Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lol ok.

Yeah i remember reading about zeus and poseidon shooting at each other and then blaming white people.

Egypt, why are you terrorising this board with black supremacist memes? What is your end goal?


Um, what?


Remember: around blacks, never turn your back.

Gods, huh?

>dindus can't even grow their own crops to feed themselves in Zimbabwe, but nignogs were the first space travelers and sheeeit.

Sure thing dude.

No true God would have to say he was.

wtf I hate south africa now


The fuck?

Asleep, huh? Guess that's why they don't work.

Why don't they're realize that they're likely 25% white and ~1% injun?

Really makes you think

did you subscribe?

Do black people realize how embarrassing they are?


This is what happens when niggas watch too much capeshit.

Asleep? More like really really lazy.

American blacks are ego maniacs with inferiority complexes. It's a baffling combination.


We wuz gods n shiiet

das rite
stay woke!
now excuse me and need to steal me some glue to sniff


How the fuck did they calculate that a dead black man is worth $28m???

I support this sentiment.


Author : Mg Loving

Psalms 82:6
I have said ye are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High.

God says my people, the Israelites are actually gods but my people don't know they are because our heritage was stolen from us as it was part of the curse so we can come back and remember who we are. Yes we are black ranging from very very light brown to very very dark brown with wooly hair. That is how we are identified. We have hair like sheep and that is why we are referenced as such. Also our father in Heaven has hair like that of Pure Wool.


Seens fake.

Nobody would believe in that

lets begin melanin extraction on an industrial scale right now.

Dumb ass niggas would

this is me guessing:

they found out the cost of raw melanin produced /extracted in a lab. they then found out how much melanin was in the average black male of a given/height weight.

you have to understand as well that in the nation of islam and moorish science melanin is considered to be a sort of quintessence.

tl;dr this guy is claiming murica is doing chinese police style organ farming of melanin because it's a sort of ambrosia of the gods.

>white people arent literal gods
>but they're the closest thing to the concept currently :^)
Pick 2

First kangz now gawdz?



Oh shit niggers are the Black Lantern Corps.


I was just thinking about how blacks view whites as these kind of gods. Think about it.

95% of blacks (anyone who isn't a Tutsi, basically), and certainly the ones in America, are pretty much all bone-through-the-nose tribals ripped from the undeveloped coast of Africa.

They've been dropped into a complex and frightening industrial world which their limited IQs can't even begin to comprehend. They have no conception of the systems at work, be they technology, government, or business, which whites navigate with ease. And so they form simple little religions, to try and make sense of it all.

Whites are gods or genies, which can produce abundance (welfare) seemingly out of nowhere. And any time something bad happens, even when one black harms another, it's always the mysterious white devil possessing and acting through them.

We're everywhere and nowhere, speak in strange tongues, possess strange habits, and create and destroy as we see fit. They fear us immensely. To them we might be angels, or demons, or aliens. And at this rate, they might never understand.

Lol, idiots ripped off a DC comic book character (A Black Lantern). So I guess they're evil reanimated corpses too.

We know what happens to sleeping gods.

>I see this type of shit but then it's like you take a look at these "people" and it just seems that white people have 3 types of appeal. Logos, Pathos, and Ethos whereas blacks have a mutated 4th type of appeal which is an addiction to what is so obviously just the wrong idea. You then start to realize why their music is about buzzwords of deliberately wrong spelling, a rejection of law, fetization of lowlife behaviors and backwards movements in the media. The whole we wuz kangs shit when you see it really just sums it up that they think backwards as a style of art.
>I actually believe blacks on welfare have all the privilege in the world whereas a white man working hard has his money robbed from him to sustain the reproduction of these broods of ape children. To not work and have a slice of the welfare is privilege far beyond that which white people know.

Really? In that case, it's nigger season, innit?

Y'all brothers best get #woke. Seek out the lost wisdom of Ascended Master Yakub Ali. Unlock the power of the Third Eye. Learn to burn down the white devil ice demons with the flame of the Afrikan Mind.

This (Cont)
>Just do the damn research. Black cities by demographics get taxed way less, granted it's because there is a lot less work being done. But jobs pay so much more than they do in white cities and the property to rent/own is dirt cheap.
>You could live off of 8 dollars an hour and have the same resources available to you after expenses than you can with 12.5 dollars an hour in my current city.
>So that means black labor is getting paid 150% more actual value than whites in terms of what their dollar is worth in their cities. Whites just pay so much more in taxes and white urban development plus there is next to no subsidies in my city for non-immigrants. They say the waiting list is stacked outside the door for white people.
>Warehousing jobs, factory jobs, entry level jobs in general have higher pay for workers on average for black cities simply because of the demand of that work and the difficulty of holding down workers.
>Black privilege is the real cancer of America. I don't get a fat slice of welfare, or glamorized in the media, or cheap property, or subsidies, I pay taxes so these apes get a free ride and I would probably get violently ostracized in these communities.

Portland Oregon white paradise

And now here's a city that's 2/3 black
Cleveland Ohio

We seeing it yet /pol? Whites require so much more work to live in such higher overpriced houses than blacks and make virtually less. So the real issue in society is crime but if we just pretty much rule out economic factors as invalid then it comes down to genetic predisposition to be healthy within society.

>Constantly looking at urban development in these alleged economic less privileged communities and I'm not seeing it.
>It seems like there is a lot more entry level work with higher dollar value for low income living in all black communities.
>The problem, like I said, is a matter of sociological factors something outside of economics because economically they have more free money and cheaper things. It is a matter of living with likeminded people is somehow a damning societal factor for black people.

>$28 million

She said $28,000,000 million, you numbnut.

Now I'm sure they want to say something along the lines of "oh but whitey makes more money because they get free college and whatever"
>The average GPA is much lower for black scholarship students which sounds to me like "privilige"
>The number of blacks getting into colleges goes up more and more every year.
>Just going to do a massive dump of black privilege statistics.
>Tough pill to swallow but whites are getting robbed. There is no privilege to be forced to pay taxes into these anti-white programs, which is really what they are.

>Can into Majik

Listen. There are only four races that can 'Into' Ascension. Natives, Hindis, Europeans, and Semites. Nobody else has ever done anything noteworthy in the Esoteric Doctrines.

If you can't figure out how to make a fucking mud brick, you aren't going to figure out how to unlock the higher levels of Consciousness. This is an actual fact.

Does that mean the Whites are God Slayers?


Chinks and niggers BTFO


That is fucking horrifying I would not eat a piece of that cake










I think she's implying that every cell in his black body has melanin and is made completely of melanin. AKA nigger logic

well if you're into mystical shit then the divine in people is omnipresent and not given to select races or religions or anything the universe has the divine presence everywhere in all people

i have no idea what this thread is

Da white be afraid us because they know that we are black like da universe We wuz the people of the stars and space the whitez just try to stop our power!

Do Russians count as Europeans here? Also, who do you mean by Natives?

It's whiteys fault because we took away their powars n' sheeit.

can't wake up, weak shit?


Yes. Slavs have managed to 'Into' Ascensions and in turn contributed to corpus of Esoteric works thru Theosophy, which served as an important spark for the late-1900s evolution in Esoteric works.

They basically served their geographic role of bridging Eastern Concepts to the Western mindset. For the other Slavs, the more Arab blood they have, the worse off they become. Too ingrained in Dogma they become.

Redskins. Not the amazon fuckers that can only Into higher conscioussnes with Ayahusca or Blood sacrifices. The ones that run with the buffalo and talk to the wind however actually did get pretty far along in figuring shit out.

>The ones that run with the buffalo and talk to the wind however actually did get pretty far along in figuring shit out.

lol. Have you ever met a 'Redskin' Ivan?

It was probably caused by watching Dragon Ball Z as kids strangely enough, a lot of black people really identified with Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta because they're stupid and violent and turn into monkeys

also they're shitty dads because they're either never at home or they're just plain dead

Wtf i hate white people now


There's no way this is real

I should add that they got close 'back in the day'.
Since the 1800s they've been busy getting fucked up in a variety of different ways. But the philosophy that they had evolved in their culture was looking in the right place, I'm sure among them you can find those that aren't drug-addicted alcoholic mongrels and can comprehend reality on the higher level.

Whereas among the Arabs, Latinos, Asians, and especially, Blacks. You cannot.

Around jews, never schmooze.

Lazy ass niggers always sleeping and shit

>Black people are entirely melanin

actually it looks like she did the calculations assuming that the black man's body is completely made out of melanin.
That is, a 100 kilogram buck negro yields 100 kilograms of pure melanin


Olympic gods basically all acted like niggers. I have no problem with my headcanon of the fiction that God blew the fuck out of the Olympians while they just nigged out like hyper-powered hoodlums.

You're refering to Revelations 1:12-17. This is not describing a negro. The wool part is only used to describe the COLOR of his hair, not that it was negro hair but that it was white like wool. This is only a vision because this person has a voice of a thousand people, a sword portruding out of his mouth.

The Ancient Israelites were not negroes. They were Semitian people. The common misconception is that EVERYONE in Africa was black. Northern Africa was not black at the time. It was full of Semite people and white people. Tutankhamen was a white guy along with many other people.

I feel sorry for those who buy into the pan africanism movement. Their ancestors were lesser tribemen sold off by higher tribes to profit a wealthy king.

>around niggers, hide your sisters



>blacks are Gods whose powers are asleep
Their commitment to this delusion is like thinking "you can fly, all you gotta do is believe hard enough" -- the only way to test the theory is to jump off a sky-scraper.

Isn't this ABOUT white people?