Chose your words carefully big guy, this is my wife your talking about here.
Chose your words carefully big guy, this is my wife your talking about here
Nathan White
Samuel Martin
SarDO...accent on the DO
Wyatt Young
nick, my wife's laying here bloody and bashed
Joshua Barnes
I'm gonna be honest the first time I saw this I was high as fuck and I laughed so hard I almost died
Robert Scott
Did they ever say if she was a field hockey player ?
Cameron Brown
>big guy
was sam memeing on us?
Jaxson Brown
these are the best world peace skits
Caleb Torres
Landon Carter
>do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo
the delivery is fucking perfect in this skit
Angel Cook
>g-g-ggib me ma job back!
>I c-can't even afford helath insurance
Is there anyone who encapsulates the patheticness of the alt-right more than Sam "cuckold" Hyde?