>politically incorrect
>triggers Sup Forumsacks anyway
Politically incorrect
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It does?
yeah, it does.
Well, it's been a nice thread. Thanks for sharing.
it triggered my friend real bad when we tried to watch it. he literally flinched at every "nigger".
It isn't politically incorrect though. The nigger is a clear hero, the whites are mocked as inbred and racist, just because it throws around a few racial jokes doesn't mean it deviated from the Hollywood formula, if anything it is a liberal movie masked under racial humor.
Is he black?
He's a goddamned n-GONNGGG
It's crazy to me that there are people who think Blazing Saddles is 'racist.'
In fairness, Blazing Saddles was one of the first movies to have a black hero. What was brave 40 years ago stops being brave decades later.