
I would bet the election this year will be determined by the turnout % for each demographic. If it's a 2012 turnout Trump loses, but will this election's turnout be like 2012? Is there any evidence to suggest Trump will mobilize the white vote not seen in the last 8 years? Is there evidence to show a low minority turnout? Can we use any evidence from the primary?

>I would bet the election this year will be determined by the turnout % for each demographic.

Shit -- we've got Nate Silver here!

What do you think of my prediction?


I doubt Florida and North Carolina will go red. Donald will get beat worse than that.


>Implying all the brown hispanics aren't just injuns

To get both OH FL and not win is an oddity.

correcting the record on a Saturday night? do you extra pay like with uber?

What do you guys think?

>Is there any evidence to suggest Trump will mobilize the white vote not seen in the last 8 years

Broke Republican primary vote record.

100,000 people seen at rallies in August alone.

Broke many ratings for televised events he attended.


This is the most accurate Trump-winning map I've seen so far.

I don't think he will. But if he does, this will be how.

Here's this from the CNN poll earlier week.

He's polling almost even in Michigan, RI, and NJ.

I live in a vary liberal area of Iowa and I can tell you Iowa will be voting Trump

That's comforting

Compared to what? Earlier in the year or 2012?

Why? I heard it has to do with the forced housing of people from Chicago?

doubtful that she sweeps the entire northeast. NH or VT might go red. Maine will go red.

VA could go either way.

>Maine will go red.
What makes you so sure?

Dude VT is as blue as MA, if MA or VT go red then the election is over.

Speaking of MA, Trump just opened a campaign office here.


Compared to 2012 election.