What made Immortan Joe the villain. It's a big deal for plebbit to say he's pure evil but I disagree.
pros >established civilization and order >provided water rations when he didn't have to >allowed women in leadership >provided best possible healthcare >thousands depended on him >all he needed was a healthy child
cons >4 girls were raped, maybe >he was patriarchy >theological despot
Noah Peterson
Its pretty simple. You dont understand the terminology. He might not be a villain (which he obviously was), but he was the main ANTAGONIST.
If you dont like it, then dont watch it.
Thomas White
Their probably was a reason Immortan Joe gave as little water to the people. Maybe there was alot less than was assumed. Maybe with Furiosa hosing everybody down they'll run out of water in a few months or so.
Either way the guy was a tyrant simple as that. The average movie goer isn't real big on tyrants.
Carson Reed
>You slightly scratched the leg of one of Joe's wives. How grateful do you think he's going to be that you caught them for him along with me, the traitor who helped them escape?
What did she mean by this?
Julian Ramirez
>no one cares about your shit flick for plebs
Brayden Gomez
was pretty dumb of him trusting a woman to drive desu senpai
Nathaniel Ward
Its pretty obvious that there was plenty of water. Not only do you need vast amounts to keep those crops green, but to sustain those numbers of warboys, gas town and even the bullet farm, but you have to regularly supply them.
That means that gas town needed steady income of water to trade for oil.
At the end of the day, everyone believes what they want to believe. Its just a fucking fictional action film, where the main badass is a MAN. Furiosa is a weak bitch without him. The virgins are quick to forget that.
Evan Long
Films like that are to be an outlet for a society's pent up anger towards its own government. It is a form of control, a release valve to prevent any sort of actual retaliation against the government or people in places of power.
Watching these movies pacifies you. You live vicariously through the movie. This allows you to remain a good sheep and little consumer whore.
Nicholas Lewis
>there's plenty of money and they can print all they need >why not give everyone all the money they want
Are you 12?
Jordan Hill
she was retarded, and her plan was fail.
there was no green land
Oliver Ross
>Its pretty obvious that there was plenty of water. >lists reasons that water needed to be conserved and rationed carefuly
What did he mean by this?
Logan Clark
he was treating the common people pretty badly and keeping the good things for him and the elite. also using slaves and human "bloodbags" he wasnt a nice guy
Adrian Hall
>Watching these movies pacifies you >literally end with feminist socialism giving water to everyone >mfw Max got out of there before the reign of terror.
Joshua Sanders
If it turns out letting everyone have as much water as they can drink dries up the aquifer then he was in the right. Else Immortan Joe is the villain for using water for his own benefit.
Parker Powell
>he was treating the common people pretty badly and keeping the good things for him and the elite.
well he and the elite built the society out of nothing and had to maintain the health of a core class of individuals that can protect the chief resource from literal bullet farmers and bandits.
At the beginning he trusts Furiosa to drive his truck down the road, and back and even that had an armed escort.
honestly in post apocalyptic in a hellhole, where else are the poor gonna go?
and applying our morals to the situation is ridiculous considering our societies morals are the reason the world was an apocalyptic wasteland..
>he wasnt a nice guy
neither was max, or furiosa, or even the old ladies who were setting up ambushes for robbing strangers
Christian Ward
Yea they made sure not to mention how much water there was, because thatd devalue Furiosas motives and methods.
Jordan Clark
he was a warlord I get it, but he could have been more benevolent and not treat people like cattle. anyway great character and movie. too little exposition though
Jacob Howard
The only mistake he really made was being autistic about MUH WIVES witch got him killed
Parker Stewart
>too little exposition though
Get the fuck out of here
Adam Roberts
To be fair, I don't think aquifers are that difficult to dry up so long as they don't use it to water acres and acres of golf courses.
Jace James
>I don't think aquifers are that difficult
they were in the middle of a desert and were established on a prime defensive position with more greenery than the last 3 movies put together.
Oliver Mitchell
>Get the fuck out of here im stuck in here forever.
anyway,with a little more history or character development it would be a 10/10. the way it is,is no more than a 8/10