>tfw my sister literally thought this show was called "The it crowd"
Why are women so fucking moronic?
>tfw my sister literally thought this show was called "The it crowd"
Why are women so fucking moronic?
Other urls found in this thread:
But it is called "the it crowd"
I've never been sure how to pronounce it.
Obviously they're IT guys, but the obvious play on the phrase "the it crowd" leaves me stuck on the cusp.
I'm american so I've never seen this advertised anywhere and only talked about online.
Pics of ur sister
I mean, even in Britain people have this problem. There isn't much in the way of press, at least not press that mentions the name of the show. Just isn't something we put on a pedal stool.
>Either way works, although originally I thought of it as 'The It crowd' (as in "it is over there"), as it was a pun on both 'The It Crowd' and 'The In Crowd', two groups that my guys certainly don't belong to. I'm also completely happy with people saying 'The I.T. Crowd'.
>pedal stool
My sides
I see what you did there and I like it.
I'm stealing this
Why is Jen so sexy?