>highest paid actor is a colombian immigrant drumpsters BTFO
Christian Baker
who the fuck are any of these people
Luis Jones
Didn't even know who number 1 was
Owen Roberts
So the Jews didn't Jew the jew star
Wyatt Johnson
Is this surprising? Big Bang Theory has been the most popular sitcom on television for almost a decade.
Jaxon Carter
Jim Parsons is the zimbabwe guy. Mark Harmon is Gibbs from NCIS. Mariska Hargitay is that female cop main character on Law and Order SVU. The rest I don't recognize.
Jason Peterson
mindy kaling is still a thing?
Nathan Reed
>Sofia Vergara is the highest paid I wonder why?
Levi Rivera
Sofia Vergara is Gloria from Modern Family Kaley Cuoco is PENNY ! PENNY! PENNY! xDD from bbt. Im guessing poo in loo is the poo in loo from bbt too.