Medieval movie

>medieval movie
>everybody has white teeth

Other urls found in this thread:

>Medieval Movie
>No bath houses full of whores

>Medieval movie
>Knights and soldiers use swords

They had different diets so their teeth actually wouldn't look that bad. This was a big point of contention between Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones when they co-directed Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Gilliam wanted the peasants to have bad teeth but Jones wanted them to have more historically accurate normal teeth. Gilliam won the argument.

British propaganda

Not in French movies.

>medieval movie
>''from hereafter, you shall be named charles the just''
>''just what?''
>''Just, charles the just.''
>''But just what?!''

>Medieval Movie
>10 year old girl gives orders to grown men,
> instead of bursting into laughter and raping her cunny... they obey

Humor of the 1930s

>when you fuck up and draw the dog too long