Bajoran Dukat edition
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Just about to start to marathon Enterprise, running concurrently with my TNG and TOS viewings. What do I have to expect? Why was it so hated? The basic premise following on from First Contact sounds very unique.
Enterprise was great
Which would be the best Starfleet ship to live in?
TOS for me. TNG seems stifled and boring.
Season 1 is just kinda dull. Nothing really happens. It's just 20ish alien of the week episodes. Also the Suliban suck and trying to make them the villains was a total failure.
It's not bad, and there is a lot fun to be had with earth's first deep space crew going around and fucking everything up. Just don't get too attached to Reed and Mayweather, S2 all but forgets they exist except for one episode each.
kek, BTFO
Wow, what a totally not rigged poll you have there
well it's kinda undermined by the fact that I voted and I haven't watched the Orville or Discovery
real poll
It's also clearly been botspammed.
Is "The Cage" canon? Why wasn't it picked up? Why does it have so much better production values than TOS? Is Pike a better captain than Kirk? Why was Pike changed to Kirk?
>Hmm, this poll disagrees with me.
>Obviously must be Spambots.
>Is "The Cage" canon?
Yes, it's referenced as happening in the Menagerie. Under the new timeline, it happens 3 years before the events of Discovery.
>Why wasn't it picked up?
NBC reportedly called the pilot "too cerebral," "too intellectual," and "too slow" with "not enough action."[2] Rather than rejecting the series outright, though, the network commissioned a second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before."[3][4] This was accepted and Star Trek began production.
>Why does it have so much better production values than TOS?
Gene used high profile sci fi people from other shows at the time. It also had an unprescedented budget for a tv pilot ($600k?
>Is Pike a better captain than Kirk?
Not really. He tells the doctor he's considering resigning his commission after losing 7 crew and becoming an orion slave trader. I doubt he'd have coped with the situations Kirk found himself in.
>Why was Pike changed to Kirk?
Jeffrey Hunter had a six-month exclusive option for the role of Captain Pike.[7] Although he was required to continue if the series was picked up by the network, he was not required to film the second pilot that NBC requested. Deciding to concentrate on motion pictures instead, he declined the role.[8]
Yes, that's why the number for Orville has gone up at a steady rate of 1+ votes a minute for the 2 hours it's existed, and the poll has accrued over 400 votes. That's pretty typical for a Sup Forums strawpoll, right?
>Is "The Cage" canon?
yes. also parts of it (meaning almost every scene) is shown in a later episode of TOS. Basically a clip-show, but since The Cage never aired, it's actually interestingly made. So yeah, it's canon.
>Why wasn't it picked up?
there were probably more reasons, but one of the reasons was that the higher-ups wanted to get rid of Spock and Number One, tho ofc Spock managed to stay. Also I think they wanted more action and shit, feeling it was too slow and smart for everyday audiences,
>Why does it have so much better production values than TOS?
dunno, probably bc TOS had to strech the budget over 29 episodes while The Cage was a pilot and therefore could have use its budget better.
>Is Pike a better captain than Kirk?
Well, no. We only see him in action once. Kinda hard to judge on that alone if he's better or not, but right now I'd say no.
>Why was Pike changed to Kirk?
probably couldn't have the actor long-term.
>Under the new timeline, it happens 3 years before the events of Discovery.
Why are the uniforms different in Discovery?
Because fuck you, that's why. If you don't like it then you're a bigot and we don't want you watching our show anyway
Thanks for the information. I do wonder how Spock's early-installment-weirdness is reconciled. Anyone ever offered an explanation for how peppy he is?
because it's 2017 and you can't go and make a modern sci fi show that looks like 60s trek
TOS era spock was kind of a crappy vulcan. A lot like T'Pol, being on a ship of almost entirely human crew affected him and made him more prone to emotion
because discovery is a shit and the people who make it are a bunch of syphilitic gibbons
>Mayweather gets ONE episode focused on him
>the episode ends up being about the other people on that freighter instead of him
It's clearly a new canon, despite claims to the contrary.
I've read some fan theories, but it basically boils down to him trying to imidate normal human emotions in order to fit in more with the crew. But at some point he wanted to stay true to his Vulcan half so he became more like we know him now. Again, just fan theories.
I don't see why they couldn't do a similar thing that the JJ movies did with the uniforms. Basically the same design, just more HD. Maybe even go further with the "retro chic" approach.
The Cage became canon when it aired on TV on October 4th, 1988.
JJtrek ship uniforms are somewhat close to TOS uniforms, there's no excuse for STD's discrepancy.
Becasue star trek is about the uniforms right, not telling thought-provoking stories and creating interesting sci fi. Why are you so worked up about stuff that doesn't matter?
This is a praraphrasing of actual comments from Discovery producers
Lemme blow your mind my friend: The Enterprise launched in 2245, which is 11 years *before* Discovery (2256). It was even in service during the 7-year flashback from Discovery. That's why Philippa had to say Discovery was an "old ship", since it must be at least 10 or 20 years old in that flashback.
well, we'll just have to go with the theory that discovery's set in a different timeline then
But why is Shatner playing Kirk and not Pike? Was Roddenberry canny enough to realise he could re-tool the old footage from the moment the new iteration of Trek was commissioned?
I'd enjoy being a simple officer on the Stargazer, seeing a younger Picard would be interesting.
They filmed three episodes and then the network picked which one to use as the new pilot. Using the old footage in an episode was just a way to save money.
The name change was just because they wanted to change the name.
>Jeffrey Hunter played the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise, Captain Christopher Pike, in the rejected Star Trek television pilot "The Cage".[3] In developing a new pilot episode, called "Where No Man Has Gone Before", series creator Gene Roddenberry changed the captain's name to "James Kirk" after rejecting other options like Hannibal, Timber, Flagg and Raintree.[22] The name was inspired by Captain James Cook, whose journal entry "ambition leads me ... farther than any other man has been before me" inspired the episode title.[23] The character is in part based on C. S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower hero,[24] and NBC wanted the show to emphasize the captain's "rugged individualism".[25]
>NCC-1701 had a bowling alley
The Orville is literally the best trek show ever made. It's honestly of to a better start than TNG and TOS.
How come /trek/ attracts these kind of tripfaggots?
Are either of them actually girls?
I would eat either one's ass, desu.
BF is a confirmed vagina owner
oh I've seen a few trans people on a star trek facebook group
also as trannies go, bashirfaggot's not too bad
they're >girls(penis)
I liked Enterprise a lot.
I hated the whole Suliban temporal cold war shit.
as far as appearance goes, BF looks pretty much female. Or close enough for me
mentalcrash doesn't post photos here, so it's actually harder to tell.
>those hands
yeah BF is a bloke
That means Bashir had to tun Quark's cock inside out and then turn it back.
definitely a bloke
>Are either of them actually girls?
I unironically hope not.
The penis makes it better.
No that's just how Chase Masterson looks these days
>tfw no cute addicted Vulcan gf in the midst of her neverending pon farr who servs under your command as your first officer...
Currently watching Trials and Tribbleations. Good episode?
yup. really well made.
So, you can tell people's genders just by looking at their hands?
>ywn have a cute trans Trekkie gf
Just fucking kill me.
generally speaking yes
though it's easier if I can see the palm
You're delusional.
>defeats changeling subterfuge before wars start
How interesting
draw us a fat Riker, lad
I'm busy with something else, the thing I'm drawing now was actually paid.
Though fat and wg is right up my alley, so feel free to commission it sometime.
What went wrong with the Kelvin films?
How could he do that to himself? He looks horrible!
it's the sacrifice he was willing to make to get some of that pope pussy. most men would break when they realise they'd have to rescale their dicks to successfully infiltrate the Bajoran people, but Dukat is no ordinary man.
It's been posted in 8 separate threads, and one of them was the OP, those numbers make perfect sense to everyone who isn't a CBS marketer.
ok, youre actually enough of a bitch for me to believe youre a girl
Watching trials and tribblations, first DS9 episode, is Dax always this much of a slut?
"the ratio of two digits in particular, the 2nd (index finger) and 4th (ring finger), is affected by exposure to androgens, e.g., testosterone while in the uterus and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal androgen exposure, with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher prenatal androgen exposure.[2][3] The 2D:4D ratio is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger of a given hand by the length of the ring finger of the same hand. A longer index finger will result in a ratio higher than 1, while a longer ring finger will result in a ratio lower than 1.
The 2D:4D digit ratio is sexually dimorphic: although the second digit is typically shorter in both females and males, the difference between the lengths of the two digits is greater in males than in females.[4]
A number of studies have shown a correlation between the 2D:4D digit ratio and various physical and behavioral traits.[5]"
"evil man with motives you can't sympethize with threatens with enterprise with a gigantic superpowered spaceship of doom" is a boring overused premise.
>DS9 3x09 - Defiant
>The Obsidian Order is building ships illegally and hiding them in an area of space under their control, they are willing to attack their own military to keep this secret
Obviously part of the plan to destroy the Founders that they implement later, but...
>DS9 3x15 - Destiny
>The science team attempting to establish a communications relay through the wormhole "accidentally" create a situation where the wormhole could be destroyed, they admit that they knew it was possible but were ordered to cover it up by the Obsidian Order operative hiding amongst them "to make the plan seem less dangerous"
>This operative also sabotages the Defiant to try and prevent them solving this problem
Were the events of Destiny designed to combat the Dominion threat, with Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast being Plan B? It's pretty subtle and I only just spotted it on my 10+th rewatch.
Name me one thing he did wrong
Don't mind me, just posting best girl.
Daily reminder that even Kai Winn did less things wrong than Michael
Less than nothing? So they were both totally justified. Sounds right to me.
Definitely the D pre season 3, the essence of comfy
Who was the baby in the Star Trek OS episode "Friday's Child"? He or she must be around 50 years old by now, if still living.
Enterprise D is best Enterprise.
2 words: Aquatic OPS.
Take a hike, racist.
>I forgive you.
even the doctor wouldnt take part in janeway's extrajudicial killing
There was nothing wrong in "killing" Tuvix.
t. captain insaneway
Day old donuts, a crime against changelinganity.
>I don't give a damn about your right to exist, I need my tactical officer back. the cook eh maybe not so much. ENERGIZE
Dobby's a male though.
Computer starts to smoke...
YOU are the EVIL! The EVIL must be DESTROYED!
>Begs the captain to kill Tuvix so she can suck on Neelix's knob
>Dumps him immediately after
Kes was pretty cute for me as a tween. When I watch her now, she's a real bitch. This makes 7-of-9 the best waifu.
>Best captain
>Best science officer
>Best engineer
>Best doctor
>Best ship
>Best crew overall
>you will never be forcibly converted to a drone by Seven
In addition, the Bajoran people appear to live largely in refugee camps, having been expelled from their homeland by a group of people from another planet, and some groups have turned to terrorism to call attention to their situation and to strike back against their occupier. Finally, we learn that Bajorans have time and again been promised that something will be done about their situation, while the Federation has really never gone through with it, and have worked out border treaties and the like with the occupying force instead. It is this point which most glaringly positions the Federation as a surrogate for the U.S., who has acted similarly towards Palestine and our own colonized Native population in particular. Also as with Palestine, the promises made are directed at “officials” recognized by the Federation, people who generally do not command the respect of the Bajorans who live in the camps the officials are meant to speak for. These official channels are shown to be out of touch with the people on the ground, a situation reminiscent of the Palestinian authority and every day Palestinians.
This discrepancy is stressed by Ensign Ro Laren (a Bajoran advisor to the Enterprise crew) in the briefing held by Captain Picard to decide how to proceed in addressing the recent alleged terrorist attack by a Bajoran group on a Federation outpost in “Ensign Ro.” In this briefing the audience is presented with a typical meeting between the senior staff, with its members taking turns putting forth their views on how best to proceed. Dr. Crusher mentions a Bajoran man she has interacted with at several conferences.
His frequent representation of Bajoran interests at official Federation functions is held up as making him a potentially helpful candidate. However, as it turns out, he is one of these “officials” who cannot really be said to speak for the Bajoran people as a whole, as Ensign Ro bluntly states, clearly and intentionally embarrassing Dr. Crusher for her ignorance and naïvety.
Similarly, Ensign Ro admonishes Captain Picard when he ignorantly refers to her as "Ensign Laren.” This is a disconcerting moment for two reasons. First, Captain Picard elsewhere expresses knowledge of Bajoran culture. He speaks with admiration about their history of producing a vast civilization long before human beings were exploring the stars. That he is not familiar with Bajoran naming practices suggests that his knowledge may be derived from imperialist and shallow outside sources, such as the Orientalist scholars criticized for their exotification and unearned claims to authentic knowledge of Arab peoples in Edward Said’s work. Second, this is an uncharacteristic ignorance for the crew in general and Captain Picard in particular. This is ignorance not just of naming practices but with the lived realities of Bajoran life, with the extent of the atrocities committed by the Cardassians under the occupation and, as previously mentioned, that those Bajoran individuals invited to official functions on Federation worlds are not actually respected by the majority of the people they are said to represent.
Picard is generally represented as an all-knowing father figure, always composed and always prepared for any situation. That he is caught off guard by Ensign Ro is a major interruption to the narrative surrounding his character throughout the series, and a moment of unsettling rupture for dedicated fans, like myself. Such an inconsistency cries out as a contrivance meant to serve a very specific purpose for the writers.
>Best captain
>Best science officer
>Best engineer
>Best doctor
>Best ship
>Best crew overall
Probably TNG, TOS had some of the most memorable, but when it comes to interacting as a crew and how fleshed out they all are, it's not that much of a contest. DS9 would probably be here if you cut a lot of fat
This points to a strategic choice to place Picard as a USian surrogate for the viewer who is similarly ignorant about the colonial histories of Palestine and Korea (both being central inspirations). Through Picard, and the naively portrayed Dr. Crusher, we see USian ignorance reflected back on the audience. In a best case scenario this might lead that audience to ask about the important histories of imperialism around the world, and further, to ask ourselves WHY did we not already know about them. This demonstrates one strategy of using television for social justice: to poke and nudge at the gaps in hegemonic USian knowledge and education.
The answer to this question of “Why?” is that the US government allies itself strongly with Israel, and the official position of our government (and consequently our mainstream news outlets) is sympathetic to an extreme degree in favor of Israel’s “official” interpretation/presentation of history and events. As such, USian people often remain in ignorance of Palestinian and other Arab cultures, which are generally painted as our stereotypical "Others:" the West is Christian, the "Middle East" is Muslim, the West is democratic, the "Middle East" is full of dictators, the West is free, while the "Middle East" hates us for it. This is a long standing discursive relationship (Said), the rhetoric of which was ramped up to ever greater heights after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. But The Next Generation was conceptualizing the storyline of “Ensign Ro” in a time and place that was pre-9/11, a time when the
Didn't Ro say, when Picard called him Ensign Laren, that she still goes by the old Bajoran naming conventions? That seems to imply that a lot of the Bajorans Picard met used 'first name->surname' instead of the other way around. Or that may be more common amongst the refugee Bajorans, since everyone we met in DS9 used the traditional way of name order.
Also where are you getting this? Daystrom?