to take routes that the hotel wants them to take.
>pic related

He needed the right medium. How would it look if after the shining he straight away made a movie exposing the moon landing. He was probably watched like a hawk for the remainder of his life.

it's another change kubrick made. It's a bear in the movie and the most obvious representation of that is russia

Dude NO FUCKING SHIT I've read the book

I am saying that the two actors are UN-FUCKING-CREDITED in their roles in the goddamn credits, are you fucking retarded?

I'm not sure there is something I find more annoying than over-analysis of The Shining.

nevermind that. Who are the people in this photograph?

t. retard who doesn't know the difference between a bear and dog


They had no speaking roles so they don't rate a credit, just extras in costume. Do the extras in the ballroom scene get credits?
It's fucking nothing dumbass.

lads........ ;_;

>self hating Jew gets funding from NASA to make sci-fi epic the year before we went to the moon finally finds his vehicle to apologize and litters it with such evidence all to end up dying over a film exposing elite powers which was released on the Apollo 11 launch date of July 16th
yeah nothing weird going on here

Am I missing anything by not watching the made for TV version?
I like everything Shining and never had the chance to marathon this.

they got one of three glockenspiel hard zooms like Injured Party Guest but I suppose you are right since they have no speaking roles

Danny has a vision of the previous caretaker's daughters, and he sees that they are twins. The previous caretaker's daughters were not twins in the Stephen King novel. This discrepancy between the book and the film will grow in importance as we continue.

Danny is riding his bike through the halls of The Overlook when he comes upon the twin daughters of the previous caretaker. They stare at Danny and together they say: "Come play with us Danny. Forever and ever." Danny turns and wheels it out of there.

At this point in the film we graphically discover the nature of the deal that Jack really cut with the Manager of the Overlook:

It is the most crucial scene in the film. Danny is in a hallway playing with his trucks. Suddenly, out of nowhere, The Project, the Overlook Hotel, rolls the tennis ball, from nowhere, at him. It is a gesture that says: "Wanna play?" It is here that we discover what happened to Jack's tennis ball that was previously swallowed up by the darkness of the Overlook. We also discover what game it is that the twin daughters of the previous caretaker were inviting Danny to play.

Mystified by where the ball came from, Danny stands up, and the audience finally sees what the nature of the Project really is about:

As Danny stands up, the answer is revealed in an instant. Danny is wearing a sweater with a crudely sewn rocket pictured on the front. On the rocket clearly seen on Danny's sweater are the words: APOLLO 11.

The Shining is the story of how a part of Stanley Kubrick was killed by the agreement that he made with the U. S. government to become the "caretaker" of The Project called A11 or Apollo 11.

It is also the story of the history of NASA.

This explains why the previous "caretaker" was so pressured and stressed that he had to kill his TWIN daughters.


Because the previous NASA missions before Apollo were named Gemini!

never heard about the bts being a partially scripted part of the film

I never really got the ending. Is it supposed to be taken literally that the hotel claimed Jack so that he had always been there? Or does the hotel exist in pocket space time dimension where Jack is now trapped forever?

Interesting coincidence that Sissy Spacek from Carrie(76') and Shelly Duvall from Shining(80') would both co-star in Altmans 3 Women(77').
Would fugg them both.



Can anyone who has seen it weigh in?

it looks like he became a big guy so as to cover up the cigarette in the woman's hand. he did it for the children!

The Twins appearance and presentation are directly lifted from the 67' Diane Arbus photograph. Probably it's spooky and pushes that uncanny valley realm.
Check out her work, she made her career taking pictures of fuck up people, mostly from NYC.

Interesting sidenote she committed suicide in 71' she was also married to the guy who played the psychiatrist on MASH.

I've been to that hotel in mount hood, and I can tell you that the inside is not what the movie was based on. They'll tell you the interior shots are another hotel

Stephen King had a dream which inspired him to write The Shining while staying in Room 217 at the Stanley Hotel in Colorado. Kubrick filmed the movie at the Stanley and Room 237 scene was filmed in Room 217.


Has a single shot ever ruined an entire film like this one?

Kubrick didn't gather a bunch of people together for this photograph. Instead he just took a shot of Jack Nicholson's head and posted onto an old photo that he found.

It loses a lot of power without the sound effects and music and put into a 2 second gif.
That kid was a fucking trouper.
Kubrick movies are made for the big screen, so much is lost watching them on TV.

>you don't have a theatre in your home?

i know. that doesnt explain why he used 2 different versions of the photo in the film

My interpretation is that Jack got forced into that timezone and trapped forever thus time travelling back in time and history was re-written.


Jack was teleport ed back and be became the body of that man. Where did you find that original picture?

The interior of the hotel was a set built in England. At the time it was the biggest fucking built set in film history. Kubrick designed the plans. The rooms and hallways and etcetera layout purposely don't line up and make sense. People think that means something esoteric. Actually from a filmmakers point of view on what's on screen at the the moment is important. It's a film set not an actual hotel.

Something just as good,
This is Quentin Tarantino's saving grace.

This was October of last year, new schedule in a couple days, I'm hype.

I was fortunate enough for watching the Shining at the cinema last Halloween. Fucking front row though because the entire cinema was booked out to see both the Thing and the Shining back to back and never assumed everyone in my local town would go to see them.

But yeah the Shining is incredible on the big screen.


I envy you. I was lucky enough to catch Blade Runner at the Director's Guild in Hollywood.
Our God is a loving God.

Kubrick used old WB photos for all the pictures on the walls, go smoke another hit of crack you fucking idiot, you're not about to solve anything

just go watch Rob Ager videos or get lost on johnny53's blogspot and stop sperging out here

>never assumed everyone in my local town would go to see them.

why wouldnt normies go watch 2 normie movies back 2 back?

Found what I'm doing for Halloween.

>Or does the hotel exist in pocket space time dimension where Jack is now trapped forever?

hes not trapped there, hes willingly there. he gave in.

its pretty shit to be truthful.

>This explains why the previous "caretaker" was so pressured and stressed that he had to kill his TWIN daughters.
>Because the previous NASA missions before Apollo were named Gemini!

the twin daughters were also hints and predictive programming of 9/11, which kubrick had knowledge of and refused to help fake

Yes, go watch it

inb4 kubrick made a mistake

>Interesting sidenote she committed suicide in 71'

she was in actuality killed by the goverment but go ahead and believe the normie narrative

Pic related imo is the point where people start over thinking every little thing and you start getting theories on things that go beyond the scope of the movie

>oh no people are thinking
>i better tell them to keep there eyes closed

fuck off shill. we know the truth

It's a common theme in ghost stories. The ghosts replay a time with high emotional resonance like a murder or the party.
It also happens in "The lady in white", "High Spirits","13 Ghosts", "The Changeling", shit practically everything with a ghost in it even "Ghost".

compelling arguments I'm sold.

>I'm gonna project the trauma of sucking my dad off upon this film
>don't you dare shut me up, fag

Alright user, I'll let you shill your shit image

there was nothing traumatic about me sucking my dad off as a kid. i grew to like it. i dont see how that has anything to do with what you replied to me about though... i wish he was still alive i could use a daddy load in my tummy

How the fuck would Kubrick be any use in faking 9/11?

how would he be any use in faking the moon landing?

To fake the footage of it, obviously. People weren't there going "oh shit, there's someone on the moon over there." There were people present for the Twin Towers being destroyed, though, so faking footage wouldn't be much use.

You really don't need to watch the movie more slowly to get that. It's pretty clear the geography is fucked at normal speed.

Best scene in movie is when Grady goes from in character as the butler straight to murder niggers mode after jack presses him on his identity. Look on his face and the way it's framed is pretty frightening for what should be a harmless fat old bald man.

when both jack and dany enter the room it's the same camera pov. when dany enters it the camera cuts out, then jack enters the room later on and it's the same pov.

dont know what it means but i always found that interesting

wasnt it weird there was so many cameras all at once from every angle catching everything that were all magically given to every news outlet within 10 minutes of happening?

some 9/11 documentary said there was AT LEAST 25 different angles/sources/cameras shown on news throughout the world within 15 minutes of happening.

>you're an idiot
Not an argument :D

Kubrick put meaning behind everything he made because he knew how to actually make good art. Something without meaning has no intelligence behind it, which is why so many movies now are fucking stupid.


Why is there an incredibly high-speed Edgar Alan Poe in the bottom left corner? Why did Kubrick want this?

>picking front row instead of middle center

>uses literally correctly

I'm usually able to shut my mind off and enjoy even the crappiest movies in the genre, but yeah that always just took me out of the movie. Not the same guy btw.

it's more likely all that stuff with furniture and pictures moving around, the cigarette stuff, etc, were just continuity errors. the movie was mostly made in the editing room because kubrick was doing a minimum of 30 takes for every fucking scene, errors are going to happen when you do shit like that.

the making of that movie was a total fucking mess, it makes more sense that they were just simply errors rather than this subliminal nonsense


The woman in the tub had been dead for a long time. She was bloated and purple, her gas-filled belly rising out of the cold, ice-rimmed water like some fleshy island. Her eyes were fixed on Danny’s, glassy and huge, like marbles. She was grinning, her purple lips pulled back in a grimace. Her breasts lolled. Her pubic hair floated. Her hands were frozen on the knurled porcelain sides of the tub like crab claws.

Danny shrieked. But the sound never escaped his lips; turning inward and inward, it fell down in his darkness like a stone in a well. He took a single blundering step backward, hearing his heels clack on the white hexagonal tiles, and at the same moment his urine broke, spilling effortlessly out of him.

The woman was sitting up.

are you retarded? NYC is the largest city in the united states. The HEADQUARTERS of news organizations are within minutes of the WTC.

your mother is the largest city in the usa