Why do whites get so upset when movies don't have a white cast?


It's not whites, it's neckbeards. 90% of whites are socially functioning members in society who don't care about such petty things

but ho boy, that 10%, is either hillbilly meth-head trash or fat, disgusting Sup Forums-posting neckbeards that fap to CP inbetween crying that a black in a video game is LITERALLY genocide

Nobody got upset about Friday having a black cast.

But if they remade it with all white people, you better believe people would be pissed (frankly, a lot of white people would be too

Why don't they get upset when movies/tv shows are remade [regularly] with all white casts instead of the intended source material?

no one in real life gives a shit


l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their musky scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.

The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.

No idiot complains about a movie having a black cast, simply because it has a black cast.

For example, no one gives a shit that Barbershop is all black.

What they care about is replacing cast members with "PoC" for no reason.

Post examples of this

XDD! you btfo him, gentleman!

>hillbilly meth-head trash or fat, disgusting Sup Forums-posting neckbeards

Damn straight. Liberals are all good looking mentally stable individuals unlike the magashits