Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of Brock Turner?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of Brock Turner?

Pretty sure all of us have fucked a drunk chick at least once, dude is a sacrifice to modern feminism.

I fuck fat drunk sluts in the mouth all the time when they are passed out, I don't care much for praise and thank yous, so I just don't tell them what I did.

>Get wasted drunk
>Please finger my vagina senpai
>Pass out in the middle
>Someone catches you in act
>Uh I didn't consent to this!

Welcome to modern rape

Smart and successful young lad hooks up with a chick, is chased away by random dudes, chick fakes being passed out to get free gibs. What I don't understand is why people are making a huge fucking deal out of this dude's one mistake when there are thousands upon thousands of european natives being robbed, raped and killed by imported muslims put there by oblivious liberal leaders. This dude will never be able to get a job, ever again, because of some money-hungry cunt.

I think he is a shit head, because he was stupid enough to get caught

As far as I know, it was the eternal Swede who got him in trouble for being stupid instead of doing something normal like separating two drunk people and letting them sleep it off for their own good.

>Sup Forums is filled with rapists

I'm jack's complete lack of surprise

Don't try to deny that you are product of monkey rape, you owe your very existence to rape, we all do.

>Fingering after consensual makeout sesh
Yes Norway, good goy, all men are misogynistic rapists, now pay all your money to everybody else as reparations!!

>messing around with a passed out chick

He's a piece of shit, but the left is just using this for MUH WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE so it's basically a wash.

Personally I wish he had gotten a couple years in prison so they left couldn't use him as a political weapon.

victim of fascist society

wonder what you would say if a black dude finger fucked your defensless mom.

He's a broke ass Michael Cera who thinks he's a Chad.

I don't know if he raped that girl though.


My mom went to a frat party and got drunk and passed out at a dumpster and all the drunk nigger did was dry hum her?

Probably I'd just wouldn't care at that point.

He was found guilty of the capital offense of being a normal white male.

False equivalency.
Also, not an argument.
Try harder desu.

not sure what to think of him, because - like all the hashtag warriors out there - i don't actually know all the facts of the case. I think the reaction to it has been disgusting and I have a lot more respect for the judge than i do all his knee-jerk know-nothing detractors. He's not allowed to talk about the case, so he's doing his duty and staying quiet even while getting smeared everywhere by ideological morons.

Also, even at worst, this girl got fingered for a couple minutes while she was drunk and doesn't even remember it. Gee wiz, and thousands of people are losing their minds as if this is the worst thing ever. Sorry, there are dozens of worse assaults happening *right now* as I type this, and for which the perps will do exactly the same or less time than Turner here.

It's all ideological mania. the degeneration of feminism into complete nonsense with nothing real to fight for anymore. As someone who's on the left i also consider it amazing that it's a supposedly left movement (feminism) that seems to have made its mission the expansion of *mandatory minimum* prison sentences, longer prison sentences, more (male) prisoners, more (male) prisons. Hello! The left is supposed to be against all these things. It's insane.

I would obviously apologize for my white privilege, vote for le weed guy, and ask if he wanted to finger me as well. I mean, it's kind of common sense.

>victim blaming your own mom

yep, you're a wonderful human being.

nope. answer it.

If Turner was a nigger nobody would even know his name, but any SJWs who looked up the case in the local news would condemn the girl for racism.

He got the maximum time for the crime he committed under Cali law.

He's a lightweight.

>all of us
>Sup Forums
>fucking anyone ever


It's not victim blaming. The reason why girls go to frat parties and get drunk is to get fucked. If my mom did that at her age, I'd have a terrible opinion of her considering that she just threw away a nice marriage and a lovely family.

I'd seriously be questioning my dad at that point, who I'm pretty sure is satisfactory in bed, not that I really want to know the details.

He wa a good boy. He wa gettin his life back together.

We need mo money for dem programs.

Some slag drank too much and got mad Chad did not fuck her.

You can still consent to credit cards and shit when you are drunk why not a dicking?

This man is psychic.


Brock Samson is better.

top kek