Any of you racists care to comment?

Any of you racists care to comment?

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Unappreciative farm equipment.

Go back to africa

>over 300 years

and then i stopped reading because i knew everything else he said would be grossly exaggerated



>taking a picture of your computer screen
Jesus christ kill yourself

You liked it, took a picture with your phone, and then decided to upload it?

This isn't your average, everyday autism. This is ADVANCED autism.

> America was the only nation to have slaves

>Los Angeles, California

You know, all these problems and they never once take a step back and look and themselves and realise theyve only got themselves to blame. Narcissists. Oh yeah about the slavery thing, every civilization ever has had slaves, just grow up and take it on the chin every other race that has been enslaved has to.

>fill two thirds of prison cells with them

>they commit way more crime
>it's our fault for arresting them

>All jurors and judges are white

>Fill two third of your prison cells


The US didn't "fill" their prisons with blacks, blacks committed crimes and got their due punishment.

It's not America's fault that black culture promotes thugs and frowns upon education because "it's white". Black people are their own worst enemy

shieeeeeeeee whitey better remember the 300,000 years of slavery they put us through.

i love how liberals always speack to america in the third person to showcase how they're not a part of it


im thinking of doing a postdoc at caltech, how fucked am i?

bad engrish

>(((Chris Silber)))
Really made me think...

>ah bloo bloo people did mean things in the past
Stop crying about it.

>Chris (((((((((((Silber))))))))))
Can't even find this kike's twitter, just posts of his tweets, all of them photographs of screen, not even a fucking screenshot.

And that's a wrap.

Is this guy a retard? America only permitted slavery for less than 90 years.

>im thinking of doing a postdoc at caltech, how fucked am i?
>how fucked am i?

don't love it, leave it.

Technically, everything you experience is in the past. Even you reading this. Bam. Already done. In the past.

>sins of your father bullshit
Fuck off, m8.

>you terrorize and enslave an entire race for over 300 years
compared to the arab slave trade which existed for far longer and with a far greater scope than colonial amercia's slave era?

>300 years
>The new 6 million


>Both Memes utilized by Jews to destroy the aryan

What a (((coincidence)))

>>Gas Jew
>>Nuke Israel

Slavery wasn't about racism. It has always existed in Europe, since before the Roman Empire, and throughout the Middle ages. White People were enslaved by other white people, and in Africa at the same time, Black people enslaved other blacks.

Then, when Europe colonised America, the Europeans sent their slaves to the colonies to help mine and grow crops. They ran out of their own slaves very quickly, and therefore bought slaves from the black slave owners in Africa in order to meet the demand for goods around the world. This isn't racism, this is just the same slavery that has existed since the beginning of human civilisation.

Europeans in weren't the only people to buy slaves from America; the Ottoman Empire bought vast numbers of slaves from Ethiopia and Eastern Africa, and sent them to work in the Middle East. The only reason there isn't an anti-slavery sentiment against Turkey and the Middle East in the west today is because the Ottomans castrated most of their slaves, which means the descendants of slaves are not around to bitch about their falsified version of history today.

>taking a pic of your comp screen instead of screen capping

Are you black? Black people do this all the time.

>people start their statement/question from the angle of feigned ignorance with "Let me get this straight"
>proceed to paint a thoroughly disingenuous picture of the situation that supports the point they're really trying to make.

Then these other morons repost it as "ButThatTruthThou" and wonder why no one takes them seriously.

>You terrorize and enslave and entire race for over 300 years

And then a Republican president put an end to slavery at the cost of 500,000 lives

>Ban them from your privileges for the next 100 years

Thanks to Jim Crow laws all enacted by Democrats

>fill two third of your prison cells with them

All thanks to the 1994 Clinton crime bill

...And yet they still vote Democrat

>"fill two-thirds of their jail cell"

Why do liberals/leftists think that the amount of non white people in jail is due to some boogey man rounding them up and putting them behind bars rather than acknowledge that it may be because they commit more crimes?

6 milion died back then, don't you walk away from your crime.

das racist

It's become so cool to pick out America's history and use this country as a scapegoat for all of civilization's problems. Anyone can write a hashtag and scold white America, and their cool points will balloon into the stratosphere.

Ten years from now people like this will be a subject of scorn and ridicule, and those that are left will be too ashamed and embarrassed to speak their slander openly.

Nietzsche was right about the rabble.

>FIll two thirds of your prison cells with them
>You only go to prison if you have been investigated by our Police then charged then arrested then you have your day in court then convicted by either a jury of your peers or a judge for committing said crime or crimes
>Somehow not said person's fault
>But is everybody else's fault

>Black "people"

>I deliberately live in a country which history and traditions I consider evil and incompatible with mine, and now I'm mad. How could this be happening to me?

300 years lol.

Nigga really can not do maths.

Between 1776 and 1865 there are 89 years.


Why didn't they go back when offered?


It's an animalistic "Might makes right" mentality, user. The more you bully them the more they respect you.
The same thing happened to Bernie. He pandered to blacks his whole campaign and ended up cucked by Hillary who barely gave a fuck about them at the time.

the colonies had slaves since 1676

Cool. Then get the fuck out of here, filthy niggers.

Okay but is was an Anglo property. Not an american problem.

>380.000 slaves brought over by jewish slaveships sold by other africans
>an entire race
Wew lad
>put them in prison
Their crime and murderrate is enormous.
>ban them from your priveledges
They are more priveledged than white americans but the blacks squander it and thus underperform.

Also europeans in europe were not able to be educated either in same period only nobility. But he wont mention that.
>and you're unhappy when they don't applaud your history.
They do a little more than that. And if they are unhappy about being an american and that its not majority black they should go to africa. Infact they have had that opportunity all along. Repatriation was actually in the process of happening when it was decided to make them part of america. Which they have done little else but shit on inspite of having lowered requirements than everyone else. If they prefer africa inspite of this then go instead of causing trouble in the us. Or be quiet.

Even kkk the favourite horror story of blacks in us that was formed because they felt you not being sent back to africa would cause big problems in the future killed 3600 people over 86 years not even all of them blacks. blacks kill more blacks then that entire number in just one big us city alone over a few years. So blacks fear of that is irrational as is their lack of fear of eachother. The biggest enemy of blacks is other blacks from africans who enslaved them and to sold them to blacks killing them now. Whites set them free the africans only stopped enslaving eachother recently.

Guilt tripping to manipulate your way to things you haven't earned is not acceptable and wears out.

>slavery has existed since the Egyptian by black kang enslave the white

>implying it not pay back

"You terrorize and enslave an entire race for over 300 years"

Holy fucking shit - this guy has to be trolling. Blacks enslaved and sold other blacks to other people. Does he really think white people went to Africa, chased down blacks and enslaved them? Fuck no.

Also if he is so enraged about slavery why not mention the slavery done by the Ottoman empire? Oh that's right, they weren't white.

Witless, virtue-signalling piece of shit!

America 300 years ago was 1716. 60 year gap ain't huge for this dindu lover.

This is the funniest thing. US was the only country where conditions were good enough for the slave population to increase naturally. Brazil, for example, had to keep importing them because so many died of disease and infant malnutrition. America reaps the reward of having the most humane conditions of slavery by constantly being reminded of it.

As you said, no-one gives a shit about the ottomans or even Brazil.

Underrated FPBP

You still use English with more proficiency than 90% of niggers.

>mup da bidda mo bix nood mufucka

Can we please, PLEASE, start a crowdfunding campaign where we raise funds for western Africans who complain to sign a contract that says they'll receive complete funding to denounce their citizenship and travel back to Sub-Sharan Africa?

GET IN HERE Sup Forums

→ → →


Stop blaming white people for your own problems and for what you do to eachother and you will be surprised at. How well you can get along with people. You give yourself a bad image by not doing so. If you are bad at something admit and try to improve instead of scapegoating about so many things and expect people to listen to it when it is clearly nonsense.

There are people who are actually victims of circumstance beyond their control that get in difficulty that deserve sympathy and support and then there are those who have every opportunity and are in control of their situation, yet blame everyone else when they fuck up and pretend this is not the case. Blacks are in that category. They are not victims and no amount of guilt tripping will help them make better decisions only themselves. They are not slaves they are pampered self entitled spoiled brats who tell themselves they are living in the past. Even when they have lower requirements than everyone else they fuck it up for themselves and refuse to take personal responsibility for themselves. This manifests in them attributing bad decisions and bad outcomes or simply not getting their way to racism. You can barely have a conversation with a black without him/her at one point bringing up racism to try not to lose the argument. And people are getting fed up by these big babies.

The problem is collectivist thought, ignorance over how morality develops, and a misplaced understanding of how time works.


>Let me get this straight, America.

>You terrorize and enslave.....

>...your prison cells...

>And you're angry.....

You see, there is no "America," as America is just the name of a nation, not a person that can be addressed. He is treating a nation of untold millions as a single entity that somehow possesses a single voice, a single conscience, and a singular will to effect its desires.

Needless to say, countries are not people, so he is actually talking to no one. This is because he does not view people as individuals, but instead, sees millions of people as a single nefarious caricature he has constructed to tear down.

This is irrational.

>...for over 300 years.

>...for the next 100 years.

>...until today.

He doesn't have a concept of how time works.

The people of today are not experiencing the historical oppression of yesterday. That is why it is called "historical oppression," because it happened in a time prior to this one.

One cannot claim participation in an event that occurred before their time. There are no slaves today and there are no longer any slave owners. They are all dead. This means to one can claim to be "historically oppressed." All of the sufferers of said oppression died over a century ago.

Notice also how he fails to understand how morality develops. He treats slavery as if people always knew that it was wrong and therefore should be held accountable according to modern moral standards. What he fails to realize is that morality develops exactly like technology, in small steps over great spans of time. This is why you view history through the lens of its own day, because it would be fucking retarded to claim that the ancient Aztecs were morons because they did not develop particle colliders or aircraft carriers.

Guy is a fucking moron who cherry picks.

>Stop blaming white people for your own problems and for what you do to eachother and you will be surprised at.

No, you can't do that. The left DEMANDS that ALL non-Whites looked at with the bigotry of low expectations. NO ONE should EVER believe that non-Whites are capable of learning, taking personal responsibility, or other "advanced" things.

Demanding personal accountability from non-Whites? "How dare you," say the leftists. Didn't you know that the person to whom you are referring is one of "THOSE PEOPLE?" How dare you expect them to adhere to equal standards of conduct! They just aren't capable of that, says the leftist.

Sup Forums BTFO

Living in pre-slavery Africa was basically hell on earth because psychotic negros butchered you for absolutely no reason. The American blacks already have a good idea of what living in their land was like only remove the guns and replace them with spears and rocks.

That's what niggers really think.

I don't care if niggers don't like our anthem. It just reinforces the point that blacks aren't Americans. When talking African-American, before the hyphen is identity, after the hyphen is where they happen to reside.

Slavery wasnt about race
This. Quite frankly black americans lucked out that their ancestors were shipped to the us. They were luckier than many european slaves and if the muslims had bought or enslaved. They would not be talking because they would not exist (sterilization). Muslims are the biggest slavers in modern history if vlacks and get zero flack for it from blacks.

Being shipped to the us as farm equipment and unintentionally become full citizens of one of the most free and prosperous nations created by europeans in modern time is like nigger paradise. And then they so nothing but complain about it. They have all this opportunity and without outside causality simply fail to use it and guilt trip people over it. Do they really expect sympathy at this point?

>>(((Chris Silber)))
what site is this mr. leaf

>Slavery wasnt about race

It was to the Arabs. The Arabs believed that all Blacks were an inferior race who needed to be enslaved lest they commit crimes.

Not even shitting you:


>For example, an Arab poet in the 7th century wrote: "The blacks do not earn their pay by good deeds, and are not of good repute; The children of a stinking Nubian black—God put no light in their complexions!"

>However, ethnic prejudice among some elite Arabs was not limited to darker-skinned people, but was also directed towards fairer-skinned "ruddy people" (including Persians, Turks and Europeans), while Arabs referred to themselves as "swarthy people".

>Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) wrote: "It is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."

They should because the other possibility would be their asses getting sent back to Africa.

Would they have preferred that? No? Then show some respect to the people who freed you and currently give you rights not shit that happened to your grandpa.

Liberals gonna liberal.

>Entire race.
>300 years.

American education.

2 points.

1. We were the nation that owned the least amount of slaves, and the first to abolish it. Because slavery at its core, is completely wrong.

2. Africans are in prison because Democrat social policy has destabilized the nuclear family. Primarily the African communities. This leads to African youth lacking proper stable parenting and moral compass. Winding up in gangs, dealing drugs, stealing, murdering. These people deserve to be in jail for acting against the law. You would think a race with the lowest average intelligence would need a stable and moral family the most. No gibsmedats. Organizations like BLM funded by big wigs like Soros are only attempting to absolve the black communities from responsibility for their outlandish lack of guidance and good behavior, and teaching them to deflect it on the people that have nothing to do with it.

you were far from the first to abolish it

Comment someone who views societies as hunks of cheese.

speak to the Brits about that, then

Still not 300 years is it?

Fuckin leaf.

Are blacks barred from their rights to buy condoms? I'm certain the fact that the single motherhood rate among niggers that is currently north of 70% is why they are such niggers.

How is history "your history"
There's no such thing as black history or white history, it's just history.
ie; Things that happened.
It's not our fault we did all the memorable things is it?
If you want people to write about something you did, you have to do something first.
I'll just wait here...


We didn't enslave shit, we just bought them.

>sit in mud huts while the rest of the world advances past for you for 6000 years
>get inevitably conquered
>be provided a roof and 3 square meals a day by your conquerors, extreme luxuries compared to your native land
>despite this, ignite a civil war in which your conquerors fight and die on your behalf
>even after the war is over show complete ungratefulness and begin chimping out
>despite being granted civil rights ceaseless ingratitude leads to you forcefully taking from society
>consequently the modern judicial system doesn't take kindly to random acts of savagery
>fill the prisons to the brim while crying systemic racism, while at the same time said system is paying your welfare check
>can't even be bothered to take a small amount of time and appreciate the achievements of western civilization, all accomplished no thanks to you

last time I checked, American history IS their history.

"want'" should be replaced by "gibs"

>Americas been around for 240 years

I wish we would just start taking away gib me dats instead of prison and jail time. I bet a shit loado if the petty crimes stop occurring.