mother! Is my first aronofsky in a theater.
There was something special about witnessing a bunch of mouth breathers going to see the new Jennifer Lawrence movie and be totally bewildered. I thought it would piss me off, but it was actually funny.
Shout out to the douchebag and his ugly white girlfriend who reacted to things throughout the whole movie non-stop. At one point there was a "reveal" in the film and the douchebag exclaimed "pshh I knew it!" And then his ugly tramp girlfriend shouted "mmmmm I knew it!" ...... they clearly did not know it...
Over the course of the last 30-40 minutes the ugly douche bag mumbled "This is the worst
f---ing movie I've ever seen", at least 5 times, and I just smiled to myself.
As the credits rolled people laughed and a girl behind me said "What the f---".
mother! Isn't my favorite aronofsky film, but I appreciate it. And to the mouth breaters out there it's not that we are better than you but, well yea we are better than you. By a landslide. Stick to Adam Sandler movies.