To white CTR shills on this board

Serious question:

Do you honestly expect non whites to treat your children well? not you, your children. If you are a child free white then that's your deal. But real talk for the others: what do you really think the outcome is going to be in a world without any majority white country as will be the case in 50-100 years?

the facts:
whites are the only group to feel empathy for those not of their race. this is seen through:

-bone marrow transplants by race. even though whites are less than 10% of the world, they make up 61% of donors. this is for the world, not just USA

organ donation:

-adoption. the only race that adopts children of other races are whites.

-immigration. the only countries that let people of different races immigrate to their country are white countries.

charitable giving. whites give more to charity, and the charity blacks give are only to other blacks

fate of whites in countries in which they are the minority. notably, whites in africa are on stage 5 genocide watch according to genocide

Many liberals cheer this on and watch with glee, and shout DAS RIGHT WHITEY ITS YOUR TURN NOW. But since I live in the here and now, I am going to vote in my interests, which is to not have my children face the fate they will face in a democrat run country.

So acknowledge, that whites are the only race that can feel empathy for other races. If you are under the impression that the reverse occurs, you are wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

>Do you honestly expect non whites to treat your children well?
No, CTR shills would welcome pic related.

Modern education has so stripped away any Nationalist, Religious, or Ethnic pride that they may have had that they are lost. Absent a grounding in who they are, and the group they belong to, they hate themselves to the point of suicide.

These CTR idiots are actually committing a slow motion murder-suicide, to hide the lack of true companionship that they feel within themselves. They surround themselves with those that will gleefully destroy them.

They won't ever answer you, because there are no logical arguments against the evidence you presented. They hate those of us that love life, and want to defend that which we are a part of.

Here's what the Left breaks down into (The left is filled with women and weak men):

1. Clueless cucks. Your average middle-class white suburbanite Bernie Sanders supporter who thinks Marx is cool because, like, you know man, Facebook said it and stuff. These are the types that have no understanding of the impact of the things they support. It just ~feels~ good to them, and so they support it. Classic definition of "useful idiots". These are the majority.

2. Wannabes. These are the turbo fedora vegan atheists who play dress-up and shout slogans on Youtube trying to be edgy and cool. They're typically unemployed and unemployable, yet they falsely believe there will be day be a Marxist revolution and they'll be safe from the purges because they'll somehow miracle their ass into the inner circle.

3. SJWs. Insane frothy-mouthed morons who practice double-think as a daily devotion. Worse than the other two categories as they're typically too stupid to realize they're stupid.

4. Genocidals. These are the type of good goys that get paraded on TV. They tell you diversity is mandatory, multiculturalism is good, Islam belongs in your country, and that if you disagree you're a xenophobic racist. These are their talking points. However, if you push them long and hard enough, they'll be cornered by the truth: That if they get their way, then whatever they love about their country's "tolerance" will vanish too. Which is when they hit you with their real thoughts.

They know. And they don't care.

The loudest voices for socialism come from academia, particularly middle/upper-class college students getting degrees in arts, humanities, and social science.

Eh, whites need to go extinct
They won't be missed
Created bullshit ideologies, spread bullshit ideals, started every terrible trend in this decade, ...

Nice post, mind if I cap it? I like your points.

No one asked you Najib

Shame we also created everything you value. Take off your western burqa and get off our internet.

I long for a day when the world is free of niggers and muslims. (sigh)

>t. Guy employed by a Western company


Dark skinned people just jelly of white folks because we created everything. American, brits, scvots, germans, etc. Name one thing besides peanut butter a black man has done.

anabolic steroids from soy beans

>Nationalist, Religious, or Ethnic pride
the types of pride you get by default.

the types of pride you can feel without having to actually do anything.

the types of pride perfect for those who want to feel superior without having to make any effort.

as if these things actually plan on reproducing, they only care for their own decadence,

This webm is exactly what liberals refuse to acknowledge about diversity and immigration.

Yes, there are a lot of good hard-working minority adults, but the adults aren't really the problem, it's their kids. The little shitskins who are going to bully your kids for being white, destroy their self-esteem while they're young and vulnerable, and the school system that's going to punish them if they defend themselves.

Do you love your country? Do you live your life in accordance with your nation's common religious beliefs? Do you conduct yourself in a way that is respectful of and furthers your ancestor's achievements?

It isn't a given. If you don't hold your self up to the best of where you came from, you feel shame, whether you consciously believe it or not.

Taking pride in the sense that you love something and want to see it become a greater version of what it currently is.

You think america is becoming anything more than a limp, impotent, slack-jawed, SJW filled, seething pit of "Political Correctness", damning anyone who tries to stick up for its true constituents? Try again. Filth has its place, but not in the nation that I'm trying to build, or those who came before me meant to build.

I love America, I wont let any filthy freak try to take away the clean, hardworking culture that once was status quo.

>It isn't a given
did you choose where you were born and what race you are ?

I did. Didn't you?

>chose to be an abo

>I did
no I think your parents did

They chose where they were born, giving me the opportunity to choose them as my parents. You must have fucked up during the choosing.


Trump is a kike, so is hillary youre all fools

reject the synagogue of satan : ^ )

>feeling my Johnson

>Tipping a Stein to Aleppo.

still nod an argumend

but you can be proud of winning the "participation" medal if you want

Well thank you. It's shiny and nice, and I love participating.

You were quite the overpowering adversary!! Anglo-sphere my nigger!