What is art?

What is art?

Why does art matter?

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>What is art?
This is now.

Countries with more art have more reasons to take pride in and defend their country.

art is 'fuck you kike.'

Art is the aesthetics of endeavor. There's more art in a Saturn V launch than there is in every painting ever made combined.

This is art OP. The skill necessary to do something like this is leagues above the paint slinging of today's "art"

>There's more art in a Saturn V launch than there is in every painting ever made combined.
debatable considering the fact Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel will forever be marked in the ages as one of the greatest feats of art while this launch will remain in obscurity and irrelevance


Art is a commentary. It's a historical view of the world being made in real-time. Sometimes it's literature, sometimes it's more of a visual, like painting or architecture, or some nonsense conceptual art, but it's main purpose is a statement, a reflection of the times.

Humans like shit that amuses us. Art is one of those things.


Maybe there isn't a deep sense in art, and maybe it just pleasing to look at because of how the brain works in its unanimate ways. I like art.

Here, let me show you some fucking art.

Art is a physical representation of a culture's values.

As you can see from some of Western Civ's values are physical beauty (in a fitness way, not really a vain way) craftsmanship, impossible attention to detail, and creating imagery close to heaven on Earth.

>several very different types of stones put together for effect

This is incredible. When was it made?


i dont even, how the hell was this made? stone does not work like that

Art is the act of taking an idea or moment of inspiration, and translating it into a physical object or real image.

The measure of art is the clarity of the idea and the skill used to create it.

High art has a clear idea and is masterfully executed in its given medium.

Low art is the opposite.

Anything in between is a balance between the clarity of the idea or its execution.

In this manner we encompass the entirety of human creativity and assess its merit.

Math can be art, music, sculpture, digital design, weapons of war, and food.



That's really neat


Art is a unit of culture.

It serves as a testament of that culture's values and ideals.


Low brow art. No clear idea is expressed and nothing new created. Its bad theater, and repulsive.

High art

Art is beauty. Beauty matters because life feels purposeless without it.

Mid level art. Well executed, and evokes emotion or memory.


Mid level art. A favorite of mine- i have a print up over my mantle, but like other landscapes it evokes vague emotions.

Mid level -
Again, not trashing landscapes. Some are masterfully executed. But they are generally technical studies, using tricks of lighting to give emotional context to what would otherwise be equally relevant as a perfectly reproduced image


>i dont even, how the hell was this made?
In pieces. The idea that her body exists underneath the dress, that the white drape goes over the dress etc, is just an illusion.

This is how I'd guess it fits together. Every piece ends right where it looks like it's covered by another.

The close up of the hands really makes me emotional

we have this too

why do we all smell them?
is it some primordial chemical test to check on the state of our biology
pushin' it out, that smell all around
breathing in the farts

it's all very strange stuff

>Muslim gangs ransack the building and take rotary grinders and sledge hammers to this.

i like this answer:

>Why does art matter?
This is like asking why does truth, beauty, or goodness matter? You don't ask such a question because it doesn't need to be answered.


This is art

Art is about making beautiful things and anyone denying it is an "intellectual" faggot.

Imagine an engineer presenting you his new machine.
>Sure, it doesn't just "work" like peasants imagine engineering should
>but it tells us a lot about us
>b-but some new machines went unrecognized or vilified at first in the past too


Aivazovsky's paintings are better than our fucking movies.






Looks muslim now.

So modern..so daring... so shocking... daaaamn...

This triggers me

Is this a pinting? Fuck. I can hear the water, i can hear it Lads.


where is this?

>Roman Corinthian Columns
>Greek style pediment


Alvar Aalto is a good example of this.

Nothing but boring, dumb boxes and they call it "design".


Even signs are shit now.

Art is a representation of culture.


You know this to be true

It has been utterly perversed the last 100 years by people proclaiming their goal of destroying art however



A subjective term that could apply to anything.

Art doesn't matter, nothing actually matters, but some people may think that it does.


I would defend this with my life


I have an interesting idea

>Go to places like this
>Have a bunch of these photos on hand, masking tape off a 3x3 square on the ground
>People ask you what youre doing
>Hand them a photo, they realize what they should do because there is part of a landmark still in the photo
> They hold up the photo and ponder it

>Message is to redpill/inspire people to care about tradition and be outraged at (((modern))) architecture.

curator of Sup Forums art collection


Stunning none the less, for the illusion it creates.

your point, kike?


Whoever made that one type of hat must own most of NYC now.

Art is talented effort to express your thoughts and feelings, usually in quality way above everyday level.
An example:

Artists love making it and people love experiencing it, so that's enough reason in itself. It's also a medium to express thoughts and feelings which can be insightful or informative.

Unsurprisingly anti-art grew out of far-left politics

Fuck off Kike

Art is a reflection of the soul of people, a nation, a civilization.
>why does art matter
Because when done right it's a reminder of family, faith, folk. God bless.

Whoever colored this did a remarkable job

Great Idea!
Everyone of us could but a brick to it an easy way.

Every town and city has Facebook page that shows OLD photos of the it. If we contact people managing that pb page we can colaborate with people that already care.
It multiplies number of people involved by at least 2 from the begining!

Everyone trigered by this thread:
-Go to Jewbook
-Type your town's name + "old"
-contact them
-tell them about this idea

Little to no effort, powerful redpill.

I mixed feeling about some of these

That last one deserves to be terror attacked though








fuck you nigger, i would set you on fire before that.

I like the Oslo building, but it's overpriced. Sounds like massive kikery went down in the construction.

The rest needs to burn. The Marseilles building is even worse when you know the "museum of confluences" means multiculturalism: the museum.


God bless Poland

This is one is 2016.
Rebulid what is lost!

Save all those pictures and repost them everywhere you can.

Man how can you look at that softness and not want to bust a nut on it.
i bet people of old times did it that's why all statues look so white.

often I see people on Sup Forums say stuff like

>art used to have objective standards, only recently have kikes perveted art into something that is "all subjective"

Well, just what were these objective standards then?

looks like her legs are bacon

His is art

can't look at those hands without feeling something

Fuck me, reminds me of a few lego city sets that were a thing when my kids were into them

Nothing special, but I've always found the idea of an alien support for one's talents and ambitions oddly fulfilling.


Are photos art?

1899, by Louis-Ernest Barrias. It's in the Musee d'Orsay and I have no fucking idea how I missed it when I was there, better go back before the fucking Muslims smash it into powder.