The more times I watch this film the less I like it

The more times I watch this film the less I like it.
As far as I care, the Emperor's throne room scenes are the only parts that lift it above ROTS and maybe TFA.
Even the poster is kinda trash.

Ewoks ruined the movie for me

I wouldn't care for Ewoks that much if the film didn't stop to a complete halt in their scenes.


Its my favorite, but the Ewoks part ruined it. The Luke quest part was kino

It's not a very good film, I rewatched it the other day and forgot how bad it is. I watched it right after Empire which was so awesome and the soundtrack was so goddamn great, which made it look that much worse. That ending Ewok song was such a shitty note to close the trilogy too.

>The Luke quest part was kino
His plan to save Han was nonsensical.

>tfw Im the only person on the planet that likes Return of the Jedi the most

That final battle scene on Endor was kino as fuck. I guess the main reason is that this is the movie where Luke really resists the dark side. He struggled with it in movies past but this is the one where he becomes a true Jedi master. Where he is confronted with the Emperor and did what his father failed to do. I dont care if Mark Hamill was cheesy, Luke is my favorite character.

Star Wars really never made sense.
>planet-killing spaceship that travels faster than light
>has to slowly orbit a planet in order to target its moon

>throws away the lightsaber, looks the Emperor in the eye and says that he is a Jedi
Always makes me shed a tear