Race and IQ

Let's be honest here and address the elephant in the room....

Why won't the scientific community talk about the large difference in IQ between different races, most notably Blacks and Whites?

Countless studies have shown that IQ is directly related to genetics.

How does race mixing make sense if all you're doing is ruining your genes?

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Science is racist.

Tried making this thread on /sci/ once. For a board that fancies itself as the smartest they are massive blue pill virtue signalling faggots

What did they say?

How's this for redpil.

Blacks score on average the same as mentally retarded whites.

Look it up, it's true

The same reason why the science community doesn't openly discuss how to make bombs.

In the neuroscience and psychology classes I've taken they have a couple excuses. One is that blacks are constantly told they are stupid and when they take a test they project this mentality onto themselves and don't perform as well as they could have. Another is that there are different types of intelligence and black culture encourages the types which can't be reflected through standardized and IQ tests.

Because IQ is another of psychology's BS creations. Can't trust a psychologist.

Explain, how does both these things correlate with each other?

sounds like a bunch of excuses to me

IQ measures pattern detection and problem solving skills.

It's very accurate, but be mad that you can't detect patterns well

Do you really not know? Because high IQ people want to rule over low IQ people.

>Explain, how does both these things correlate with each other?

Both are not conducive to a safe and civilised society and will just cause unrest.

How does it feel knowing white people are to Jews what black people are to whites?

Because it isn't about genetics, it's about privilege.

Actually they do openly discuss that, in schools as well, mostly so that imbeciles know how to avoid making one.

>they're blue pilled for not agreeing with me
>any opinion other than mine is wrong


Arent orthodox jews inbred?

What's wrong with that?

>in psychology
Nice joke m8

If conflicts with the idea of equality between human beings. That's an idea that's been drummed into everyone's heads since they were a child that it's just become unquestioned dogma. It's the reason why any objective measures of success delineate differences between racial/ethnic groups, be it test scores, lifetime achievement, crime rates etc. people flip shit and call it racist. At the very least they'll try to blame it on something else, most often society or culture.

It's just ways of coping with doublethink.

The usual stuff

> go back to Sup Forums

Anything having to discuss an uncomfortable truth

Simple really. No one will back them, you need money to get in science journals, so scientist play in the hand of people. Be it liberal (mostly) or republican, they will do whatever it takes to get more money for equipment or anything.

So since liberal company run and hire the scientist, they need to play into the hands of liberals, so they will spout WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Or the nuclear reactors are bad cuz UHH japan and bombs and thing. While saying windmills and solar panels are good.

Science is no longer about discover, it is about how to get money.

Why do you think the independent papers that show the truth. (genetic diversity of people/ IQ division) Get put with the conspiracy crowd, cuz it is not in a major paper.

Science is no longer finding the truth. It is now bedding to the company that own you.

Are you will fully retarded? Why is it so hard to talk about blacks being lower in iq than all other race's

>online test

wow I sure got btfo

Go on.

>In the neuroscience and psychology classes

These are the fucking flat out stupidest excuses for IQ differences I have ever heard. How?

reality is racist

What does Sup Forums think of this?:

And yet even the sidebar of one of your posted links has this abstact for a study:

July 10, 2014 — A chimpanzee’s intelligence is largely determined by its genes, while environmental factors may be less important than scientists previously thought, according to a Georgia State University


Now, If intelligence is highly heritable in chimpanzees, then why not humans?

I would love to continue to argue that we are one big happy family, as I used to believe when I was an idealistic youth, but the evidence is mounting up that it is simply not true.

this x1000

Nothing. But its better for the (((elites))) to not make the people aware of it.

Not quite. We are missing a major plank of this phenomena, and that is the fact that the Chinese are not hobbled by political correctness, and they are continuing to produce study after study suggesting exactly the same data as the outlawed western studies.

Of course, the Chinese score higher than Europeans, so they could be accepting of the bias, if indeed there is one.

Blacks would be smarter than whites if they had good schooling for hundreds of years and weren't shit on constantly by society.

Just like Asians having higher IQ than whites. Their genetics aren't better. They are just more respected by society and their societies have been mostly peaceful.

>Are you will fully retarded?
>will fully

>Why is it so hard to talk about blacks being lower in iq than all other race's

>no counter argument

Culture is more important than genetics, chimps have little to no culture and as such genetics plays a higher role.

As a country's literacy rates improve so does perceived IQ

Non-cognitive skill studies and EQ really show how unreliable IQ can be.

If you do econometric hypothesis tests in R or another statistical program, and control for "EQ" and/or various non-cognitive skills that have been measured, the p-value for IQ increases steadily thus making it statistically insignificant.

Also, the most intellectual personality type, INTPs are a great example of this. Super smart (highest scorers on IQ tests as well), amazing grades, but piss poor motivation and lazy as shit; therefore, they will never achieve anything.

Also, the Bell Curve was written like 23 years ago. Tons of studies have been done with the aforementioned variables that render IQ studies less reliable and not capable of holding their own weight as much now.


Research grants are incredibly competitive and if you will be blacklisted by the NSF if you promote race and IQ.

Why is Nigeria so shitty and why do all the smart Nigerians come to the US?

nice meme

Good. I can't wait for the data to pile up to the point where nobody can refute the truth.

Sad but true, Big Bubba...

Dunno ask /sci/


Whites didn't come into existence randomly.

Both races started from the bottom and had to struggle.

Why did blacks get stuck in the stone age?

Please tell me?

Nice counterargument.


You're just saying that because you're a dumb nigger

>Why won't the scientific community talk about the large difference in IQ between different races, most notably Blacks and Whites?

Because in addition to the leftist bias in the academia and hatespeech laws, if im not mistake, it is specifically forbidden by the UN. Blame the krauts for losing the war

>personality types
el mao

>12 percent of 200,000 American Nigerians compared to 8 percent of 100 millions of whites

Kill youself immediately


This is a weak argument because the phenomena can easily be explained by the immigration system creaming off the highest scoring and most educated Nigerians.

>Culture is more important than genetics, chimps have little to no culture and as such genetics plays a higher role.

Culture equates to environment, and while I dispute your assertion that chimps dont have culture, there is strong evidence that intelligence is more influenced by hereditary factors, than environmental ones.


What the fuck is this? where are all of these torontonian blue pilled leaves coming from?

If you think whites are smarter than blacks because they're oh so 'prviliged' then explain THE JEWS with 115 avg iq then

Read up on Europe's "colonization" of Africa. Or "slavery in America".

Then go ahead and tell me how Blacks are naturally retarded when you have been raping their people for centuries.


But it literally has been proven INTPs score highest on IQ tests and they don't make as much money as, say, an INTJ for example (who score lower). So there must be something else that contributes to INTJs making more money (aka non-cognitive skills such as discipline).

explain how they so dumb in ethiopia and other africoon countries that were never colonized, faggot

To follow up on this, Jews have been kicked out of their host countries over a hundred times, they've been genocided left and right and they've been hounded on longer than the blacks were known to exist

>tfw a negro is literally almost 2 times dumber than white

The Jews have always been immensely privileged. What happened in 1930-1940 was an anomaly and most were able to move away.

In an ironic twist Hitler just ended up eliminating the poorer Jews, making the Jews even stronger.

>implying that Ethiopia has never had any sort of European influence

>the Philippines is smarter than the US


This guy doesn't understand genetics. He thinks that genetically dominant genes means fitter genes. Completely wrong. He's also completely wrong about mixed race people, citing a single, flawed study with a tiny sample size. Mixed race people unfortunately suffer some health problems, especially in their mental health. He also fell for the 'white people will eventually be inbred if we don't interbreed' meme which is completely wrong. You can have an isolated society with a founder population of a few hundred families and have them breed indefinitely without suffering from inbreeding. Look at Iceland, one of the healthiest countries on the planet, and extremely inbred.

He's just completely wrong on point he makes.

Nah...indigenous, Bubba...

>Why is Nigeria so shitty
You should be saying why is Africa so shitty.

Short answer:Europe and America's dollar used to enslave entire countries



>Stopped by europeans
>would've economically freed Africa

Also jews are white

And the only "evil jews" according to Sup Forums are the ashkenazis not the mizrahi, sephardic, etc. jews so basically jews seem to only commit "evil" or commit the most evil when they are in the white subgroup more than any other group

that's not now it works
you can't replace one white with 2 niggers or even 10

Asians have higher IQ than white
IQ is just acquired through practiced mental development and hard work

Well as an oppressive white man its my job to hold a higher IQ than that of the melanin enhanced

>Europe's colonization of Africa
I guess those sky scrapers and hospitals sure were oppressive

>American slavery

oh fuck off, if anything that's the best thing that could have happened to them, also you can thank the BLACK SLAVE SELLERS for that


What are you?

ENTP here and national socialist confirmed

i literally saw a black on a forum say: "yo if they asked SAT questions about how many daps there are we'd be acing dat sheit."

OK, so let me get this straight.

White colonization altered their genetics to be stupid?

Is that what you're saying?

>Slavery was the best thing to happen to Blacks


lmao show ur vagina already u female

>I dispute your assertion that chimps dont have culture

>there is strong evidence that intelligence is more influenced by hereditary factors, than environmental ones
>citation needed

ENTPs are so fucking stupid man.
Also Hitler was an INFJ, that graphic is retarded.

Amazing how Sup Forums outright rejects anything that challenges their rigid frameworks.

>intp yet valid

what de fug


when your "feelings" allow you to understand the mechanics of a car, or your "sympathy" lets you invent something, then i will discard the "framework" of my beliefs.

wtf i love portugal and ireland now

well, they kind of tugged our heartstrings when they overpopulated themselves and begged for food

was ethiopia colonized?

are there any africoon countries that weren't?

do niggers have it better in america or apefrica?

>Also jews are white
when it suits them

but why is there a DNA test to decide whether you can immigrate to israel? huh, moishe?

>Why won't the scientific community talk about the large difference in IQ between different races, most notably Blacks and Whites

But they do. This is not a controversy at all tin the actual scientific community: neurologists, biologists.
It's the perception of the scientific community that the media created that doesn't talk about it.

There is some debate about nurture vs nature. So you can't outright say "Blacks are dumber than whites by default". Even though other research suggests, that about 80% of IQ is due to genetics.

You can then add 2+2 together and arrive at a conclusion.

The races evolved separately for 60,000 years in vastly different climates. In the end, their brains came out exactly the same. It was a wonderful coincidence. We're all the same. Discussion over.

>IQ is just acquired through practiced mental development and hard work

are you saying africans are stupid because they are lazy?

Russia still produces the best trans, so your good...

>we live in a social world that is ever increasing and becoming more interconnected
>better understand the mechanics of a car when specialization of labor takes care of that just fine
Wew lad. You'd never make it beyond middle manager.

>White colonization altered their genetics to be stupid?
>Is that what you're saying?
Not really but slave masters did practice eugenics to breed stronger slaves which could've adversely effected the number of intelligent Africans since smart Africans were not sought after, only strong ones for manual labor.

I'm not really saying that but that argument could be made in a sense.

>Why won't the scientific community talk about the large difference in IQ between different races?
because IQ is not a big deal, and people are more interested in the performance of individuals than group averages

people don't talk about it because it is of little consequence and nobody really cares

Because there is no evidence of it.
>but statistical correlations
Aren't evidence. You are suggesting that there is a genetic factor in IQ, which would be demonstrated by locating the genes that control it.

>physical traits can be hereditary, but intelligence can't.

Do you agree with this?

the fact that it is controversy shows that the scientific community is both incompetent and unreliable tool for arriving at meaningful independent truths not influenced by zeitgeist politics corporations or society

of course there exists a hidden scientific racism that is not spoken about, by people who feel superior thanks to their imagined intelligence, and people who dream of social engineering and eugenics solutions for inferior races, something that aspiring leftists here on pol approve of as well

How is it of little consequence?
Are you serious?
So you dont realize that one of the most crucial reasons why 3rd world immigration does not work is because low IQ people do not do so well in higher IQ societies? For the last 30 odd years the leftist narrative has been that people are all the same cumbaya bullshit, which is not true, not only are there fundamental normative and cultural differences between peoples of the earth, there are also biological/genetic difference like IQ. These differences should be all taken into account, sadly so far the west can only accept "social" e.g cultural differences and totally ignores the biology part because "das raycis".

So you don't realize that if this fact would be brought out of the darkness, then perhpaps policies could be shaped in a realistic way, for example in terms of 3rd world immigration, and REAL solutions could be found as to combat the increasing self-segregation of minorities who migrate to e.g EU from poor countries with a lower average IQ.

I can tell you that most teachers capable of consructing meaning rather than receiving it already know about this. We devote a good chunk of policy to changing expectations and procedures to accommodate it, and we have a number of useful terms to refer to majority black schools: under-served, high-need, low-performing, at-risk, etc. When people use phrases like this, they refer to black populations.

That said, I teach in a rural school and my black students are fine. Some of them were adopted, but a majority of them were sent out to the country to live with a relative because their parents saw what was happening in their neighborhoods and wanted them to GTFO before they began robbing and killing or being killed and robbed.

They're just like any other kid--soem of them are smart, some of them are not, soem ofthem are jerks, and some of them are a pleasure to work with. Some of them seem especially grateful to be here rather than there.


>Not bringing ANY data to suport his shitpost
Oh well, here we go again with this beta cumskins

get your fucking feet off that desk you disrespectful cunt. Treat that piece of history with the respect is deserves

Holy shit Im triggered by this picture.

Wow, the brain is the only organ that didn't change?



Read this. Never use the words EQ.

Are you implying that intelligence genes don't exist?

lmfao fuck off reddit

Flynn effect motherfuckers

Minorities living in developed countries get smarter with each generation

They will eventually catch up with white people