Serbian man stabbed by migrant

Neighbours, what is this?
It should be remove kebab, not the other way around.

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pizda ti materina balava

one less serbian rat

my cock is very hard :)

we still killed one and this guy survived
Serbia 1 Islam 0
But still this will probably be a rallying call for football hooligans to start hunting them down , is gon be gud

>serbian football hooligans beating kebab
well, this is gonna be some decent shit

Attempted murder Mehmet. Learn to read.

How much walking kebabs you have in Serbia?

Honestly, we just need to keep sending them over to the EU and not get involved.

Yeah but if a girl gets raped in on all of us , i think people should just maybe send a few of them into a coma or something minor like that just to keep them scared

Yugoslavia will rise again and blow merkel out of existence and become the next leader of Europe

Also Serbians are totally different from Germans(they arent such sissies) they have balls and will react completely differently(9 Balkan country's and Austria
dont give a fuck wat Europe tell them anymore its slowly starting to change, just wait when NATO falls

It's on all of us*

Serbians really aren't as aggressive as you imagine it.
Serbs you think of live in some parts of Bosnia and Montenegro.

Look. If we attack them it's just going to be the same thing over again. The evil Serbs opress muzzies...

And besides that. How does sending one of them into a coma help prevent rape? We prevent rape by not deluding ourselves about them being peaceful or safe to be around. Even liberal women I know are fully aware the danger of being around them.

I know our women are smart , thank god for that but still they are so beautiful and if those horse faced german women are getting raped by the thousands i think it's only a matter of time before a pack of feral sand niggers tries his luck with one of our women ,if even 1 girl gets raped we have failed there's no undoing that i don't give a shit if we get accused of being muslim bashers again i think something needs to be done anyways

well if that happens, will you murder a migrant?
I propose posting posters on the walls at migrant hotspots in Belgrade saying stuff like "If you touch our women you will be genocided" in arabic....

Failed at what?
We have a failed country with a failing economy and a crooked government. We already failed.

If there is an attack and our people witness it and cower and let it happen like some German cucks then yes, they are a new low for us.

But how does beating them prevent rape?

I think they know that already.

Guys, you don't harm people. And you certainly never harm people in public.
You kidnap people instead. Middle of the night out of their beds, broad day off the street, whatever, but you disappear them.
You take them someplace and do what you wish, but you never speak of it.
That's how the pros do it.

Few mudslime migrants residing on Zagreb bus station tried to rape sister of some BBB hooligan, few months ago, luckily, she escaped and told brother what happened.

That was last thing those mudslimes tried and got beaten so hard by hooligans that police alarmed former minister of interior affairs to remove them from Croatia overnight so that media doesnt publish the story.

Al' jedan je Mauzer!

If all the migrants would have stayed in the Balkans instead of pushing westward, we'd have a lot less migrants and slavs.

I don't want to murder anyone , i just think that we need to spread the news about that guy getting stabbed and to warn people of what's been happening in western europe with the massive rapes because no body here knows about it or gives a shit , if people just knew about it they would adjust since we don't have any semblance of political correctness just to make the public weary of the migrants that would be enough for now , it's not like we have SJWs that would get us fired for bashing migrants on facebook and calling them rapists

We know, but what example does that make to other migrants? The corpse should be hanged in the middle of their camp

That's based

i doubt most people would care and a couple would celebrate what's happening in west europe as a big "i told you so"


i'm sure you could make some good money with migrants safari, every european far right member would love that

I'm not an idiot. It's called "gepekovanje" over here. Roughly means to get trunked as in put in a trunk of a car for later use.

But that's not the point. There has to be some order. We have nothing to gain by doing something like that indiscriminately.

We live in times where we must again be the protectors of our women.

What would that achieve? They already don't want to be here.

you have to be a special kind of a sick fuck to be glad that little girls are getting raped by subhuman animals

Top kek susjed, great news
Haha thats the stance of most people i know, "those fuckers on the west deserved it."
If it was legal to kill a migrant, would you do it?


I always like at how much they tried to misrepresent us in that news

>Afghan migrant shot dead by hunting party

It makes it seem like we organized hunting parties specifically for migrants

fucking western propaganda again

i read it as an accidental shooting by people who were just hunting

Turks don't care about Serbs

>If it was legal to kill a migrant, would you do it?
no , unless i would be preventing a rape of a murder or something

Yeah, kind of shame that a *cough* certain country *cough* sold half of Europe to communism in exchange for declaring war on an enemy they were going to defeat with a superweapon within 2 months. Then the Balkans could financially hold these immigrants instead of hating each other

It true

Fruska Gora suze lije sto Bin Laden Srbin nije

The Fruska Gora sheds it's tears because Bin Laden isn't a Serb.


Ameriko, Arapin Bin Laden
Nije Turcin, vec Srbin Miladin

America, the Arab Bin Laden
Isn't a turk, but a Serb Miladin.

Happy 9/11 celebrations

Yeah, I wonder why...

I always thought we had friendly relations with the Turks, what's with the hostility

It's a mix. Sort of a sad/glad.

On one hand I would like to be at peace with all other European culture nations and see prosperity.

On the other hand western cucks are finally learning that their actions have consequences. Which in of itself is great.
Milosevic said it best.
"When they start beheading your own people in wars to come, then you will know what this is all about."

Fox and grapes.

You guys breaking free, not turning to Islam, and a lot of other things. The Balkans is a hectic place

One disappears, then another. A few weeks later another. A woman, then a child, and so on.

Nothing is scarier than the unknown.
If they're committing crimes they're doing it because they're comfortable. So make them uneasy. Make them give themselves nightmares over what might happen should they misbehave.
But above keep your actions secret.
What they do doesn't make the news anyway, so make sure there's nothing to report from your end either.

Go get 'em Serbia

What did he mean by this

They should've put them into containers and shipped the directly to your shitskin infested cities crumpet.

>ywn cruise around on ATVs with your bros hunting mudslimes and protecting europa

Pa jebem im mater u picku bre. Danas sam bio u Beogradu i 2 cela parka su puna migranata.

Jos sam video neke studente kako im pomazu i pricaju sa njima. Sve jebene prodavnice oko parkova su dodale natpise na arapskom da bi sandniggeri razumeli.

Jebem vam mater nenormalnu u picku Beogradjansku, kako mozete takvi degenerici da budete?

Yeah, a country with a 95% Ethnically white population is definitely full of mainly muslim-populated cities. Go back to fixing your debt in European Brazil

Jbg, BG je "evropski" grad, mada jos uvek smo seljanija srpska ne brini se, samo oko 20-30% omladine su zapadni pederi.

> minority in capital
> being outbred by shitskins in one generation
The debts are a small hiccup in comparison to your next queen being arab.

Pricaj sta hoces, radim za jednu prodavnicu tamo migranti su puna para

Sve naplacujem duplo vise jer znaju RSD - EUR rate

I stavljam razliku sebi u dzep

Mnogo sam se iznervirao kada sam video jebene hipsterske studente oko njih.

Ne znam da li je ceo Beograd pun ovih hipstera ali ovi su kao pravi SJW hipster niggeri bili oko izbeglica i pricali sa njima.

Gledao sam kakve se stvari desavaju zapadnjacima i smejao sam se a sad vidim ove nase pedere kako pokazaju svoju toleranciju.


ne znaju, ocigledno

Ta omladina tamo sto je bila oko njih me je iznervirala. Nisam znao da su nasi degenerici kao oni na Zapadu.

Izgledalo mi je kao da sam negde u Svedskoj, toliko je odvratno bilo.

I kad ce oni da odu iz tih parkova? Sta ce da rade kad dodje Novembar i hladno vreme?

Moram da prolazim kroz taj park da bih dosao do stanice, kad mi pocne fakultet sledeceg meseca.

Beograd je uvek bio leglo zapadnih gluposti.

Hipsteri SJW su jos uvek manjina, hvala Bogu.

Vecinom su isto manlets.

The fuck? To be a Serb is to hate Turks. All our ancestors hated them and fought them. We have countless songs and epics about killing Turks. Every time someone fought the Turks, we joined them and rebelled. We didn't give up on independance for close to 5 centuries until finally church bells could ring in Serbia again.

Omladina je tamo zato sto mora.

Imas ovde sa medicinske skole

Doslovno jedini razlog zasto idu tamo jeste da nauce da vuku krv

What is sarcasm

Can you faggots not make every thread in this board that has even remotely anything to do with Serbia a "shitpost in Serbian thread"?

Ja sam iz Novog Beograda i mrzim migrante. Da ima pedera, ima ali nismo svi takvi.

jebo ti konj trudnu sestru na majcinom grobu dok ti otac retardiran gleda iz invalidskihkolica.

Naravno da ne

ovo je sada ex-yu klupko, stranci RAUS

Vozdovac se javlja na duznost.

>Zato sto mora

Kako to? Ne kapiram.

Je l' znas kad ce ti migratni da odu odatle?

I ako ostanu, sta ce da rade kad dodje hladno vreme?

>Je l' znas kad ce ti migratni da odu odatle?

Nemam pojma
Odlaze stalno, neki sto su dolazili cesto u prodavnicu nigde ne vidim

Odlaze u grupama stalno prema madjarskoj ili hrvatskoj granici

Ono ako ne odu pre zime, ima da se smrznu na smrt, sta mi se jebe

>Zato sto mora
Pricam ti u vezi medicinske jer sam sa njima pricao

Moras negde odratiti praksu
U bolnicima se ceka dosta i nije lepo kao u parku.

Ovamo dodjes i bodes strance i jebe ti se odes kupis burek, malo se suncas...

Ako ne odu pre zime, Veliki Vodja ce obezbediti kuce naravno.

A gde da im obezbedi ?

Jel znas mozda negde gde ima slobodnih stanova ?

Jedino na Kosovo da ih posalje

Nemamo para da im damo. Otici ce oni u Nemcku ili Svedsku gde ce da im daju luksuzne apartmane i trinestogodisnje device sa plavom kosom i plavim ocima da ne bi neko slucajno mogo da kaze da su rasiste.

Ako to bude uradio, treba ga lincovati na ulici. Treba i ovako ali to bi stvarno bilo preterivanje.

Nadam se da je to tacno. Tuzno bi bilo da zapravo toliko ljudi mari o njima.

Samo neka odjebu sto pre. Mogu i da ih premeste u Cigan Malu sto se mene tice.

>"When they start beheading your own people in wars to come, then you will know what this is all about."

Daj link od tog govora ako imas.

Veliki Vodja ce otvoriti kuce beogradjana za miroljubiv narod bliskog istoka.

Sve to da se impresionira Frau Merkel.

Ozbiljan odgovor: stavice ih u kasarne. Gomila starih kasarna je prazno.

>taj osećaj kad si u Srbiji a živiš u vojvođansko selo bogu iza tregera

Filz gud men.

Te stare kasarne su u stanju raspada vecem neg srbija

incredibly strong
noone's gonna fuck with serbs any more after this

Zar je bitno?

Dace im nekoliko termo peci pe nek se greju.

Onda ce moci da ode u Evropu i pokaze koliko smo progresivni izmoli koje milionce.

Ja ne bih imao nista protiv da se stare kasarne obnove

I know shitposting is fun. But this is important.
This migrant crisis is setting large events in motion.
How we conduct ourselves will greatly affect our position in future.

We have a platform where we can reach people from across the globe. Not using that opportunity is foolish.

I've only seen transcripts. I don't think there is video.

Ustashe and chetnici vs sandniggers when?

Nema poente. Koce da bude u njima?

Any time. Only this time, you start.
Just to see that you really mean it. This time.

Majko moja mila, goni bandu. Dao bi ja njih na prisilni rad pa di vidiš kako bi se tetovirali, bušili uši i bojali kosu u ljubičasto, jebali mater svoju progresivnu.

Vojnici ?

Ma daj ne kenjaj



Also we should split Bosnia and leave the muslims to die in Sarajevo.

Vojska nam je svedena na 33k.

Nema vojnika koliko imas kasarni u Srbiji.

Probably never. Sandniggers doesnt like everyday spageti/makaroni they want to go Đurmani bikoz đurmani veri gud

Pa nemas sada

Ni ne gradis kasarne za regularnu vojsku u sred grada

Pricam ti da vrate vojni rok

To jest kasarne nikad ni ne gradis usred grada, to je samo Tito moron mogao

Why the fuck are there arab subhumans in Croatia and Serbia? You actually let those animals stay?

Ej , što misliš što će bit kada se BiH raspadnu ? Pretpostavljam da ćete vi aneksirat Republiku Srpsku ali što će bit sa ostatkom ? Inače se slažem s tobom

No. They pass through here on the way to Germany and Sweden. We let them because fuck the west for bombing us. None of them actually stay here.


We are literally letting them pass. Nobody is staying. Our government has already come out with a policy of not giving asylum.

It is unfortunate that we live in this sort of crossroad of continents. Historically very hard clay to keep for that reason. And more than once got us into heaps of trouble.

They're just resting for a day-two-three until continuing their journey to Germany

Mislim da svi mozemo za to da kazemo


They know they aren't welcome here .

YOU FAGS DONT HAVE AN ARMY. YOU HAVE TO RELY TO SOCCERFAGS TO BEAT UP PEOPLE. When I was in my vacation home in Northern Greece, some migrant fags were passing through. My friends and I rounded them up and took em to the Fryom border. Since I know Arabic I told them that the best women are in serbia. You know what I find out? 1 WAS ON ON THE NEWS FOR RAPING A FUCKING ROMANI GIRL. His name is Hamza. It made me kek so hard...

He raped a gypsy? Even "refugees" don't deserve that. He probably has 50 new STD's now.

>Since I know Arabic...
>It made me kek so hard.

And that is why you and your kind have no business breathing air.

I don't want you lot in the EU any more than the Turks.

See beating up on smaller neighbouring Roman Catholic countries to see why.

Ikr, He was some Iraqi, probably gave he 6 more than she had.

I know Arabic because i am 40% French-Lebanese

Half of Vojvodina is Catholic and there are barely any problems between people. The Magyars are cool and completely integrated.

Za vracanje vojnog roka se slazem samo ne veruejm da ce ova pro-evropska vlada to uraditi.

Inace na dnevnom redu u skupstini je pitanje da li treba vratiti monarhiju.

Pa vi verovatno deo gde su vasi, dogovoricemo se nekako.

Prezivele balije mozemo zatvoriti u Sarajevo. kao neki dzinovski gheto. Mozemo organizovati safarije ponekad cisto da im drzimo brojeve na niskim nivoima.

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