Not only did Mrs Weasley make Ron a sandwich he didn't like, she went out of her way to make him fucking FOUR of them...

>not only did Mrs Weasley make Ron a sandwich he didn't like, she went out of her way to make him fucking FOUR of them, poorly wrapped and smashed to shit

isn't that some kind of passive aggressive child abuse? jesus christ

Other urls found in this thread:"I used to work at at a grocery store. Terrible experience overall"

I used to work at at a grocery store. Terrible experience overall, but one time I saw a woman tell her young, maybe 5 year old son to go and fetch a pack of meat. He does, and she slaps it out of his hands onto the floor. She then shouts "Why would you do that?!" at the kid and he starts crying, I think they just walked away leaving behind the meat on the floor for me to clean up of course.

It was such a strange thing to see and I felt kinda like I needed a shower afterwards, and when I recount the story to my coworkers they all burst out laughing & saying how they wouldn't have been able to help themselves from laughing then and there if they were in my shoes either.

The world is a weird, fucked up place.

Having to be one of the main characters in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises surely has to count as child abuse. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody; just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

what the fuck

Poor kid how long ago was this? Hope he has better guardians

>Its a hyperbolic 90s born queer makes a garbage thread episode.

mother knows best and it's like that everywhere. My mom never complied when asked NOT to do something and she's like that to this day. I think many anons can relate.

If I ask anyone to do something - it's an additional task to them. When I ask not to do something - it's no hassle whatsoever. Some people don't get it and go out of their way.

that's just typical britbong parenting

This is why the raisedbynarcs subreddit exists

Feel sorry for the narc's scapegoat child because i've been (and still am) one too

>visiting parents
>mom wants to send random shit back with me
>tell her I don't want it or need it and I'm not taking on extra stuff when I've got plenty to carry already
>half an hour later still arguing about it

This never gets old

>there's other people on this train
but they're in the last fucking carriage, anybody else who wanted any would have got theirs already

Oh for fucks sake my mother is like that too
>had nearly 25lbs of Lego as a child
>my mom would like sending them to me
>said I won't need them anymore and since she sometimes works with children she could give them away
>mom disagrees, most children won't play with Lego anymore she says
>then she wants to sell them on a flea market, she already has a buyer
>think to myself, why would anyone pay for old Lego when according to her kids wouldn't want it free of charge
>I said she can keep the money since she was the one buying me the most Lego and she has the hassle of selling it plus I earn way more than she does anyway
>she vehemently refuses, claiming she couldn't take the money from something I've possessed

I think it's just a way of staying in touch with me, she's bugging me for 8 years now to take all of my stuff I still have at home or she'll dump it and for 8 years I tell her she should dump it because every time I want to take something with me she tries pursuading me to let it with her.


That's what that was? I could never tell because I've only seen this movie on standard televisions.

>Pizza delivery driver
>Have to take a delivery to the ghetto
>Ring the doorbell, and a black kid who couldn’t have been older than six answers
>Me: “Hey bud, how are you tonight?”
>He’s visibly shaking, and nervous to the point where he can barely stutter a “hello”
>His sheboon mother (who couldn’t be bothered to get off the couch) yells at him
>Sheboon: “What are you doin’?! Quit bein’ fuckin’ stupid, and give the man his goddamn money!”
>He fumbles with the bills, hands them to me, and I give him the change
>Sheboon: “Now getcho stupid ass back in here!”
>He wordlessly shuts the door

I kind of wanted to call the cops after I left, because there’s clearly some abusive shit going on there, but I didn’t know if I would just end up making things worse.

>>a-at least the books were good though



Not trying to make you feel bad but i think you should've called the cops desu

Simply say "If you give this to me I will throw it away".
Then, if they give it to you anyway, throw it in their trash can while maintaining eye contact with them.

I see this all of the time and I hate it.

nigs gonna nig

realistically i dont think anything would have changed

They would have gotten squashed in his magical suitcase. Not all of us could afford lunch boxes.

Were they really?

That's not true.

I remember Hermione entering through the left side despite the trolley lady coming in through the right side.

>Weasleys are supposed to be poor
>they live in a huge house in the country

Why were the Weasleys poor if everyone could just conjure up shit with magic without money?

>I kind of wanted to call the cops after I left, because there’s clearly some abusive shit going on there, but I didn’t know if I would just end up making things worse.

You should have called the cops.

You should go back

atlas shrugged is good example of huge overrated shit

In the books it's explicitly mentioned that it's the last carriage

guess it might be different in the movie but that would make Ron's "all the other carriages are full" line even stranger

Reminder that it is now canon that the trolley lady is an avatar of the Hogwarts Express itself.

>Father works at the ministery
>Two oldest sons are already employed in good jobs

How are they so poor?

Because father spends all their money on trash.

She didn't make them like that, she just put them in clingfilm and that's how they naturally go, especially when put in a pocket or a bag.

Did no one here actually have a childhood?

What did Harrys parents work? I imagine with Voldemort in power the economy was in the shitter. Did the order just give them gold? Where did Harry's huge inheritence come from?
Was James from a wealthy family? Come to think about it, is it ever mentioned who his parents are and why they dont care for their grandson?

Food only lasts a limited time before it disappears. You'd fill yourself up then starve when it disappeared.

If it was protein heavy, random tiny bits of muscle across your body would just disappear. Heck, walls of blood vessels could disappear and you'd die of internal bleeding.

Emotional/psychological abuse fucks you up and people don't take it seriously. It's terrible.

This is a pasta?
I'm sure I've read this before

actually a small rinky dink shithouse

why aren't you in your reddit play pan?

me too actually

>play pan

They sold hair products and died just after James got married.

This thread made me hungry for a sandwich but I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen and open all the packages so I squirted a ketchup packet onto a paper towel and ate that instead.

They are poor in order to be sympathetic, its as simple as that.
And since Rowling is a typical leftie, their situation must be due to some vague circumstainces and no fault of their own while they are all bright people. Piss poor family but literally every single child is at least decent at school and ends up with a respected job in the end.

I always thought it was octopuss or something like that.

So you just got ketchup packets laying around your room?

I have a tupperware tub full of condiment packets in my desk drawer.

>one of them travels the world
>the twins are able to open up a really successful store

its literally the opposite of what poor people would do.

Real Pure Bloods marry into wealth, Blood Traitors like the Weasleys put the whims of their kids before everything else, also don't give a fuck about keeping the bloodlines pure or marrying well.

Didn't they get money for the store from Harry?

>Waaah my mommy didn't make me the right kind of sandwich
Fucking make it yourself if you don't like what you're given you little shit

>someone elses incompetence is my fault
hello cletus, do you also blame yourself when restaurants bring you the wrong order? You little shit

>Blood Traitors
Who of them is a muggle?

niggers gonna nig but i do feel for the little ones sometimes because how the fuck should they know better

Rowling's almost accepting view of child abuse in the Potter franchise is only one of many areas where she fails to connect with a younger crowd. Seriously, each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

what a bitch
my mom would have brought me mcdonalds every day

>person is perfectly capable of making the simplest dish ever
>is a lazy shit and blames his mom for not making them the way he wanted

>simplest dish ever
kys kiddo

its not funny without clifford and kanye in the image

>now canon
Rowling is retarded

>mom I'm going to the wizard school can you make the sandwiches extra special, please?
>Instead, you can buy the ingredients and let me make them
So hard

none of that shit is abuse unless you are the world's most giant pussy, seriously

>And since Rowling is a typical leftie, their situation must be due to some vague circumstainces and no fault of their own while they are all bright people.
They're poor because they have too many kids and Mr Weasley is in the shittiest department in the ministry, and he has no hope of upward mobility because he's a weird muggle sympathizer.

>man who utilized muggle technology in his life to have the best of both worlds is worthy of hate in the wizard world
This is preposterous, even for kid's-book standards

What makes you think that?

they're poor because rowlings needed them to bee poor. don't expect logic from rowlings. but i'm sure she'll come up with a reason if someone asks her. and she'll pretend that she already thought of the reason before she wrote the books.

you know, it's not that outlandish. sometimes american black folk ostracize each other for "acting white" even if "acting white" is the way you succeed in life

had to scroll waaaaay too down for this

>“My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford…You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.”
It's literally in the first book, mate.

I'm not disputing that being poor isn't a narrative device to make them sympathetic, but it also makes sense in universe and is explained multiple times.


Anti-muggle "racism" is the driving point of the entire plot.
Muggles are also inferior to wizards (at least in the 90's), so it's understandable.

She loves you

just a prank son

>explained multiple times
the only reason you presented is number of children. what are the multiple explanations in the book?

or are you:
>implying number of children is the reason
>implying draco would be as poor as ron if he had as many siblings as ron

should have called him a nigger

>dumb clumsy receding hairline beta male father holding toddler on his lap in the mall
>see him drop the kid on the hard floor
>apparently their bodies make the most terrible sound when dropped, I think I heard something crack too
>kid starts crying and screaming in what sounds like a lot of pain
>want to kick the butterfingered loser in the back of the head, if I weren't sick to my stomach

how would lucius malfoy know the weasleys' finances, anyway? that's probably just his elite prejudices talking

I don't remember any characters who are presented as having made their own money, everyone just inherited it like the malfoys or potters or blacks, or they're poor weirdos like the weasleys, filch or mundungus fletcher

children are disgusting and smelly and noisy. the brat deserved to be dropped.


I see you browse Sup Forums

you're lucky a nig didn't hit you over the head with a wrench to steal that $20 pizza, because I know somebody that happened to

omg dude, you're totally right. I can just imagine cops getting a call on the radio "All units, all units, a nigger is treating her kid like shit!" The cops immediately perk up, throw their coffee and donuts out of the window, spin their cruiser in u-turn, tires screeching, sirens blaring, and going straight to the ghetto at 90 miles per hour.

Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate children too, but I'd just have them removed from public. It's just that the sound of dropping, and that scream, fuck. That's one of the reason I don't like children in public, they're always one step away from getting rekt, thanks to their negligent dumbfuck parents. I don't wanna see that shit.

>I'm sure I've read this before
You've seen it before. We all have.

Mr Weasley is unambitious. He cares more about muggles than being promoted. This is partly why Percy Weasley abandoned the family.
Arthur's ministry department is also severely underfunded. When Harry visits the ministry, Arthur's entire department is just two desks cramped into a single room.

The Malfoy's are like ye olde aristocrats. They live in a literal mansion. They can afford to have as many kids as they want.

Wizarding society is a corrupt fascist state ripe with cronyism. Lucius Malfoy has more influence over the Ministry than Arthur, even though Arthur actually works there.
Fred and George become rich but start off poor, but that was only after getting some money from Harry to kickstart their business.

But you're right in that social mobility in the wizarding world is pretty shit.

years from now dad will wake up in middle of night to see son standing by his bedside sledgehammer in hand asking him "do remember when you dropped me, dad? DO YOU REMEMBER?""I used to work at at a grocery store. Terrible experience overall"
Not pasta

>implying the child didn't sit and squash the sandwich up like a fucking retard all children are

>Weaselys are poor
They're not, though. Dad's got a cushy white collar job and they go on big expensive vacations every year. They just save up by being thrifty with secondhand school supplies.

I've got family like that. They're stingy as hell most of the time and then go to Disneyland every goddamn summer.

Doesn't explain shit like clothes and equipment. They don't have to have magical properties but simple shit and not have it look like shit.

>damaged person lashing out
get help for your self, friend

>they go on big expensive vacations every year.
They only go on vacation once, and that was after having won a lottery.

How fucking poor do you have to be to not be able to afford food? They are all able bodied, and supposedly intelligent. They aren't living in 1920s Ukraine. What is their fucking problem?

It's clear from Arthur's complete ignorance of Muggles despite loving their tech that he ended up in that job by accident and just refused to give it up afterward. And that this almost certainly soured his marriage for years.

Weasleys were tricked into taking out a home equity loan by an unscrupulous goblin working Gringotts Wizarding Bank subprime lending department. They were led to believe that real estate only goes up so they spent all the money on enchanted Ford Anglia and gag toys, and then when the real estate market crashed, they were literally left out to dry due to no fault of their own

>mother does all the ironing and washing
>ask her to literally not do any of it and just leave it to me
>keeps doing it
>keeps complaining she has so much washing and ironing to do

I can relate to being stubborn but fuck at least I accept that I forfeit my right to complain about how hard life is when I make it harder for myself.


I was always careful in that area of town (we called it “District 9”). You definitely have to be more alert than usual, and I had a club that I holstered in my belt as soon as I got out of my car. I would also make sure that any shady looking types that happened to be walking behind me knew that I knew they were there. I’d usually just give them a nod, and a “How’s it going?”, or something along those lines.

One of our new drivers got robbed, when a nig offered to give him directions, and then threw a handful of gravel in his face. There was also a trailer park in that town that we refused to deliver to after dark, because a female Jimmy Johns driver had been raped and murdered there a few years prior. Also, a few weeks after I moved away from there, someone found a 55 gallon drum with a flaming corpse in it behind a liquor store in that area.

I was saying that we've seen that kind of abuse before in real life. Sorry about not being clear.

>huge house in the country
>rickety shack held together with magic
A "huge house in the country" is Malfoy Manor, not the Burrow.

Same story here. Now I am a socially awkward fucktard that can't do basic shit (though I don't think my mother is at fault there).

To be fair, she shat out like 7 kids and they had to pay Hogwarts tuition, textbooks, potion ingredients, clothes, etc, for every single one of them.