Is it true all burnt out musicians and actresses go to Saudi Arabia to become some sheikh's bitch? Not super Sup Forums specific but it's a meme that gets talked about a lot on here
Is it true all burnt out musicians and actresses go to Saudi Arabia to become some sheikh's bitch...
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>is it true that whores whore?
Is it true that people live differently to you?
most women celebrities were built in tubes for pretty much literally this
between the pop music and the whoring to saudis shekels pour in
Watch these deleted scenes in succession and it gives a hole new meaning to the horse head scene.
Are you trying to find out where do whores go?
>it's an "user finds out women follow the money regardless of looks or character" episode
>user realizes humans are ultimately shitty
>and who
>are you
>rihanna got thicc
>Not super Sup Forums specific but it's a meme that gets talked about a lot on here
One of the most attractive girls that I've met went to Dubai by herself for a vacation
Later on, buys herself a new Mercedes and buys her mom a car too
Really fired the 'ol neurons
>Get plugged for 20 million dollars per session
I would
I never found her attractive at all but she really is starting to look super busted now and it's only downhill from here.
The thing is this "prince" is only worth $50 million or so, Rihanna is much richer than he is.
The arab sex trade is older than most european nations
How do I find a sugar momma that wants my fat ass for 40k a night?
So what was that one site that msgs instagram sluts posing as a dubai prince or whatever and posts their shit online? Even had one dumbass saying she agreed to sex with a minor on camera. Shit's hilarious.
i honestly nearly puked, honestly.
white Christian girls love being sexually dominated by Muslim Arab men
There is an old rumor that Rihanna was a teen prostitute in Barbados turning tricks for old white sex tourists and that was when she was discovered by a music producer. I can't remember the guys name though.
Wasn't there a joke about it in The Dictator by Baron Cohen with Megan Fox sleeping with him for bling blings?
one sandnigger sheikh > all american whitebois
I follow a few instragram/porn women on Snapchat
They seem to go on vacation to some of the countries over there a bit
I'm sure it's not just for the beaches
nah it's more like instagram models getting shit on for the weekend by oil sheikhs for 20k
can't blame them, i would too
you're jelly
>actually spending money on Rihanna
lmao at this shit taste
To think I touched myself to this in all of the lights
when did Eggman get a sex and color change ?
which nation to join to kill the most degenerates come WWIII?
The thing is that oil cheicks like to shit on women literally.
Of course A+ celeb aren't shat on because they have to much money for that already but when you see other "celeb" in Dubai or on an arab yatch be sure that she's getting shat on. That's their fetish and also a way to humiliate the western world
>Rihanna is much richer than he is
No, because her money will run out while his continues at that rate or higher his entire life.
Them nigger genes finally coming through
I heard, that Eva Green visited Saudi in 2008. It's painful for me, because i thought that my waifu is pure.
Weird scat fetishes. I'd just bind and gag them so I can fuck them later.
Bullshit. She is maybe sucking Tim Burton's old dick for roles but i don't belive that she is a such whore.
shitskins having a literal shit fetish, more news at eleven
>french woman
>not a whore
o i am laffin
Burton is a pedophile.
you see it too
i bet her breath reeks of saudi shit.
She was one of the great ones too.
meme movie
All women are naturally attracted to us of Arab descent.
Tall, dark and handsome is not some meme. It's what all women look for in men and they naturally want to produce equally swarthy children.
I've never seen this
I'm dark hair, light skin and handsome but a manlet (5.11). Do i have a chance?
Pretty sure Rhianna is black do you should be saying black bois
Reportedly there are "talent agencies" in SoCal that recruit white women to work as hostesses or whatever in the Middle East and Far East.
Use shoes like a Downey Jr and you will be ok..
5 11 is fine my brother but light skin is gonna lose you points.
Anything less than oliveoil-toned is pretty disgusting.
I mean I don't know if it's true in the fact that it definitely is a thing that actually happens, but it certainly seems very plausible. I mean there's nothing that could make hammering away into the hole/s of some slender broad actually worth while and therefore worth stopping the lifelong marathon of 23 minute long youtube hosted analysing pop culture through the medium of disembodied voiceover videos and drive through fine dining lifestyle that we all aspire to live than knowing that next time you saw her in a piece of televised programming you'd have that twitch of your loins you get when you see a piece of grass you've personally mowed if you catch my drift. That twitch is worth far more than the actual act isn't it? But I'm getting sidetracked.
Aren't Arabic men very hirsute? I'm much less so, but my least favourite thing in the whole wide world is bellybutton and/or snail train lint balls. Imagine how awful that would be, especially if she was unshaven too and it had taken a while for your hard on the inside slightly runnery on the outside almost full sheik erection to get close. All the front pocket sweat slicking the lint balls bacj and forth between both your various tufts of adult human growth. I don't know what "haram" translates to (and I don't much care to find out) but it sounds like that should fall under the category.
But again I digress. I think "yes", OP.
>german and swedish sluts
>not a white country with a christian cross in its flag
>not a white country where non-christians where genocided
Kill yourself today, virtue-signaller
could any brit tell me if that website is considered reliable?
The guy could have probably done better. Rihanna is way past her prime.
didn't one of the jenner kids do this?
Her Afro-Carib genes are finally acting acting up.
a celeb in the USA gets at least a decade of delayed fame in 3rd world countries
A famous ex gf/model/actress of a notorious former F1 pilot was a high class hooker in Dubai, and that's 100% sure since I know a girl who worked with her as a hooker too
>her money will run out
It wont. She'll just keep getting richer. Stay mad, basement boi.
...and yet blacks continue to believe in shit like the Nation of Islam. (Take the fucking hint; Arabs used to castrate your children and have them guard harems).
>us of Arab descent.
which one those who look like brown slavic goat herders or those who look more feminine than females?
>they fuck inbred arabs for pay
tip top zozzle
You actually aren't a manlet at 5'11". It is the first acceptable height.
>notorious F1 pilot
What did he do?
>Cardi B was a literal stripper
This dude fucked up
the NoI has very little to do with actual Islam other than 'pray 5 times a day toward Mecca'
The Yakub shit is Scientology levels of hilarious
i cant believe i fapped to her from that dont stop the music song she did.
now she looks like a mtf, its only been 8 years, wtf.
lol, sure thing
Yeah she's cool and everything and I like her a lot, but you'd have to be literally retarded to think she was ever pure.
Mah nigga
Somebody please post a link to this
It's a left wing rag owned and opperated by the conglomerate. It's msm through and through, basically.
She lost her virginity at 13, kek. I mean she is a french. All french girls are whores. Also Eva Green is drug addicted, i have no idea why TV is so obssesed with her.
What drug?
Because she is beutiful and pretty good actress. I dont give a fuck about her personal life
>she is beutiful
Ah, you're Indian. That explains it.
It's tagthesponsor.
>whoring yourself out for charity
This doesn't compute.
>paying half a mil for the company of a lesbian
wouldn't do that shit for free tbqh
sick reference bro
same here. Sup Forums has us believing that everyone on here is 6'4 but if you pay attention we are taller than probably 60% of other males. depending on your country of course.
>for a date
why are arabs such betas lads?
half the world is chinese and indian
the other half averages well below 180
it's a meme you dip
Christ, she's so robotic. It's insane. How could anyone derive any real pleasure from sleeping with someone like that? I reckon there are a lot more female sociopaths than current statistics indicate.
I love saggy banana boobs
>people on Sup Forums lie constantly
It's even more tragic when you realize they give similar amounts to popular twitch streamers. These people are like children; the west feeds them currency because they know these idiots will never actually put it to any real use.
You say that while you browse a site that willfully posts child pornography. Don't pretend you're any better.
No. Some go to UAE or Kuwait.
Not all bad I hear they can drive now.
You... I like you
>being this beta
Well, she speaks shit english and has had so many cosmetic surgery she can barely move her face, of course she's going to come off like an animatronic blow up doll.