By the fifth movie the planet is completely destroyed. What the FUCK is Umbrella's endgame?

By the fifth movie the planet is completely destroyed. What the FUCK is Umbrella's endgame?

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did you watch the sixth one (The Final Chapter)? they pretty much explain Umbrella's goals and its pretty nonsensical.

>She revealed that a video was uploaded to her program which contained the recording of Umbrella's head executives, including Isaacs, having a meeting regarding the world, formulating a plan to release the T-virus on purpose in order to cleanse the world of man-made war and disease and envitonmental catastrophe, save the rich and powerful with cryogenic capsules hidden in the Hive, and later rebuild the world in their image.

this of course conflicts with basically every previous movie in the series.

>did you watch the sixth one (The Final Chapter)?
not yet, is it any good?

>this of course conflicts with basically every previous movie in the series

Implying the resident evil movie series ever gave a shit about continuity or Canon.

its awful

true, but this one didn't even make an effort

Are any of the resident every movies any good?

They're a company.

So shareholders and profits.

Because of that desire, corporations and capitalism destroyed the world, like it's currently doing.

Noah's Ark = a new world with and for select survivors.

When 100% infection is achieved outside (everyone outside is **zombified**), Umbrella releases the Anti-virus [the instant zombie killer] ... And when all zombies are dead, the Umbrella elite and selects now LITERALLY own the world.

Alice is the only strong female character ever done right. Prove me wrong.

Friendly reminder, a pretty stuntgirl lost whole arm and half of face for this shitty movie.

I literally just watched the stunt where it happened. Totally worth it.

They're something alright.

bullshit post proof.

it did, somewhat.
3 ended with flinding clones - 4 started with clones
4 ended on the ship - 5 began with fight on the ship

Your mom.

Needs more cuts.

Dude for sixth movie the editor lost his fucking mind it gave me a headache

Done wrong, acted horribly, directed awfully(married the director).
Your opinion, in the trash it goes.

that was over 50 cuts

five second google search

The only thing I liked about the movies was the way tbey made jill and her titties look and nemesis was spot on

their plan didn't even work. there were still mutant virus shit running around at the end of the movie.

I lost my shit in the theater when he opened up with Global warming as a problem solvable by the T-Virus

Are there any torrents yet? I need an HD screencap of Dr. Isaac's nothin personnel kid simulation

Pretty old

Resident Evil Final Chapter (40 million budget) made over 150 000 million in China. Even 1/4 of this, already covered costs.
Just to compare, Mummy (considered bad movie) or Wonder Womman (considered good) both bit over 90 mil.
Chinks love terrible bad cuts and total nonsense. Get ready for new Resident Evil reboot and more cuts.

>man-made war
what other kind is there?

I love The Umbrella Corporation. I have no idea what they're doing. They just seem like they're out to destroy everything and that somehow that will turn a profit, somehow. By destroying the world.

How are the games? Do they make more sense? I kinda think they have to.

>150 000 million
150 million, ignore zeros

the first one, the second one is campy but fun, the rest are shit.

Where do they intend to spend these profits? The planet is destroyed.

She's much better off than I imagined she'd be. The accident descriptions were horrific.

>sir how do we fix global warming
>zombies my boy, we turn everyone into zombies

they're watchable trash, good was the wrong word.

this is not ok desu

I DON'T KNOW. This is what's so comical to me. The planet is completely destroyed but Umbrella is still sitting in their evil underground labs all over trying to think up new ways to destroy the planet some more.

Maybe the afterlife? Heaven and hell? I don't know.

I haven't watched them but I keep hearing that the CGI movies are good. They're also in the same universe as the games apparently.

Kinda makes sense.

>you know, boy, zombies are really just a metaphor for how capitalism and consumerism and stuff are literally sucking the planet dry like a vampire

speed 0.25, skip to 0:40, no need to thank

They whole make monsters, that turn people into more monsters has never made any sense.

yes, we should all be communist slaves to the government which will run our lives and make all our decisions. so much better then the freedoms of capitalism



is not a metaphor if you do it for real.



>1) Sort of B-movie like, feels like a train between the end of the 90s and 2000s. Mix between horror and action
>2) Can still rely on horror but the director is already on the path of making Alice a "deus ex machina donut cold steel", overall, interesting to get a different side of a major event in the RE videogames, the end of Raccon City.
>Chapter 3: Goes, very extreme, you might have hoped for the virus to stop there but nope is just "...and now the whole world is Mad Max", is a fun action movie but at this point is so far out from Resident Evil, horror that is like Mad Max but without great car stunts and the main villain that is still pretending to exist.
>4) I always have a third time remembering it at first, somehow it feels forgettable, hard to define, neither like 2 or 3, it feels more born out of a checklist than the attempt to continue a story, no wait that's the 4th, still this goes barely anywhere as the end which is, well
The videogame "homages" because not all gifts are good, are sprinkled like acid cheese on a mustard icecream, they just serve to make you question the reality of this movie, or videogame cutscene.
Then there's the 5th.
This is the checklist, nazi zombies, Ada wong, Leon, characters that died, somebody wrote this list, added something else and told the scriptwriter to add them somehow, and he gave as little shit as the director, so the things are there, suddenly, with no explanation, jarringly, they come, they go.
Somehow this one RLM enjoyed the most, I don't even know.
6th: Haven't seen it.
Honestly, before 5, you could still enjoy yourself with the setpieces and homages while waiting for a conclusion but now I don't even care that much.

1 has soundtrack theme by Manson


Capitalism isn't real.


>suspended upside down with no weapon
>everyone around her has guns
Obviously the thing to do here is use your machine gun like a club

Communism is the logical conclusion of capitalism.

The games make as little sense as the movies, though nobody will ever admit it.


Stunt people accept the possibility of dying or being mutilated by taking the job. The risk is like 75% of what they're being paid for.

I love this tune, although it reminds me a bit of the Terminator theme, a small set of notes that while memorable tend to make up most of the song whereas the rest is basically filler.

>but I keep hearing that the CGI movies are good.
They're not, but at least they don't have Alice in them

Indeed they are senseless, like in RE2 reading about ammos being scattered everywhere with the excuse being given "in case of terrorist attack", or in RE4 where the President's daughter is kidnapped and
1) They send 1 guy, and when shit starts to go crazy they just tell you go to ahead, you can't go back because oh the bridge is broken, welp.
2) The great plan is to infect her and send her back to influence her father, because clearly they are not going to check her and see that big huge parasite inside her.
They are B-movie like, but a lot of fun to play even if the puzzles are retarded in the first games.
